How to thank someone for their support

Writing your friend, relative, coworker, colleague, boss, or someone else who helped you a thank you note is a great way to show appreciation.

A handwritten note will likely feel more personal than other methods. However, the delivery could also be an email, phone call, in-person, or text message.

Examples and tips are provided below to help with what to say when thanking someone for their help. Use the sample messages as inspiration for your wording.

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Thank You For Your Help Template Messages

Below are some basic templates you can use. Fill in the words with [brackets] with your own words.

If you have more than one reason to thank the person, your note could be a couple of paragraphs or more (which would make it more like a letter than a short thank you note).

These examples are the message part of a thank you note only. If you send an email or write a handwritten note, you’ll want to include an open, closing, and sign your name. You can see the complete layout of a good thank you note here.

Template #1
Thank you for the help with [what they helped you with]. I am grateful for your help because [enter reason].

Template #2
Thanks for coming over to help me with the project. I appreciate your time! [And then go on to say why the help was helpful].

Template #3
We appreciate your support. Your generous help has made an impact. Because of your help [….then list how you benefited from their help].

The examples below the tips will be examples of what you could say. The best thank you notes are specific about how they helped you and why you appreciated it.

There are so many situations where people help others that I will make up a few to use as examples.

Saying Thank You For Your Help Tips

Tip #1 The examples below are the center section of your thank you note. If you need to see how a complete thank-you note looks with the greeting and closing, check out this cheat sheet.

Tip #2 Read all the examples as the wording may inspire you in different samples, and you could combine several in your note. Then, pick and choose the parts of the examples that you feel work for your note. The example messages can be copied or modified to meet your needs.

Tip #3 Simple is okay. Your note could be as simple as “thanks for your help,” but remember that a simple note may feel generic. However, if you are struggling to find the words, a short one-sentence note. This approach is better than not recognizing the help at all. Or, if you don’t want to mention how someone helped you, a short note will work.

Tip #4 Take your time and choose a memorable note card. The person may keep your card, so make it pleasant! They may show it to people too (depending on why they are thanking you. But don’t get hung up on the choice of the card.

Simple is fine, and what you write on the card is more important than the design of the card. I recommend Minted (fancy), Redbubble (unique), or Amazon (low cost per card boxed sets).

Tip #5 Same-day help. If you are thanking someone on the same day they helped you, a quick note via text message, email, or in-person will work as they likely know and remember how they helped you. You may choose to follow up with a longer handwritten note later.

Tip #6 Advice. If the help was receiving advice, you might want to review the Thank you for the advice messages here.

Tip #7 Check your grammar. Grammarly (free or paid version) ensures your grammar is perfect.

Cards are available on Amazon. This is an affiliate link.

​Short Thank You For the Help Sayings

Here are short examples of how you can say, “Thank you for your help.” You can also use these as the first sentence of a thank you note message.

  1. Thank you for helping today.
  2. I appreciate your help today and always!
  3. Thank you for being there for me and always helping when I ask.
  4. I am grateful for you and your help.
  5. Thank you for being a great supportive friend to me.
  6. You are a wonderful helper! Thank you.
  7. Thanks for the help!
  8. Thank you for taking the time to help me this week.
  9. Thank you very much for all your help and support.
  10. Thank you for helping me.

​Thank You For Your Help Note Examples

#1 I am thankful for your help and support with my kids. I am glad that I can depend on you. Because of your willingness to help for a few hours each day, I can keep the job that I love.

#2 I am grateful for your help with the kids. They love having you as a babysitter when things come up at work at the last minute. Also, I appreciate your willingness to pick them up from school for me. They always live spending more time with you.

#3 Thank you for the help and support. I was able to get over that hurdle [in your note, you can say what the hurdle was] because of your willingness to help me. I promise to pay it forward someday.

#4 We appreciate your support. Learning how to stay on a budget has been a challenge. We are grateful to have you for accountability. Since we’ve been married, we have money in our savings account for the first time. Knowing that you will see where we spent our money as made had a significant impact on our spending.

#5 Thank you so much for helping me. Your help and support helped me get through [say what that was]. I am glad we met and became friends. You are a blessing in my life and many others.

#6 I really appreciate all the help you’ve been giving me lately! Unpacking boxes has been much more fun with you being there to talk to. I will take you out to dinner to reward you for so much help when we are done.

#7 I am grateful to you for helping me get through when I was laid off from my job. As you know, I was feeling depressed about it. I am grateful that you were there for me and listened. Your help and encouragement made a difference in my life.

Thank You For The Help With A Project

Tip: To improve your thank you message, say what the project was instead of saying “project” in your message (unless it makes sense to say project).

#1 I want to take a few minutes to recognize the help you gave me with the big project last week. I am not sure I could have finished it on time without your help. Your time and efforts are very much appreciated.

#2 Your help with the project was awesome! I felt over my head and completely lost when Violet needed to make a photo collage for school. It’s been so long since I’ve printed pictures. Your guidance on how to print them at the store was perfect. Violet got an A+ on her assignment!

#3 That project was much more time-consuming than expected. Now I know how to plan for next time. I appreciate you chipping in and helping to get it done on time.

#4 I am thankful for your help with my painting project. Your kindness is appreciated. I was starting to feel like the room would never get painted. It looks great! Thanks again for painting it for me.

#5 Thank you for helping me put the new cat towers together. Assembling the cat towers at home made the project more affordable. And you were great at using the drill to save time. The cats are enjoying the new towers.

Thank You For Your Help and Support Messages

Related: 21 Thank You for your Guidance and Support Messages

#1 Thank you for all of your help and support last week. I appreciate you for coming over and watching the kids when I had to work overtime. They said they had fun playing games with you and hope I have to work overtime again soon. You are a blessing to all of us.

#2 Thank you so much for your help and support yesterday. I am grateful you took time out of your schedule to show me the new [process, another work thing, etc.] You’ve been the best coworker since I joined the team.

#3 Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it. Your support as I was searching for a new job was outstanding. You are a true friend, and I feel that I found the job faster because of your tips.

#4 You’ve been so helpful the last few weeks. I’m grateful for your monetary support when I was short on rent. You’ll be happy to know that I start a higher-paying job on Monday. I have so much appreciation for you for keeping me out of the homeless shelter.

#5 I would like to thank you for all your help and support. Learning how to cook healthy meals that help my [health condition] has been challenging. Thank you for recommending recipes and sharing the cookbooks you have used. I am starting to feel better!

#6 Thank you for your help and support in organizing the [birthday party, wedding, baby shower, etc.]. I appreciate that you not only made the invitation list but also addressed and mailed the invitations. You saved me so much time. And the [event] was a great success!

#7 Thank you for all of your help and support cleaning the [office, house, church, another place] on Friday. Doing the work together made it feel fun for me. Blasting music and singing made the time fly by. And I enjoyed getting to know you better when we took a break for lunch.

Gift Suggestions

Depending on the situation, you may decide to give the person that helped you a thank-you gift along with a thank you note. Here are some easy, thoughtful gift suggestions:

  • Amazon gift card
  • Starbucks gift card
  • Favorite local restaurant gift card
  • Take them out for a meal
  • Flowers
  • An item that would be a special gift you know they would love

If you know they don’t like to shop online, don’t get them a gift card for Amazon or any other place online.

If you don’t know the person well, a local restaurant that is considered well-liked is probably a safe bet. There are more thank you gift ideas here.

If you decide to give a digital gift card via email, you might be able to include a brief thank you note with the gift card. The recipient will then see your message in the email with the digital gift card. (I’ve done this when sending my sister-in-law an Amazon gift card via email).

Thank You For Your Help Summary

Writing a thank you message or note is a great way to show your gratitude and appreciation to someone that has helped you.

The templates, tips, and examples are intended to help you write the best thank you note possible for your situation.

When you say thank you for your help, being specific about the help and why you are grateful for it will make your words feel personal.

How do you express gratitude in words?

With an intonation that's thoughtful and deliberate, you can say:.
I cannot thank you enough..
Words cannot express how much you mean to me..
I am more grateful to you than you'll ever know..
I'm eternally grateful..
You have my deepest thanks..
I'll never forget your support and kindness..

How do you say thank you meaningfully?

Thank you again, I really appreciate working with you..
Even though I may not say it all the time, I appreciate all you do..
Thank you again for your support, it made a real difference for me..
Thank you for all that you do..
Thank you!.


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