Social media body image and eating disorders

The rise of social media usage in today’s society can have many different effects on body image and the later development of eating disorders in many individuals. Research clearly shows that media exposure contributes to body dissatisfaction and disordered eating. Social media is unfortunately shaping our concept of beauty. With constant exposure to images posted online, it is evident that there is a link to how individuals compare themselves and perceive their own body. There are an estimated 3.6 billion users worldwide on social media, therefore there must be negative and positive effects linked with social media users.

A negative body image can cause unrealistic expectations of how your body should look and can lead to unhealthy eating behaviors and disordered eating. Studies have found a correlation between the time spent on social media and a negative body image. The correlation is especially true when participants were scrolling through appearance-related content, like accounts of a fitness instructor or model on Instagram. Social media images are filled with people presenting the best version of themselves. Social media can then hurt your body image by constantly exposing yourself to the ideal body type, leading to constant comparison of yourself to unrealistic standards. Additionally, photoshop and filters are readily available to users playing into the unrealistic body image.

However, social media can also have positive effects on body image and can promote body positivity. Viewing body-positive content on social media platforms can help individuals become more accepting and appreciative of their bodies. Additionally, social media can connect you with others to build a body-accepting community.

It is important to examine ways to use social media in a positive way to avoid a negative body image. It is important to take a break from social media if you feel worse after using it. Additionally, examine who you are following on social media and unfollow accounts if they do not make you feel good. Instead, pay attention to accounts, people, and images that lift you up. Follow accounts that promote body positivity that does not agree with the beauty standards set by society. (A great account to follow to begin your search for body positivity accounts is @realistic.body.therapist on Instagram.)  Finding body-positive accounts and joining support groups can help shift your mindset about the ideal body image set by society. Furthermore, you can use your own social media to be an advocate for positive body talk. Shout out to media outlets, retailers, advertisers, and celebrity product endorsers who celebrate and promote natural looks, healthy body size, and diverse body shapes. You can take a stand and refuse to read, view, or listen to media or buy advertised products that do not promote a healthy and diverse body image.

Students should also consider participating in The Body Project or More Than Muscles programs offered through Student Counseling Services. These workshops help students develop and maintain a positive body image and are scientifically supported eating disorder prevention programs. Students will get a chance to dive deeper in conversations about the body image ideal set by society and promoted to us by the media.

For more information on how media effects body image visit //

Talking helps.
Butterfly National Helpline

Free and confidential support

We’re here for anyone in Australia concerned about eating disorders or body image issues, whether you need support for yourself or someone you care about. All our counsellors are qualified mental health professionals with a background in psychology, social work or counselling. They also have specialist training in eating disorders and body image.

*Our counsellors will always attempt to support you with as little wait time as possible. There will be times where we are likely to experience high volume of contacts, particularly from 8pm to 11pm at night. This means there may be longer wait times to connect with our Butterfly counsellors. Meanwhile you can always select the option to hold your place in the queue for a call back service or explore some of our helpful online resources while you wait.

Please note that the Butterfly National Helpline will be closed on the following days:

Sunday, 25th December 2022, Monday, 26th December 2022, Tuesday, 27th December 2022,
Sunday, 1st January 2023 and Monday, 2nd January 2023

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Find quality eating disorder Professionals and Services nearest to you

Seeking professional support for eating or body image concerns can be an important step towards improving your physical and mental health, and often there are a wide range of treatment professionals who need to provide care to ensure a holistic recovery.


Looking for resources?

Our chatbot KIT can help you with many resources, including information, resources, coping tips and evidence-based treatment and support services.


Also check out the Resources section of our website.

We’re here for you 8am – midnight (AEST/AEDT), 7 days a week

Phone 1800 ED HOPE
(1800 33 4673)

Looking for other Butterfly contacts?

For all other enquiries please go to our Contact us page.

Why contact us?

  • Get evidence-based information about disordered eating, eating disorders and body image issues – from symptoms to treatment and recovery
  • Find health professionals in your local area (or who serve your local area if you’re in a rural, remote or regional area) who understand eating disorders
  • Understand what you’re going through, or feel heard, or practice new skills , through counselling support
  • Feel less alone with our online support groups for carers, young siblings and carers and people in recovery. More about our online support groups
  • Build skills to help someone you know experiencing an eating disorder or body image issue with our carer education. More about our online programs and education

Who can we help?

  • People with eating or body image issues – whether you are concerned you might be experiencing one, are in recovery, relapse or not completely sure if you’re ready for recovery
  • Family, friends, partners and colleagues of people with an eating disorder or body image issue
  • Teachers
  • Clinicians
  • Employers
  • Anyone with a question about eating disorders or body image.

Frequently asked questions

You can give us a call on 1800 33 4673 (1800 ED HOPE), send us an email to or connect with us on webchat.

There are times when the Helpline will experience a high demand and you may expect a longer wait time.

If you try to contact us via phone and don’t wish to wait for the next available counsellor, you have the option to select the call back service offered during hold. This will keep your place in the queue and a counsellor will return your call as soon as possible.  Alternatively, stay on hold and we will get to you when a counsellor becomes available. Please know that Helpline’s opening hours are from 8am to 12 midnight (AEST/AEDT). If you have requested a call back towards the end of our operating hours and we have not been able to return your call, we will try to get back to you as soon as practicable at the start of next day at 8am (AEST/ADET). You are also welcome to send us an email too if you don’t wish to wait and a counsellor will respond back to you by email.

For webchat, a counsellor will try their best to get to you within 15 mins and you can then start talking to them online once they initiate the chat with you. If webchat is experiencing a high demand and you can’t get through, please feel free to call or send us an email.

Anyone experiencing a body image issue, disordered eating or an eating disorder, their family and friends along with professionals such as psychologists, GPs, employers and teachers to name a few.

If you are from a non-English speaking background, we have a telephone translation and interpreting available.

You can access the service by calling 131 450. Please ask to be connected with The Butterfly Foundation.

If the Helpline is busy when you call us, please feel free to use the call back option and a Butterfly counsellor will return your call as soon as they become available. A Butterfly counsellor can also assist in organising an interpreter for you when they call you back.

The Translation and Interpreting Service website provides lots of information if you would like to know more.

We can help with support, information, one-off or short-term counselling, guidance, referrals and/or resources.

If you’re not sure exactly what you need, but know you want to reach out about what you’re experiencing or someone else is experiencing in relation to body image, disordered eating or an eating disorder, you are welcome to connect with us. We will guide you on how you might use our service.

If you are a health professional, you can use our service to get information and guidance to support your client presenting with eating or body image concerns. You can also access our database for referrals to other health professionals with eating disorder experience and resources that may be helpful to you and your client.

our services

You will speak with a caring and professionally-trained clinician who is skilled in supporting anyone concerned by eating disorders or body image issues. Our team includes registered and provisional psychologists, counsellors and social workers.

Given the nature of our service and the availability of counsellors, it is not possible to request to speak with a particular counsellor. We aim to give evidence based support, guidance and information, and so all our counsellors have relevant training and an understanding of eating and body image concerns.

You can give us a call, email or connect over webchat for:

  • Information
  • Support and brief counselling
  • Referrals to health professionals and services who have been screened for experience in treating eating disorders
  • Helpful resources
  • Free online support groups
  • Free online Carer Education Workshops (Understanding Eating Disorder Recovery) run regularly through the year.

Your conversation with us is confidential. However, if at any time we believe there is a significant risk of harm to you or another person, we may need to contact emergency services or child protection agencies and share relevant information to keep you or someone else safe.

We respect your privacy and are committed to maintaining it. We collect your information only where necessary and relevant so we can provide you with our services and, subject to your permission, conduct research. Read our privacy policy.

If you wish, you can use our service anonymously by not sharing your name or contact details with us. However, we may receive some information automatically via your phone or computer including telephone number and/or IP address. We will only use this information if there is a serious risk of harm to you or another person and we need to notify relevant agencies.

We recognise body image and eating disorders are complex and understand that it may be helpful for you to contact our service more than once for support or guidance about your next steps. Please note that when we have high demand for the service, we may need to limit the frequency or length of your interactions with us.

Our counsellors work as a team and if at any point they think ongoing contact is not helpful for your or not within the scope our Helpline service, they will discuss this with you and give you other options that may be more helpful.

Our team of clinicians (psychologists, provisional psychologists, counsellors and social workers), with specialised training in eating disorders, can give you information, referral options and pathways, resources and general guidance. For instance, you may be a teacher wanting information on how to best support a student, or a therapist wanting more information on eating disorder treatment best practice.

If you call the Helpline phone number, you will first hear an automated message giving you some information about the service and confidentiality. Then you will be transferred though to one of our trained counsellors who is experienced in supporting people impacted by an eating disorder or body image concerns.

If you don’t know what to say at first or where to start, that’s OK. It’s normal to feel emotional, confused or a bit nervous. The counsellor is there to help. You can share as much or as little as you like.

If we don’t answer your call, it is because our counsellors are supporting other people who have also reached out to Helpline. Our counsellors are here to support you so please stay on hold or you can select the call back option by following the prompts. You will be asked to enter a phone number for our counsellors to call you back on. Once you have done so, you can end the call and this will keep your position in the queue. The next available counsellor will then call you back on the number you have provided when it is up to your position in the queue.

Please know that most phone conversations can be up to 30 minutes.

How social media influences body image and eating disorders?

The media puts a large amount of pressure on females to meet a certain social and cultural standard of beauty, which can inevitably lead to poor body image and eating disorders. The more an individual is exposed to this unrealistic standard, the more they find it is reflective of how they should look.

How does social media contribute to body image issues?

Social media can negatively affect body image by over-exposing you to "idealized" body types. While posting selfies may help body image, trying to edit out perceived flaws can be harmful. To reduce harm on social media, unfollow accounts, find a healthy community, and take breaks.

Does body image cause eating disorders?

An unhealthy body image affects your wellbeing and mental health, and may lead to eating disorders.

How does social media influence prevalence of eating disorders?

The risk of developing eating disorders can be predicted by the photo-based social media activities of adolescents. There is evidence indicating that avoidance of posting photos on social media, photo investment, and photo manipulation are associated with a higher risk of eating disorders.


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