Can Storm Shadow beat Snake Eyes?

Snake Eyes was a former commando and Master Sergeant, acquiring great hand-to-hand combat skills and enhanced abilities such as his stealth, agility, reflex, strategic tactics, and other senses. As commando, he completed many missions, specifically the one he went on with Stalker and Storm Shadow into Vietnam which he depicted great willpower, stamina and durability. After obtaining his abilities, he then ventured off to find study ninja arts with Storm Shadow and the Arashikage Clan, where he learned multiple martial art styles from many masters and became a full-fledged master (becoming a member of the G.I. Joe's and training the team combat skills soon afterwards).

Here's a scene where Snake Eyes fights off trained ninjas and escaping from Storm Shadow and his ninjas displaying his H2H combat skills, stealthy approach, and tactical strategies.


Snake Eyes sword-fighting blind folded and defeating his opponent showing his enhanced senses and abilities.


Snake Eyes taking on a group of highly trained ninjas wielding maces, katanas, and other weaponry with just a pocket knife.


Here are scans depicting Snake Eyes' enhanced senses and abilities as well as his combat skills. He is shown blitzing through three men in the first scan, fighting off ninjas pointing their weapons at him at close range in the second scan, catching an arrow in the third and displaying his enhanced senses, defeating Slice and Dice (exceptionally skilled fighters) at the same time portraying his enhanced agility in the fourth, and deflecting mutliple bullets with his swords which elaborates on his extremely enhanced reflexes in the fifth scan.


Panels of Snake Eyes taking on Starstorm (although this is non-canon). I mean, not any normal human would do that, but instead run for their lives like Shia Labeouf and Megan Fox mostly were doing in the Transformer movies.


The most popular member of the G.I. Joe team is Snake Eyes, though Captain Grid-Iron comes in a close second. Hopefully, Grid-Iron will pop up in the next round of movies. Snake Eyes served in Vietnam alongside Storm Shadow and Stalker.

Snake Eyes has extensive training in hand to hand combat, both from the military and Storm Shadow's ninja clan. As good as Snake Eyes is in a fight, he is equally good with blades, guns, and explosives. Beyond that, little is known about his history, though watching him face off against Marvel heroes and villains could bring new information to light.

10/10 LOSE TO: Daredevil

The Man Without Fear is about as good a fighter as you're going to find in the Marvel Universe. Trained in a variety of combat styles from an early age, his enhanced senses and radar ability give him an edge in almost any fight. From a purely physical standpoint, he and Snake Eyes match up quite well.

While Daredevil might be blind, it's those powerful remaining senses of his that would give him the win. Snake Eyes would find it difficult to create a trap for Matt Murdock as he could perceive them before setting them off. G.I. Joe's resident commando would have to fight Matt head-on, and Daredevil would win that.

9/10 DEFEAT: Hawkeye

As great an archer as Hawkeye is, you need more than that to take on Snake Eyes. You have to keep in mind that Snake Eyes has a lot of experience dealing with guys who use bows and can fight. If anyone knows how to take someone like Hawkeye down quickly and efficiently, it's Snake Eyes.

Snake Eyes has more weapons in his arsenal and a much greater range of fighting skills than Hawkeye. While Hawkeye would give Snake Eyes a run for his money, the end result would be inevitable. After everything was said and done, maybe they could hang out.

8/10 LOSE TO: Bullseye

Bullseye doesn't miss. It's as simple as that. Plus, he can turn virtually anything into a weapon. If Bullseye was coming at Snake Eyes with something the commando was used to, like a gun or a knife, that wouldn't be a problem. He knows how to handle those situations.

However, fighting someone who uses playing cards and paper clips as weapons would definitely throw Snake Eyes off his game. As good as he is in the field versus most opponents, it's kind of hard to plan for someone like Bullseye if you've never had to deal with him before. He comes out of the left-field, often throwing pencils at you.

7/10 DEFEAT: Taskmaster

The ability to nearly immediately mimic anyone's fighting style makes Taskmaster a formidable opponent for almost anyone. Formidable, but not unbeatable. Snake Eyes might not have Taskmaster's abilities but he does have training in a dozen different fighting styles.

Add his proficiency with a surprisingly large array of weapons and you have a cocktail recipe perfect for kicking Taskmaster's butt. Snake Eyes has more than enough options in his repertoire to keep Taskmaster guessing. He might even learn a thing or two from Snake Eyes.

6/10 LOSE TO: Black Panther

While Snake Eyes has a vast arsenal at his disposal alongside his formidable fighting skills, it would be hard for him to defeat the Black Panther. T'Challa's strength, speed, and agility have all been enhanced by the heart-shaped herb, and he also wears a suite comprised of advanced Wakandan technology.

T'Challa is one of the best fighters on the planet. Snake Eyes has the skills to make the fight interesting but the inevitable result would be a Black Panther victory. That being said, the King of Wakanda might take an interest in someone like Snake Eyes and help him upgrade his gear.

5/10 DEFEAT: Kingpin

The Kingpin of Crime has made several attempts to take over New York's underworld, some of which were more successful than others. He is frequently stopped by Daredevil and Spider-Man, though he has been known to cross paths with other Marvel heroes.

The Kingpin would actually be an interesting opponent for Snake Eyes. His criminal empire gives him access to an array of resources and an army to throw at Snake Eyes. But the Kingpin is also a powerful fighter in his own right. While Snake Eyes would ultimately win, the fight would be a good one.

4/10 LOSE TO: Silver Sable

The leader of the Wild Pack is one of Marvel's most prolific and recognizable mercenaries. Her work in this area represents the vast majority of the economy of her home country, Symkaria. Silver Sable has no powers but is a highly trained fighter, gymnast, and marksmen. Plus, she has the backing of the Wild Pack, a mercenary team that includes the likes of Sandman and Battlestar.

If they faced off one-on-one, Snake Eyes might be to get the better of Silver Sable. That's not how she operates, though. With her team having her back, she would come out on top in this fight. That said, it's probably good for Sable to remember that Snake Eyes also has a team.

3/10 DEFEAT: Deadpool

The Merc with a Mouth facing off against the commando who cannot talk. It's a match made in heaven. Outside of Deadpool's healing factor, he and Snake Eyes have pretty similar skill sets. They both have extensive combat training. They both love to mix blades, guns, and bombs. They both wear masks after unfortunate situations destroyed their faces.

Deadpool's healing factor often gives him an edge in most fights but Snake Eyes is different than most of the people Wade fights. Snake Eyes is more than willing to lock Deadpool in a room he can't get out of and throw away the key.

2/10 LOSE TO: Captain America

Steve Rogers fought to enlist in the army during World War II because he believed it was the right thing to do. Keeping in mind how little fans know about his past, one would have to imagine that a similar drive pushed Snake Eyes to enlist during Vietnam.

It's honestly highly unlikely that a meeting between Snake Eyes and Captain American would end up in a fight. They share very similar goals. If they did fight, the Super Soldier would come out on top. He has taken on and beaten numerous foes like Snake Eyes in the past. This match would be no different.

1/10 DEFEAT: Punisher

The similarities between Punisher and Snake Eyes are quite surprising. Frank Castle also served in Vietnam and they both tragically lost their families. Unlike Punisher, Snake Eyes did not choose to become a mass murderer in response to that tragedy.

Snake Eyes moved on with his life, training with Storm Shadow's family and disappearing into the High Sierra mountains before G.I. Joe came knocking. As good as Frank is at what he does, he is simply not equipped to deal with someone as deadly as Snake Eyes.

NEXT: 5 Reasons Why The Original G.I. Joe Cartoon Is The Best Version Of The Story (& 5 Why It's The Comics)

Who is more powerful Snake Eyes or Storm Shadow?

They are both very equally skilled. I have even heard some people say that Storm Shadow has defeated Snake Eyes more times in the comics, but not sure if it is true. So in the end who do you think would win if they fought to the death, neither holding back.

Are Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes enemies?

Storm Shadow is Snake Eyes' arch-enemy and a fellow member of the Arashikage Clan. With the movie serving as an origin story for Golding's Snake Eyes, we'll likely see the two characters train together before ultimately falling apart and becoming bitter rivals.

Who can defeat Snake Eyes?

When it comes to cheesing either of these Snake Eyes bosses in Sekiro, it depends which one you're talking about. For Snake Eyes Shirafuji, you're going to want to use the Sabimaru, as this boss in the Sunken Valley really can't stand taking poison damage, and is incredibly weak to it.

Is Storm Shadow the same as Snake Eyes?

Although Storm Shadow called Snake Eyes "brother," the exact nature of that relationship is unknown, aside from the fact that they were trained by their master together. Storm Shadow frequently blames Snake Eyes for the downfall of the Arashikage ninja clan.


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