Can you create items in Roblox?

Classic clothing are a type of 2D cosmetic item that you can apply to the surface of an avatar character. You can create your own classic clothing items and sell them on the Avatar Catalog.

This guide covers the process of creating a classic clothes asset using the following steps:

  1. Designing an image for a T-shirt, or Shirts and Pants using third-party image processing program.

  2. Testing the look of the classic clothes in Studio.

  3. Uploading the image assets to the Avatar Catalog.


The three types of classic clothing items are T-shirts, Shirts, and Pants. Each has different design and format requirements.


T-shirts are square images applied to the front of an avatar's torso. To make a t-shirt, create a square image (such as 512×512 pixels) and then upload it to Roblox using the Asset Manager to test in your own experience.

Shirts and Pants

Classic shirts and pants are image assets that wrap around an avatar's body. To create shirts and pants, download the following clothing templates and draw your own art on top. Once completed, you can upload it to Roblox using the Asset Manager to test in your own experience.

The following table includes sizes for each template part:

ShapePixel Size (width x height)Clothing Parts
Large square 128 × 128 FRONT and BACK
Tall rectangle 64 × 128 Sides of torso (R, L)
Sides of arms and legs (L, B, R, F)
Wide rectangle 128 × 64 UP and DOWN
Small square 64 × 64 Top and bottom of arms and legs (U, D)

When applying clothing to R15 avatars in Roblox, some limits exist with the templates and may require some testing to get right, as shown in the following examples:


It is important to test your clothes before uploading or selling. You can test your clothes without needing to pay any fees.

  1. In Studio, open the Plugins tab and click Build Rig.

  2. Choose a rig type from the popup menu. This should drop an avatar mannequin in your workspace named Dummy.

  3. In the Explorer window, hover over the Dummy object, click the button and insert either a ShirtGraphic (T-shirt), Shirt, or Pants object according to the clothing you want to test.

  4. Locate and select the new Shirt Graphic or Clothing object parented under Dummy.

    Shirt Graphic (T-shirt)

    Clothing (Shirt/Pants)

  5. In the Properties window, locate the associated property as follows:

    Graphic (T-Shirt)

    ShirtTemplate (Shirt)

    PantsTemplate (Pants)

  6. Click inside the property's row and select the image you uploaded to Roblox. This applies the clothing texture to the dummy character.


Once you’ve finalized and tested your design, you can upload the clothing item to Roblox. All designs uploaded to the Avatar Catalog require a fee. Once successfully uploaded and added to the catalog, you receive a commission for all sales of your items.

To upload a custom clothing item:

  1. Navigate to the Roblox Create page.

  2. Click on either Shirts, Pants or T-shirts in the left column, depending on your design.

  3. In the main panel, click Choose File to select your template file. Your shirt or pants image must be exactly 585 pixels wide and 559 pixels tall or the upload will fail.

  4. Choose a name for your clothing.

  5. Click on the Upload button. Once approved by Roblox, the item shows up as one of your creations and can be equipped or offered for sale to other Roblox players.

Can you make avatar items in Roblox?

Roblox players are able to purchase shirts and pants in the Avatar Shop or make their own! You can choose to keep your creations to yourself or even sell them to your fellow players. You can create your own by clicking the Create a Shirt and Create Pants pages.

Can u make Roblox accessories?

You can create an Accessory from an imported MeshPart using the Accessory Fitting Tool. A MeshPart can be converted into a rigid accessory that remains static relative to its attachment point or a layered accessory that stretches and fits around any avatar body.

Do you need premium to make items in Roblox?

If you don't have a Roblox Premium account, you must pay Robux in order to create in-game shirts and other items. On the other hand, if you have a Roblox Premium account, you can upload as many shirts as you like, along with the option of selling those cosmetics to other users.

Can you sell your own Roblox items?

How to Sell Roblox Created Items. Right now only an account with a membership can participate in private selling. Additionally, as with trading, only items marked as Limited or Limited U are able to be sold.


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