How often should you take a tolerance break Reddit

Posted by9 months ago


I smoke usually three times a day and Im on a tolerance break right now and I'm gonna aim for three days would three days be enough? Also how often should someone go on a tolerance break

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Mod · 9 mo. ago · Stickied commentLocked

level 1

If you're a heavy smoker I suggest 3-4 day break minimum. It's really tempting to smoke after day one or two but patience really pays off on this one.

level 1

dude i went on vacation came back after a week of not smokin and having smoked everyday forever and fuck was i high

level 1

Back in my day, hiatus lasted a month. But, what the hell do I know, a week seems easier.

level 1

Unless you feel like your tolerance is getting too high I don't think it's necessary to regularly incorporate tolerance breaks as a smoker.

If you want to reset your tolerance to "weed virgin" status, 21 days/3 weeks is ideal. If you just want it lowered a decent amount for the time being, I would say 3 days minimum.

level 1

The guy who makes raw cones and papers said you should t break for 2 full weeks because that’s how long it takes for your cb1 receptors to grow back (actually true). And as for how often? Yeah that’s kinda up to you. I would say as soon as you think, “damn, I’m smoking too much weed”.

level 1

Yeah. No matter how small the break is, it’s way less than you’d be smoking so i say go for it

level 1

a couple day break will do but your tolerance will shoot right up really quick if you dont moderate your usage

level 1

However often you feel necessary. Personally, I like to take a break once a year for three weeks - month. I've noticed if I take a break lasting less than three weeks after like two days of smoking again I feel like my tolerance is right back to what it is, but I don't notice that when I've taken 3 - 4 weeks off.

level 1

I’m in the same boat, day 4 is tomorrow and I was considering smoking on day 5 but I don’t know. I took a three day break three weeks ago and I felt my tolerance went back up pretty quick

level 1

I just take thursdays off every other week and only smoke after noon it helps keep me at a relatively low tolerance, I suggest a minimum or 48 hours and to pay close attention to how much you need to get high for a week after that break and if you start to consume more than that first week because you can’t feel it you might need another break

My T break is the 8 hours of sleep I get, other than that I don't take any breaks and for the people who say they don't feel nothing when smoking everyday, how? If you don't feel nothing your not smoking enough lol, I go through an ounce every 5-6 days including about 5 grams of concentrates and about 1 cart (not a fan of carts lol) I love flower I smoke around 4-5 grams a day (I work from home lucky me) normally smoke about a grams of wax a day as well I go through about $275-$310 a week from my best friend/plug, I've never had issues with not getting high sure takes more to get high but trust me I stay lifted without a doubt

I use cannabis to enhance my human experience, so when I take a T-break I just keep going without cannabis, reading, hitting the gym, going out for a run/hike/walk, spending time with friends and family, watching a movie, meditating. When I start back up I try to keep my tolerance low for as long as possible so I don't have to smoke often and I can keep my costs low. Of course I love to get super high sometimes, but I prefer a light high to compliment my daily activities.

I take a least a month off every year, and if an important life event is going on I steer clear and rewards myself after. They last as long as needed where I stop thinking about it every hour, so like 3days to a month.


I'm kind of doing it right now, but weird thing is I didn't plan on it. I went out and bought 5g of this really great weed, but I have no desire to smoke any. It's been about 2 weeks and I haven't even touched it, and this is after smoking daily for 3 years, multiple time a day. I used to go through 4g every 3 days, but now, nothing.

It's wierd, I don't feel any different. I do get bored easily tho.

Is 24 hours long enough for a tolerance break?

While there is no research defining the exact duration for a tolerance break, a study published in 2015 shows that after about 48 hours, the endocannabinoid receptors have already started to reset. As a result, the it's generally accepted that 48+ hours is a good tolerance break.

Is 30 days enough for a tolerance break?

The hard news is that if you partake most days, a true tolerance break should be at least 21 days long, since it takes around three weeks or more for THC to leave your system. (That's because THC bonds to fat, which is stored in the body longer.)


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