How is live weight calculated from hanging weight?

For 2022, we are going to estimate an average hanging weight of 750 lbs.  The figures below are estimations based on a 750lb. hanging weight.

1.  LIVE WEIGHT:  1250 pounds 

  a.  This is the estimation of the final finished weight on our beef.  Also called "on the hoof".

2.  HANGING WEIGHT:   750 pounds

  a.  hanging weight = live weight X 60%.  So 1250lbs. X 60%=750lbs.

  a.  hanging weight is the weight of the carcass after the internal organs, hide, head and feet have been removed.


  a.  this is the weight of the meat that you put into your freezer.

      packaged or dressed weight is the weight of the carcass after the removal of large bones and excess fat during the wrapping process.

      there is also natural shrinkage during the dry-aging process.  Choice of cuts will also affect the final take home weight (choice of bone-in/out ect.).

  b.  packaged or dressed weight can be estimated in either of two ways:

           1.  packaged weight = live weight X 40%.  So, 1250x40%=500 packaged pounds

           2.  packaged weight = hanging weight X 66.66`%.  So, 750lbs. X66.66%=499.95 packaged pounds.


A general guide is 1 cubic foot of freezer space for 25/30 lbs. of packaged weight beef. 

Needed freezer space really varies with the choice of cuts and packaged weights.


Good verbal explanation of the different cuts of a beef: //

Check out this site for a nice thorough chart with typical beef cuts:  //

 P.S. Many of you have thanked me for writing this blog, so I decided to add a little more “meat” to the bones and write a short, affordable ebook on the topic. If this blog helped you, I would appreciate a like and a share, or better yet, go buy my book and send me a few dollars! You can find the book here: Buying Beef from a Farmer

There are many ways to buy beef.  Bastrop Cattle Company makes packages and single cuts available on our retail website.  We also sell bigger bulk purchases by the half and whole carcass.  Buying a half or whole carcass for your own use can be a very economical and satisfying way to purchase beef.  However, always ask questions and make sure you are comfortable with how the process will unfold.  It is a big purchase, and no one wants a freezer full of beef they don’t like!

Stellafane Farm

Hang Weight

Hang weight refers to the weight of the pig after scald & scrape, head on, insides removed.

Hang Weight = 72% of the Live Weight

So, using the same pig at a live weight of 250 pounds ...

250 x 72% = 180 pound hanging weight.

What does a half pig look like?

It's sometimes hard to visualize what a half or a whole pig looks like and how much meat that truly is in the end.  Here is a photo of half of a pig that had a hang weight of 287 pounds as a whole pig. each half weighed in at 143.5 pounds.  A whole pig would be double this amount.  The final commercial cuts on this pig was right around 98 pounds for each half, or 196 pounds for the whole pig!  Final weight varies based on your choices.  Boneless cuts weigh less; smoking shrinks meat. 

Live Weight vs Hang Weight vs Final Meat?

Live Weight

Most of the time, the live weight of a pig is estimated by farmers using a tape method.  The accepted calculation is:

Length (inches) x Girth (inches) x Girth (inches) / 400 = Weight (pounds)

So if you measure a pig with a length of 40 and a girth of 50 ...

40 x 50 x 50 / 400 = 250 pound pig.

Commercial Cuts

Commercial cuts are the prime cuts you will receive from the butcher shop.  This does not include oddments, this is just the cuts as you would find in a grocery store.  Note that 30% of the difference between the hang weight and the commercial cuts is edible cuts too.  You will receive oddments unless you choose not to.

Commercial Cuts = 67% of the Hang Weight

So, using the same pig at a hang weight of 180 pounds ...

180 x 67% = 120.6 pounds of commercial cuts.

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What is the difference between hanging weight and finished weight?

When it comes to beef weights, the hanging weight is the weight of the carcass after it has been taken to the butcher shop. Cut weight is the final weight of the meat once it has been cut and packaged at the butcher shop. This weight is usually 52-55% of the hanging weight.

How much more is hanging weight than meat?

As a general rule on a well finished 100% grass-fed steer, the hanging weight is 60% of the live weight and the cut and packaged meat is on average about 60% of the hanging weight. Here is the math: 1100 lbs live weight x . 6 = 660 lbs hanging weight x .

How do you calculate the weight of a live carcass?

Example Meat Yield Calculations.
Live weight x typical dressing percent = hot carcass weight 1200 lb x 62% = 744 lb..
Hot carcass weight x (100 – shrink) = chilled carcass weight 744 x (100% – 3.5%) = 718 lb..
Chilled carcass weight x carcass cutting yield percent = pounds of take home product 718 lb x 67% = 481 lb..

Is dressed weight and hanging weight the same?

At this point we remove their skin, intestines, organs, hoofs, blood and head. We weigh them after slaughter and this is called the “carcass weight”, “dressed weight”, or sometimes “hanging weight”.


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