How to say dont call me in spanish

don't call me

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please don't call me again

please don't make me

please don't tell me

please don't leave me

please don't ask me

don't ever call me

huwag muna, huwag mo akong tawagan

hey! don't call me bad!!!

“don’t call me foreigner”

“no me llames extranjero”

llamame ahora por whatsapp

Page 2

*3*4 is a number. you most likely do not need to translate this

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

I want to be a motor mechanic or have any job where people don't call me a charsi [drug addict], he says.

Quiero ser mecánico automotor, o tener cualquier otro trabajo en el que nadie me llame charsi (drogadicto) , afirma.

But please, don't call me a 'theistic evolutionist!' (1986, 38:282).

Pero por favor, ¡no me llame un 'evolucionista teísta'! (1986, 38:282).

You can call me a pleader, a polemicist, a sophist, a contrarian-just don't call me a boring fallen angel.

Pueden llamarme defensor, polémico, sofista u opositor -mientras no me llame ángel caído aburrido.

But don't call me a bad guy just yet.

Venga, ¿quién iba a querer?

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


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