Weather in april ocean city maryland

You won't be able to swim in Ocean City (Maryland) in april! The water temperature is freezing, reaching as low as 5.4°C (and only 14°C at best)! Our advice: if you are going to Ocean City (Maryland) this month, plan to sightsee and forget the beach!

Note also that in april, the climate is tolerable with an average outside temperature of 12.11°C, 92.18mm of precipitation (over 6 days) and 82.36 % humidity.

Water and normal seasonal temperatures in Ocean City (Maryland) in april

MarchAprilMayAverage sea temperature6.6°C9.6°C14.4°CMinimum sea temperature4.2°C5.4°C9.4°CMaximum sea temperature8.9°C14°C19.5°CAverage outside temperature8°C13°C18°CMaximum outside temperature10°C14°C19°CMinimum outside temperature6°C11°C16°CWind speed28km/h28km/h24km/hWind temperature2°C9°C16°CPrecipitation108mm93mm118mmNumber of days of rain6 jour(s)
(21%)6 jour(s)
(19%)7 jour(s)
(24%)Humidity81%83%85%Visibility in kilometers9.11km9.53km9.44kmCloud cover43%38%37%Our opinionfreezing swimmingfreezing swimmingfreezing swimming

Swim elsewhere in the United States (USA) in april

CityAverage T°Min. T°Max. T°Our opinionSea temperature in Atlantic City in april:8°C4.2°C12°Cfreezing swimmingSea temperature in Baltimore in april:10.1°C7.7°C12.6°Cfreezing swimmingSea temperature in Bar Harbor (Maine) in april:4.7°C3.6°C6.1°Cfreezing swimmingSea temperature in Biloxi in april:22°C18.4°C25.3°Cpleasant swimmingSea temperature in Boston in april:6°C3.5°C8.6°Cfreezing swimmingSea temperature in Brooklyn in april:7.8°C3.8°C11.7°Cfreezing swimmingSea temperature in California in april:15.2°C13.2°C17°Ccold swimmingSea temperature in Cape Cod National Seashore in april:6.3°C4.2°C8.8°Cfreezing swimmingSea temperature in Carolina Beach in april:18.4°C14.5°C22.3°Ccool swimmingSea temperature in Charleston in april:19.5°C16.9°C22.6°Ccool swimmingSea temperature in Coos Bay in april:10.4°C8.7°C11.8°Cfreezing swimmingSea temperature in Corpus Christi in april:22.3°C18.7°C26°Cpleasant swimmingSea temperature in Dauphin Island (Alabama) in april:21.8°C18.2°C25.2°Cpleasant swimmingSea temperature in Edisto Beach in april:19.5°C16.7°C22.4°Ccool swimmingSea temperature in Galveston in april:21.9°C17.8°C25.7°Cpleasant swimmingSea temperature in Gulf Shores (Alabama) in april:21.4°C18.5°C24.6°Cpleasant swimmingSea temperature in Hampton Beach in april:6.2°C3.9°C8.5°Cfreezing swimmingSea temperature in Hawaii (Honolulu) in april:24.8°C23.8°C26.2°Cpleasant swimmingSea temperature in Hilton Head Island in april:18.6°C15°C22.3°Ccool swimmingSea temperature in Houston in april:21.6°C18.2°C25.2°Cpleasant swimmingSea temperature in La Push (Washington) in april:7.7°C6.6°C8.5°Cfreezing swimming

Swim in the United States (USA) in april: sea temperature by city


Choose another month:

Sea temperature in Ocean City (Maryland) in january Sea temperature in Ocean City (Maryland) in february Sea temperature in Ocean City (Maryland) in march Sea temperature in Ocean City (Maryland) in april Sea temperature in Ocean City (Maryland) in may Sea temperature in Ocean City (Maryland) in june Sea temperature in Ocean City (Maryland) in july Sea temperature in Ocean City (Maryland) in august Sea temperature in Ocean City (Maryland) in september Sea temperature in Ocean City (Maryland) in october Sea temperature in Ocean City (Maryland) in november Sea temperature in Ocean City (Maryland) in december

The average day light hours per day in Ocean City in April are 13.2 and there are 9.5 hours of sunshine per day on average during April making it a sunny month with few clouds.

The ultraviolet index in Ocean City in April is typically 7.7 during April. An ultraviolet index reading of 8 to 10 indicates a very high risk of harm from unprotected sun exposure. Unprotected skin risks burning in less than 15 minutes. Take extra precautions because unprotected skin and eyes will be damaged and can burn quickly. Tanning will be safest before 10am and after 4pm but only with a good application of sun screen. For those with sensitive skin stay in the shade and wear protective clothing, a wide-brimmed hat, and UV-blocking sunglasses. Generously apply broad spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen every 2 hours, even on cloudy days. Watch out for relections from water that may increase ultraviolet exposure.

You wish to visit Ocean City (Maryland) in United States in april : check the weather and seasonal norms below.

Best time to go to Ocean City (Maryland)?

Weather in Ocean City (Maryland) in april 2023

The weather in Ocean City (Maryland) in april comes from statistical datas on the past years. You can view the weather statistics for all the month, but also navigating through the tabs for the beginning, the middle and the end of the month.

Average weather throughout april

tolerable weather 1.4cm

Weather at 6am11°C

39% of time





Weather at 12pm13°C

46% of time





Weather at 6pm13°C

44% of time





Weather at 3am11°C





Weather in march in Ocean City (Maryland)

Weather in may in Ocean City (Maryland)

Evolution of daily average temperature and precipitation in Ocean City (Maryland) in april

These charts show the evolution of average minimum/maximum temperatures as well as average daily precipitation volume in Ocean City (Maryland) in april.

The climate of Ocean City (Maryland) in april is tolerable

the weather in Ocean City (Maryland) in april is wet (with 93mm of precipitation over 6 days). It should be noted an improvement from the previous month since in march it receives an average of 108mm of rainfall over 6 days.

The climate is quite cold here april, but it is bearable by dressing cosy. The high seasonal norm is 14°C. The minimum is 11°C. Thus, the mean temperature average in april in Ocean City (Maryland) is 13°C. Note that seasonal normals in contrast with those observed in Ocean City (Maryland) in the month of april with a maximum record of 23°C in 2017 and a minimum record of 1°C in 2016. You can plan to have about 3 days with temperatures over 18°C, or 10% of time.

Day length in Ocean City (Maryland) in april is 13:13. The sun rises at 05:24 and sets at 18:37.

With a correct weather, the month of april is okay (but not the best) to go in this locality.

Ocean City (Maryland): another month?

If you can push back the dates of your trip, we advise you to go in may to Ocean City (Maryland). more information

April: another location in the United States (USA)?

If you want to go to the United States (USA) in april, there are destinations with better weather than Ocean City (Maryland):

In april, California, Phoenix (Arizona), Big Bend National Park (Texas) , Carolina Beach, Edisto Beach and Gulf Shores (Alabama) have perfect weather.

Furthermore, Louisiana, Washington D. C., Atlanta, Dallas, Hawaii (Honolulu) and Las Vegas have good weather.

more information about United States's weather in april

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Seasonal average climate and temperature of Ocean City (Maryland) in april

Check below seasonal norms These statistics are set from the weather statements earlier years of the month of april.

MarchAprilMayOutside temperatureAverage temperature8°C13°C18°CHighest temperature10°C14°C19°CLowest temperature6°C11°C16°CHighest record temperature19°C
(2019)Lowest record temperature-7°C
(2020)Number of days at +18°C0 day(s)
(0%)3 day(s)
(10%)20 day(s)
(65%)Number of days at -0°C3 day(s)
(10%)0 day(s)
(0%)0 day(s)
(0%)Sea temperatureAverage sea temperature6.6°C9.7°C14.5°CLowest sea temperature4.2°C5.4°C9.4°CHighest sea temperature8.9°C14°C19.5°CWindWind speed28km/h28km/h24km/hWind temperature2°C9°C16°CPrecipitation (rainfall)Rainfall108mm93mm118mmNumber of days with rainfall6 day(s)
(21%)6 day(s)
(19%)7 day(s)
(24%)Record daily rainfall53mm
(2010)Snowfall39.1cm1.4cm0cmOther climate dataHumidity81%83%85%Visibility9.11km9.53km9.44kmCloud cover43%38%37%UV index345Daily sunshine hours101314Sunrise and sunsetTime of sunrise06:1105:2404:49Time of sunset18:0818:3719:05Length of day11:5713:1314:16Our opinion about the weather in aprilOur opinion at whereandwhen.netbadtolerablegood

How was the weather last april?

Here is the day by day recorded weather in Ocean City (Maryland) in april 2022:


11°C to 14°C


4°C to 11°C


9°C to 13°C


4°C to 11°C


10°C to 13°C


12°C to 13°C


12°C to 14°C


9°C to 12°C


7°C to 12°C


6°C to 10°C


5°C to 11°C


13°C to 19°C


12°C to 15°C


14°C to 18°C


11°C to 15°C


12°C to 17°C


7°C to 12°C


8°C to 11°C


9°C to 12°C


6°C to 14°C


11°C to 14°C


12°C to 16°C


11°C to 12°C


12°C to 17°C


13°C to 14°C


14°C to 17°C


10°C to 14°C


4°C to 13°C


6°C to 16°C


9°C to 16°C

Map: other cities in the United States (USA) in april

Cities near Ocean City (Maryland):

Wildwood in apriltolerable weatherAtlantic City in apriltolerable weatherMaryland in aprilgood weatherBaltimore in aprilgood weatherPhiladelphia in aprilgood weatherWashington D. C. in aprilgood weatherVirginia Beach in aprilgood weatherNew Jersey in apriltolerable weatherNags Head in aprilgood weatherBrooklyn in apriltolerable weatherNew York City in apriltolerable weatherVirginia in aprilgood weather

Click over cities on the map for information about the weather in april.


Ocean City (Maryland)
perfect weather
very bad

Weather data for Ocean City (Maryland) for april are derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Ocean City (Maryland). There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Ocean City (Maryland) can vary slightly from year to year, but this data should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags or check for the best time in year to go to Ocean City (Maryland).

Is Ocean City Maryland Nice in April?

I have often been to OC in mid April and the weather is usually sunny and warm enough to walk on the boardwalk or beach with long sleeves and a sweatshirt or light coat. It is often a little breezy, but not overly windy.

How warm is it in Ocean City MD in April?

Daily high temperatures increase by 9°F, from 56°F to 65°F, rarely falling below 46°F or exceeding 76°F. Daily low temperatures increase by 9°F, from 41°F to 50°F, rarely falling below 32°F or exceeding 59°F.

Can you swim in Ocean City MD in April?

You won't be able to swim in Ocean City (Maryland) in april! The water temperature is freezing, reaching as low as 42°F (and only 58°F at best)! Our advice: if you are going to Ocean City (Maryland) this month, plan to sightsee and forget the beach!

What is the April Weather like in Maryland?

Daily high temperatures increase by 10°F, from 57°F to 67°F, rarely falling below 46°F or exceeding 78°F. Daily low temperatures increase by 10°F, from 43°F to 53°F, rarely falling below 34°F or exceeding 61°F.


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