Why was harry potter so popular

Read more: Hermione's 10 Sassiest Moments

1. The community

Admit it. You've played the "Which Harry Potter house are you in" game more times than you can count, you know your patronus, you've thought about which class you'd excel at and you've probably even worked out how you would try to clear Umbridge off the Hogwarts grounds once and for all. You've probably also spoken to friends, colleagues and strangers about the above and more, because what JK Rowling created when she dreamt up this magical tale on a train journey wasn't only a gripping story but also a whole community of young people obsessed, transfixed and devoted to the plight of the characters.

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2. It made us all think we could be a wizard

Just as Harry had been oblivious of his own magical heritage, JK Rowling's decision to represent the wizarding world's initiation in such a way made us all hope that on our 11th birthday we too would receive a Hogwarts attendance letter.

3. Hogwarts - just Hogwarts

A school steeped in heritage, secret corridors, moving staircases, glamorous balls, robes and endless feasts. It certainly made our muggle schools seem incredibly boring and lacking in... well, magic.

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A three-headed dog named Fluffy, invisible-to-some thestrals, the deathly basilisk, the regal spider Aragog: the breadth and expansion of JK Rowling's imagination truly comes alive when you catalogue the animals, beasts and bogarts she created to live inside her wizarding world. Harry needn't have taken that visit to London Zoo if he'd have known the furry, flying friends he'd soon be meeting. Also, special shout out to Dobby here.

5. The character names

As is the case for much of the Harry Potter world, Rowling didn't just name someone something for the sake of it. Oh no. Each character's name and trait is a well-thought-out hint to what their own narrative will be. Rowling has admitted to collecting slightly obscure names so that when it came to naming a new character she had a catalogue waiting. Some of our favourites include Hedwig - Harry's beloved pet owl: referencing one of the pillars of the whole tale, Hedwig's name is likely to be a reference to Saint Hedwig of Andechs, duchess of Silesia, the patron saint of orphans. Dumbledore: a very old English name for a bee. Rowling stated that this was in reference to his love of music and the fact she can imagine himself humming a lot. And of course, the reason we all really wanted to see a film depiction. The correct pronunciation of Hermione. Whether you went with a Hermy-one, Hermee-on-ee or even guessed right, there was a collective "Ahh, Her-my-on-ee" when the Philosopher's Stone hit cinemas.

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One of the main reasons that the series has become so loved is it's attention to detail and the costumes, clothing choices and descriptions of the characters. Think Harry's lightening-shaped scar, his broken glasses and his "mother's eyes". Umbridge's saccharine aesthetic which is so different to her cold elitist approach to governing and the differing appearances of Durmstrang, Beauxbatons and Hogwarts students. Yes, the film franchise has helped us grasp this, but the way that Rowling included and focused on character aided the magic of the story.

7. The breadth of imagination

Not a stone left unturned, the wizarding world is a fully-formed alternative that at once feels far removed from life as we know it, but still familiar and completely plausible. It's Rowling's ability to shape and invent a wizarding parallel for even the most mundane of tasks (going to the bank, a wizard high street, the night bus) that contributes to the overall magnificence. It's also the unknown. There are things we are yet to find out, but that's what Pottermore is for, right?

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Throughout the books there are several plot spoilers disguised as dismissible inclusions that seem to just help move the story on, not reveal major future revelations. Think the Weasley twins throwing snowballs at Quirrel's head - we now know that that would have been directly at Voldemort's face. Or one of our particular favourites, Trelawney's 13 seats at the table theory. In Prisoner of Azkaban, the divination professor refuses to dine with Dumbledore and guests, declaring: "If I join the table, we shall be thirteen! Nothing could be more unlucky! Never forget that when 13 dine together, the first to rise will be the first to die!" In the Order of the Phoenix, when at Grimauld Place, 13 are dining with Sirius being the first to stand. Sob, sob.

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9. It got young children reading

While the books were released before the age of the internet as we know it, they have played an important role in getting young children across the world invested in the world of literature. In fact, it's estimated that over 450 million copies have been sold and while that doesn't translate into direct reads - there's also the highly likely fact that there are constant re-readers - the series of novels has had a serious impact on the literature scene, and JK Rowling's bank account.

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It's wonder might be in the magic, but the values that the book instill knuckles down to intrinsically human qualities. There's bravery on multiple scales, from facing bogarts to killing Voldemort, there's loyalty - Snape's actions are the very definition of the word - and the plot focuses closely on the importance of trusting both your own instincts and those in your inner circle.

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11. The tale has shaped a generation

If you're in your teens, you've never known a world without Harry Potter. Millennial lives have been enriched by this humble tale. It's no secret that our generation love a nostalgic throwback and for many the story of the boy who lived is the ultimate childhood pillar. We'll insist our children read the books and no matter what time of year, mood or age, nothing could ever beat a Sunday afternoon HP binge.

12. It shone a light on mental health

Rowling has explained on several occasions that plot features refer to significant milestones in her own life. Exploring her own experience with depression, she has likened it to the evil, soul-sucking way dementors operate. What it's also worth noting is the spell conjured to overcome the demontors. In order to eliminate them you need to produce a patronus, and in order to produce one you need to produce a memory of significant strength. Essentially, when things around you feel dark, focus on positive thoughts and happy memories.

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While the Hogwarts headmaster's sexuality is not discussed explicitly in the novels, Rowling has since confirmed that he is homosexual. There's two things to note here. Dumbledore is not defined by his sexuality as can often be the case in literature, nor is it an essential part of the plot. However, the confirmation was also an important step forward for LGBT visibility.

14. The links to the real world

One of the most enticing things about the wizarding world is that it runs parallel to ours. There are subtle crossovers and references to muggle marvels throughout the books that help it seem somehow in reach and therefore all the more believable. One of our favourite historical crossovers is the Malfoy family and the quest for the British throne. In a Pottermore entry, Rowling explains that an ancestor of Draco "was an unsuccessful aspirant to the hand of Elizabeth I" and due to her rejections cursed her luck in love going forward.

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15. Language

Muggles, felix felicis, wingardium leviosa - these words - amongst hundreds of others - 20 years ago would have meant nothing to the world. Now, they're part of a lexicon that unites fans all over the world.

16. The world extends beyond the book

Now a theme park, audio books, merchandise, fan-fiction sites, oh and some films you might have heard about... The wizarding world now stands so much more than a collection of books on a stand.

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Much like the reasons behind the names we explored earlier, even all the characters - and especially the slightly minor ones - had significant reasons for being in the book. Take Moaning Myrtle, Rowling has explained that she was inspired by the omnipresence of hysterical girls in women's toilets in nightclubs, and particualrly enjoyed exploring how Harry and Ron dealt with this new experience.

18. We know so much but there's still so much more to find out

While the story of the second wizarding war has been tied up neatly, there's still so much potential to explore the follow up or even delve into a more detailed prequel - just as The Cursed Child play and Fantastic Beasts have done. Will Rowling pick up her Potter pen once more? Only she knows, but what is a certain is that the appetite is undeniable.

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19. The coupling up

Nothing is by chance in the Potter-verse. The love stories of James and Lily Potter and Hermione and Ron are some of our stand-out romantic moments. Although, we would have perhaps more so championed a Harry and Hermione situation. The Potters' union at first seems odd but when their patronuses are revealed later on in the book, it's clear that they were soulmates. As Rowling once explained, a patronus can mutate over time to be most associated to their happy thoughts. In this case it's likely that their's altered to reflect each other - a stag and doe. Similarly, Ron's patronus is a terrier which is famed for being bred for chasing otters, Hermione's form. Ever so sweet.

20. The quotes that will stick with us forever

While the plot often takes centre stage, it's also worth paying attention to the beauty of the writing. So many sections of the books are quotable and relatable to share at all times of life. Here are some of our favourites: "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live", "But you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light," "We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are." And then of course the classic that started this whole magical journey off: "You're a wizard, Harry."


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