How to fix a cracked driveway

Repair and resurface a concrete driveway in a weekend or less. Better Homes and Gardens contributing editor Danny Lipford shows you how.

Though concrete is a durable surface, concrete driveways deteriorate and develop cracks over the years. Rather than going through the expense of removing the slab and pouring a new one, you may be able to repair and resurface the existing concrete.

Cracks in concrete can be caused by tree roots and soil movement, as well as freezing and thawing cycles in the winter and expansion during the summer.

Before the driveway can be repaired, it must be thoroughly cleaned. A pressure washer is a great way to remove mold, mildew, and dirt. Start by wetting down the concrete to prevent the cleaner from drying too quickly.

Purchase a masonry cleaning solution that includes strong degreasing agents or agents that get rid of plant staining and mold. Add the cleaning solution to the pressure washer reservoir.

Spray the cleaner on the surface of the concrete using a low-pressure nozzle following the instructions on the container.

Once the cleaner has been applied, attach a high-pressure nozzle to the pressure washer.

Clean the surface of the driveway thoroughly using the high-pressure nozzle and settings. Clean debris from cracks, and remove any dirt or loose concrete.

Pour enough dry concrete mix into a 5-gallon bucket to repair any cracks and patch damaged areas. Sand mix or concrete resurfacer, which do not contain gravel, may be used if the area to be repaired is not large or deep. A standard concrete mix that contains gravel works best for patching large or deep areas.

Mix the concrete with water to a thick consistency (similar to cookie dough). A mixing paddle attached to a heavy-duty low-RPM drill makes quick work of preparing the concrete.

Pour the mixed concrete in the cracks and damaged areas.

A flat edged trowel is used to work the mixture into the cracks.

Once the cracks and other damaged spots have been filled, use the trowel to remove excess concrete and smooth the surface.

Allow the concrete used to repair cracks and other damaged areas to dry overnight.

After the repair work is complete, it's time to apply a thin coat of resurfacing concrete over the entire driveway. Mix the resurfacer much thinner than the concrete that was used to repair cracks, making it about the consistency of pancake batter. Before applying the resurfacer, blow or sweep off any leaves or debris, then wet the surface down to keep the concrete from drying too fast.

When the driveway is ready, pour the resurfacer out and spread it using a rubber squeegee, working a small area at a time. Getting an even coat without lap marks takes practice.

When the concrete begins to set, a broom with an extended handle can be used to give a bit of texture to the surface. This prevents the concrete from becoming slippery when wet. Allow at least six hours drying time before walking on the driveway, and 24 hours or more before driving on it.

  • More projects and advice from Danny Lipford

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Cracks not only make your driveway look unattractive and unkempt, if left unattended, they can eventually grow and cause the driveway to crumble. Whether you have an asphalt or concrete driveway, the more proactive you are at catching and repairing cracks, the longer your driveway will last without the need for expensive resurfacing.

Step 1: Inspect the Driveway

Before you begin, inspect your driveway to see what damage exists and what materials you'll need. Any cracks wider than hairline should be measured with a ruler or tape measure to determine what materials you will need to make adequate repairs (See Step 4). Put on old clothes, shoes and protective gloves before starting any work.

Use a weed-removing tool, a lawn edger or a spade to scrape away any grass or weeds that may be in cracks in the driveway's surface. For concrete driveways, use a hammer and mason's chisel to chip away at any soft or crumbled concrete in and around the cracks or crumbling areas. Concrete cracks must be chiseled so that the crack is wider below the surface than on the top. Clean with a stiff wire brush to dislodge and remove all loose particles from the edges of small holes and any large cracks. Then use a stiff push broom to remove dirt and debris from the driveway. You can also blast away loose material with water from a garden hose or with air from an air compressor.

Wear eye protection (safety glasses) when removing debris to protect your eyes against debris.

For best results, scrub your entire driveway with a diluted driveway cleaner and a stiff brush to remove stubborn dirt and oil spots.

Consider wearing kneepads — this job requires quite a bit of kneeling.

Step 2: Wash the Driveway

Hose the driveway with as much pressure as possible. Consider renting a power washer. Work from the center out to the sides or from one side to another. Start uphill, too, so the dirt won't wash back onto the cleaned area.

Hose the driveway until it's completely wet and then sprinkle a thin layer of environmentally safe detergent. Use a stiff brush or push broom to work the detergent into the surface. Then hose the driveway again until the water runoff is clear. Let it dry completely.

Step 3: Remove Remaining Debris

Use a shop vacuum to remove any remaining dirt from the cracks to be filled. These must be very clean and dry before filling. Don't use compressed air for this step or the dirt will blow out of the crack and onto your just cleaned driveway.

Step 4: Fill/Repair Cracks

Fill/Repair Asphalt Driveway Cracks

For asphalt driveways, choose a water-based acrylic filler/sealer. You can expect to cover 300 to 500 sq. ft. per five gallons of sealer, depending on the general condition of the driveway and if it has been sealed previously. For best results, use filler/sealers that fill cracks up to 1/8" wide and look for crack fillers that have rubberized asphalt emulsion. For cracks less than 1/8", use crack filler in pourable squeeze bottles. Squeeze the liquid into the crack filling the crack completely.

For cracks up to ½", use crack filler packaged in no-mess cartridges for a caulking gun or in pourable squeeze bottles. Squeeze the caulking gun trigger steadily as you pull the tip along the crack. If using pourable filler, fill the crack and smooth away excess with a putty knife. Be sure to keep the filler in the crack, not on the driveway surface.

For cracks ½" to 2" wide, fill the crack with non-porous foam backer rod material before applying crack filler.

For potholes or cracks wider than 2", you'll need to do a little more repair. Shovel packaged cold-patch blacktop into the well-cleaned hole, and then use an iron rake to level the patch. Use a cold chisel and a hand-drilling hammer to undercut the edges so the hole is wider at the bottom than it is at the driveway surface. This will lock in the patch once it has been compacted.

Clean tools immediately after use with warm soapy water. You don't want the filler to set on your tools for good.

Press down the material as best as you can with a tamper or the end of a 2 x 4 board, adding more material as you go, until the hole is slightly overfilled. Then place a piece of scrap plywood over the patch and drive your car back and forth across it to further compact it.

Once the cracks are filled, it's time to seal the asphalt. First, be sure that your patches have cured for at least one day, if not two. Before you start, mix sealant well and once or twice during the process. After masking adjoining areas, mist the driveway with water. Then pour a 1'-wide ribbon of sealant across the driveway. Push and pull the sealant with the squeegee side of a brush applicator to spread it until you've covered an area that's about 3' or 4' wide. Repeat this process until you've covered the entire driveway. You can also go over the surface with a paint roller on an extension pole to even out the coverage.

Using the brush side of the applicator, pull the sealant toward you and apply enough pressure to remove all excess sealant. Continue down the driveway. Two thin coats are better than one thick coat. Allow the first coat to dry between 4 to 12 hours before applying the second. Block the end of the driveway to keep cars off until it is completely dry — at least 24 to 36 hours.

You can use silica sand additive to make coatings less slippery when wet.

Fill/Repair Concrete Driveway Cracks

To fill hairline concrete cracks, you can usually use a patching compound to make the repair. First apply a concrete bonding adhesive or primer/additive to create the best bond possible between the old surface and the patching material. Use an old or inexpensive paintbrush to work the liquid into the surface. Wash the brush immediately after use with soap and water or discard it.

Use gloves, goggles and a dust mask when preparing the driveway or handling cement products.

The primer will stain so avoid getting it on any adjacent surfaces. Wash it off promptly if it does get on any other surfaces.

Use a putty knife or trowel to apply a vinyl patching compound in multiple layers as directed by the manufacturer. Mix only the amount of patching you'll need for each layer. Press it firmly to force the initial layer into all nooks and crannies and allow drying time between layers.

You can also patch thin cracks with a cement mixture. In a small bucket, mix one part cement and three parts sand with enough water to make a stiff paste. In a separate container, mix a small amount of cement with more water — enough to make a cement paint.

If you can, paint the inside of the crack with the thinner cement mixture. This will act like a primer. Then take the paste mixture and pack it firmly into the crack with a putty knife or trowel. Level the mixture with a straight-edged concrete-finishing trowel. Let the patch sit undisturbed for about an hour, then go over the entire surface with a float or trowel in a circular motion, blending it well with the surrounding surface.

When applying the patch, make sure you cut deeply into the mixture with your trowel to remove any air pockets.

To patch large cracks (more than 1/8'' wide and 1/2'' deep), use foam backer rods. Sold in a variety of lengths and diameters, foam backer rods are great for supporting a patch and preventing it from sinking into any cracks as it dries and ages. Use a putty knife to force the flexible rod into the crack, placing it about 1/4'' below the surface. Now you can patch the area as you would with a small crack. After smoothing the patch with a trowel, let it set for a couple of hours. Then cover it with a sheet of plastic, weighing the plastic down at the edges with bricks or rocks. Keep the area covered for an entire week, making sure to mist it with a little water each day to keep it slightly moist.

Alright! You're done! Your driveway is now structurally sound and looking like new.

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