How long after LASIK can I get water in my eyes

What are the Costs of LASIK in Houston?

The price of LASIK in Houston tends to range between $2500 and $3600 per eye. There are several chain practices that offer LASIK only and may advertise a really low price but after your evaluation that price could change. At IQ laser Vision, Dr. Fred Mattioli offers straight forward pricing with no gimmicks. LASIK could be a game changer and open your eyes to a whole new world. Feel free try our LASIK calculator to see how much you will save over time from not needing to constantly buy contacts and glasses.

Contact us about LASIK affordability as we can help with various options from LASIK patient financing to HSA account fund usage.

Learn about Financing Options

Summertime is here! The hottest season of the year would not be complete without cooling off in the pool from time to time. If you have recently undergone corrective eye surgery, or if you are considering this treatment, you may be wondering if you will be able to go swimming after LASIK.

Here, our team at Deen Gross Eye Centers in Merrillville, IN discusses the LASIK recovery process in a bit more detail and provides instructions for having fun in the sun while keeping your eyes protected.

LASIK Makes Swimming Easier and More Convenient

Once you recover from your LASIK procedure, swimming will be much more fun and convenient. You won’t have to wear glasses or contact lenses to see clearly.

Since the warmer months are upon us, we know you can’t wait to take that first leap into the water. However, because your eyes will be more vulnerable to irritants following your LASIK surgery, you will need to wait a bit before taking the plunge.

How Long before I Can Go Swimming?

Exactly how long do you need to wait before swimming? Your doctor will let you know for sure. However, here are some general guidelines:

  • One week post-op: At this point, the corneal incision is still healing exposing your eyes to water can increase the risk of infection.
  • Two to three weeks post-op: Although the corneal incision has likely closed over at this point, we recommend that you continue to avoid submerging in pools, hot tubs, lakes, the ocean, or any other body of water during this time to further decrease the risk of infection.
  • One month post-op: Once you have reached a full month of healing, you can swim. You may wish to wear goggles or a mask. It is important to note that we don’t recommend opening your eyes underwater, as it can lead to eye irritation.

Remember Sun Protection

While protective eyewear is essential when participating in outdoor activities, it is also important to protect your eyes from the sun. While outside, always wear sunglasses with 100 percent protection from both UVA and UVB rays.

In addition, a wide-brimmed hat should be worn as well to protect the eyelids from irritation and sunburn.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water can help your eyes stay moist and comfortable. This is even more important after LASIK surgery. Staying hydrated helps support natural tear function, protecting your eyes from irritation.

Use Eye Drops

Following your LASIK procedure, you will be provided with eye drops. These will contain a specific set of ingredients to prevent dry eye symptoms and protect them from infection and injury. Be sure to use these every day, exactly as directed.

Contact Us for More Information

If you are about to have LASIK surgery, you may have to wait a few weeks before taking a dip in the pool. But soon, you will be splashing in the sun, free of cumbersome eyewear. To learn more about LASIK or recovery following the procedure, contact us online or call us at (219) 769-8989.

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Ophthalmologist & LASIK Surgeon Serving Chicago, Lombard & Naperville Areas Of Illinois

Posted: July 29, 2019

In the mid-summer Chicago heat, fewer things are more refreshing than a dip in your local pool or into the waves of Lake Michigan. If you wear glasses or contacts, however, you may feel like you’re making a frustrating compromise: you either fumble without glasses, risk losing a contact lens in the water, or shell out money for prescription swim goggles.

LASIK surgery can alleviate that issue. After your procedure, you’ll be able to swim with clear vision and without worrying about lenses. Read on to learn about the LASIK recovery timeline and how soon after your surgery you can get back in the water.

LASIK Recovery

LASIK is a minimally invasive surgery that does not require general anesthesia. It has a very light recovery process — so light, in fact, that many patients can drive and resume work the day after their procedure.

One of the most critical aspects of LASIK recovery is avoiding contact sports and physical athletic activities, such as tackle football or basketball, while your eyes heal. Therefore, swimming can be an excellent way to relax and exercise when you’re unable to engage in other activities. However, you can’t jump in the pool right away.

Swimming After LASIK

Your eyes are more vulnerable to irritation and infection in the weeks after LASIK. Swimming pools are chlorinated and disinfected. That chlorine can irritate sensitive eyes during your recovery.

Natural bodies of water, such as rivers, lakes, and oceans, aren’t chlorinated. They may contain higher levels of bacteria that could cause eye infections, as well as dirt and sand particles that may irritate your eyes.

Here is a general timeline for how quickly you can get in the water after your procedure:

  • 1 week after surgery: You can swim in a chlorinated pool. Be sure to wear goggles.
  • 2 weeks after surgery: You can sit in a hot tub and swim in natural bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers, and oceans. You can also resume low impact water sports such as kayaking and snorkeling. You should still wear goggles when swimming.
  • 3 weeks after surgery: You can engage in all water sports, including high-impact activities such as water polo, but you must still wear protective goggles.
  • 4 weeks after surgery: You can swim without goggles and open your eyes underwater.

Anytime you’re outside, including at the pool or beach, take care to wear UV sunglasses to protect your eyes. This is especially crucial in the first six weeks after your procedure.

Do I Have to Wait to Shower After LASIK, Too?

No, you don’t. You can shower and bathe immediately after your LASIK surgery. Be extra careful not to get soap, shampoo, or water into your eyes, though. When you dry off, whether after a bath, shower, or swim, be sure not to rub your eyes with your towel.

Schedule Your Chicago LASIK Consultation Today

Dr. Richard Foulkes is one of Chicago’s leading LASIK physicians. He has more than 20 years of experience and has performed more than 48,000 LASIK procedures. He is dedicated to giving you comfortable, professional care that leaves you with clear vision.

Dr. Foulkes serves Lombard, Naperville, Downers Grove, and nearby areas of Chicago. Call 630-724-1400 today to schedule a consultation.

How many days after LASIK Can I wash my hair?

After laser eye surgery, take these precautions to prevent injury or infection: Don't take a shower or wash your hair until the day after. Avoid getting non-sterile water from showers, hair washing, etc. into your eyes during the first few days after surgery.

Can I open my eyes under water after LASIK?

One month post-op: Once you have reached a full month of healing, you can swim. You may wish to wear goggles or a mask. It is important to note that we don't recommend opening your eyes underwater, as it can lead to eye irritation.

What happens if sweat gets in your eye after LASIK?

You want to get some exercise, but you don't want to sweat too much. Getting sweat in your eyes after LASIK surgery can cause an infection. You also don't want to do anything that can strain your eye muscles. Here are some workouts to try while you are recovering from LASIK.

Can I shower 3 days after LASIK?

You are fine to shower or bathe the day after you have had laser eye surgery. However, you do need to try to ensure you do not get any soap or water in your eyes for at least a week.


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