Should students bring phones to school argumentative essay?

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    A cell phone is an electronic device. The device has many uses including social networking, gaming, productivity and entertainment. Cell phones should not be banned for students, especially in 10th, 11th and 12th grades, because they can be used for school work and are a cheaper alternative for laptops. Banning cell phones for students will not stop them using them.

    One of the many reasons why cell phones should not be banned for students is because they can be used for school work. Cell phones have the ability to download apps that can be used in everyday schooling such as a calculator, dictionary, maps, novels, etc. By the time students are in 10th, 11th and 12th grades, they would have their futures to think about and would gain a sense of maturity that they did not have in their younger years. With this sense of maturity, they are most likely to stay on task and do their work. A cell phone has many utilities that would help students with their work as well as make it is easier for them. Cell phones are also a cheaper alternative for laptops. In the modern society, students will often need an electronic device. Many schools in Australia provide laptops. However, some children go to schools that can’t afford this luxury. Cell phones would be a great alternative as they are cheaper than laptops. Students in 10th, 11th and 12th grades need to have some sort of electrical device to assist with their studies and not being to afford a laptop should not be a barrier. Instead of paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars students would be able to pay the minimum for the same uses as a laptop.

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    Moreover, banning cell phones will not stop students from students from using them. Banning cell phones will only cause the students to rebel. If students are not allowed to have their phones with them it may cause them to use them without the teacher’s consent. This may include the use of their phone under the table. This will not help with the work but it is most likely going to distract not only the student using the phone but others around. Whereas if students are allowed to have their phones it will decrease the chance of the students rebelling and their cell phones will be used for productive school work.

    Some may argue, if cell phones were allowed in class they would be distracted. This may be true, but cell phones are just as distracting as laptops would be. Many laptops have the same features as a cell phone, so there wouldn’t be any reason why laptops are a better solution in the sense of distraction.

    In conclusion, cell phones should be allowed in school, especially for students in grades 10, 11 and 12, because they can be used for school work and are a cheaper alternative for laptops. Banning cell phones for students will not stop them using them.

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                    Should students be allowed to bring mobile phones to school essay?

                    In school, they can even use their cellphones as a calculator, flashlights. Mobile phones help to grow mobility and flexibility between students and their parents. In case the students need their parents to bring something important for them to school, mobile phones are the first thing that will help the students.

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                    Improved Communication. In addition to using their cell phones to communicate with their parents and friends, students can also use their cell phones to communicate with their teachers. This can allow students to share feedback and questions with teachers easily and receive answers whenever the teacher has time.

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