Free crochet pattern for chicken potholder


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These chicken potholders are so adorable! And since this chicken /hen potholder was so loved by so many of you, chances are, you may love this one too! This adorable Crocheted C… 


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[Free Pattern] Adorable Little Chicken Potholder To Brighten Up Your Kitchen! - Knit And Crochet DailyKnit And Crochet Daily

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[Free Pattern] Adorable Little Chicken Potholder To Brighten Up Your Kitchen! - Knit And Crochet DailyKnit And Crochet Daily

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If you love chickens or want to make a cute chicken potholder then this pattern is for you! This fun chicken pattern offers an easy to follow along video if you need any help! This Potholder is made with cotton yarn just so you won't burn the acrylic regular yarn if you use it as a potholder. I hope you enjoy this Chicken Potholder Pattern! 

If you tell others about my work, please only link back to my blog, but don't copy my patterns to your site. Also you can sell anything you make from my patterns, but don't sell the free pattern. Thank you!


White Cotton Yarn
Yellow Cotton Yarn
Red Cotton Yarn
Black Thread Yarn

I and H Hook Size

dc=double crochet
sc=single crochet
sl st=slip stitch
hdc=half double crochet

Chicken Potholder Video Tutorial

Rnd 1. In Magic Circle work Chain 3(Counts as Dc), work 10 more dc in the circle, Slip Stitch on top of the Chain 3 
-11 dc

Row 2. Chain 3 (Counts as Dc), dc in the same stitch, 2 dc in the next and each stitch across, Do Not Connect, Turn -22 dc

Row 3. Chain 3 (Counts as Dc), work 2 dc in the next, *dc in the next, work 2 dc in the next *Repeat across, Do Not Connect, Turn -33 dc

Row 4. Chain 3 (Counts as Dc), *dc in the next stitch, work 2 dc in the next, *work dc in the next two stitches, work 2 dc in the next, *Repeat across, Do Not Connect, Turn -44 dc

Row 5. Chain 3 (Counts as Dc), dc in the next two stitches, work 2 dc in the next stitch, *work dc in the next three stitches, work 2 dc in the next stitch, *Repeat across, Do Not Connect, Turn -55 dc

Now with a H hook, Sc (or you can slip stitch instead) down toward the center circle along the edge. Then Chain 10 and sl st in the circle. Then sc back up the edge. Skip the beginning Chain 3. 

Head: Now Switch back to an I hook, sc, hdc, dc in the same stitch, in the next stitch, dc, work 6 triple crochet, dc in the next stitch, dc, hdc, sc in the next stitch. 

Continue on, sc in the next 7 stitches, then sl st in the next and fasten off. 

Top of Head: Sl st with Red Cotton Yarn, in the 4 stitch which is a previous dc from Head Row, work hdc, dc, hdc in that stitch, skip next stitch, work hdc, dc, hdc in the next, skip next, work hdc, dc, hdc in the next, ch 1, fasten off. 

Beak: After the Top of the head, skip a stitch, sl st with Yellow Yarn, with H hook, Chain 3, sc in the 2nd chain from the hook, sl st in the next chain, sl st in the next stitch, ch 1, Fasten off. 

Eye: Thread Black yarn, Take Needle and Thread and sew in an eye on the top of head. 

Waddle: H hook, Skip next stitch after the Beak, sl st with the Red Yarn, sc in the next stitch, hdc, dc, sc in the same stitch, sl st in the next stitch, ch 1, Fasten off. 

Shells: Sl st with Yellow yarn in the sl st of sl st from the 7 sc from the head, work 7 dc in the stitch, skip two stitches, sc, skip two stitches, *work 7 dc in the next stitch, skip two stitches, sc in the next, skip two stitches,*Repeat around to end, Last one, then sl st in the next stitch. Fasten off. 

Weave in all your Ends with a Yarn Needle! 


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