What do hermit crabs eat in the ocean

Often, when you find hermit crabs for sale, they are land hermit crabs. However, marine hermit crabs are ideal for saltwater aquariums and are easy to care for, needing an aquatic environment with rocks and substrate, shells that are a suitable size, and a healthy diet, which can vary depending on the species.


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Selecting marine hermit crabs

Saltwater hermit crabs can be a beneficial addition to your saltwater fish tank. They clean algae from the tank and help to aerate the water. There are many species from which to choose in varying sizes and colors. Some examples include herbivores like the red tip hermit crab, yellow tip hermit crab, and zebra hermit crab. Some omnivorous species include the electric orange hermit crab, Halloween hermit crab, and blue leg hermit crab.


Marine hermit crab habitat

Can saltwater hermit crabs live in fresh water? Unlike land hermit crabs who need access to both fresh and salt water, marine hermit crabs need salt water to survive. Do saltwater hermit crabs need air? They do need air, but they breathe through their gills, which allows them to live under water. In fact, they can only survive for a brief time outside of salt water.


Marine hermit crabs have specific requirements in order to thrive. Don't add hermit crabs to a new aquarium; make sure the tank has been established for about six months before attempting to add the crabs. Keep marine hermit crabs in water that is between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the water pH between 8.1 and 8.4. Also check the kH, or carbonate hardness level, of the water. It should be between 150 and 215 parts per million. Finally, the specific gravity of the water should be between 1.021 and 1.028.


The tank should be at least 10 gallons, but you may need a larger aquarium depending on what other fish you have in the tank. Add 1 or 2 pounds of coral or live rock per gallon and make sure there are some rocks for your hermit crab to climb.

Feeding a marine hermit crab

What do marine hermit crabs eat in the wild? Hermit crabs are known for eating just about anything. Some species are herbivores and not only dine on algae but also plant life, such as seaweed. Omnivorous hermit crabs not only eat algae and other plant life but will also dine on cyanobacteria and meat, such as krill and popcorn shrimp. In your aquarium, hermit crabs enjoy the same diet. If you need to supplement their diet, add dried seaweed or pelleted food.


Hermit crab without a shell

The saltwater hermit crab life span is about two to four years, although this can vary by species. One of the hermit crab adaptations is their use of the shells of other creatures to provide protection. If you find your hermit crab without a shell, you may be concerned that it is dying. In fact, when saltwater hermit crabs are dying, they will fall out of their shell. However, throughout their life, the hermit crabs will also molt. When they do so, they must leave their shell and will return to a new, larger shell after molting.


Make sure you stock the tank with plenty of shells of various sizes, as hermit crabs may fight over suitable shells. In addition, make sure that the other fish in the tank aren't likely to consume your hermit crabs.

Hermit crabs are popular pets for ocean lovers and families with other pet allergies. But before you commit to a tank full of these little critters, you should know a few things about what they are, where they come from, how to take care of them, and what kind of hermit crab food they need.

What Are Hermit Crabs?


The little decapod crustaceans we know as hermit crabs are not true crabs. Even though they have ten legs like other crabs, they do not grow the typically hard shell on their back to protect them from predators. Instead, hermit crabs rely on the shells of other animals to keep them safe.

Hermit crabs are called such because they move from shell to shell as they grow, never staying in one size for very long. They carry their mobile homes on their backs, allowing them to remain safe wherever they go. The ideal shell is big enough for a hermit crab to pull all of their appendages inside and light enough to carry around without tiring quickly.

Hermit crabs must molt to grow, which means it sheds a layer of skin to make way for a bigger body. Most healthy hermit crabs molt about once every 18 months, though the speed of growth for different sized hermit crabs and the right conditions can cause more or less frequent molting.

They are nocturnal creatures, staying more active at night than during the day. Hermit crabs also love to climb, hide, scuttle, and burrow. You might find a hermit crab doing all of these things in one day.

Where Do They Live?

Hermit crabs are prevalent in tropical areas both in and around the ocean. They can live in salt water or fresh water, particularly enjoying brackish water where there are abundant food sources, plenty of abandoned shells, and many places to hide.

They also prefer to live in groups rather than alone, despite the moniker “hermit.”  When kept in captivity, most hermit crabs are happier when there are more than one in a cage. In fact, many hermit crab experts suggest having at least three in a group for proper social interaction; otherwise the health of the crab deteriorates. They can live happily in a tank with the right care, though you will probably never see them breed outside of their natural habitat because they usually return to the ocean to deposit their eggs.

What Do Hermit Crabs Eat?

Hermit crab foods range widely. They are omnivores and scavengers, so food for hermit crabs can be plant or animal-based. In the wild, a hermit crab food list might include seaweed, driftwood, snails, or dead fish and other animals.

Pet hermit crab food usually comes in a type of hermit crab bites like HBH hermit crab bites, which is a great marine hermit crab food also known as salt water hermit crab food. Though they aren’t usually picky in their natural environment, they can get picky in captivity. The best hermit crab food is the one that your hermit crabs will eat.

Hermit Crab Fun Facts

Now that you know the basics of how hermit crabs live, here are a few fun facts about them.

  • Did you know there are 1170 varieties of hermit crab? And each hermit crab is slightly different with the opportunity to be left or right claw dominant just like humans are right or left handed. They also have a wide range of eye colors.
  • Some hermit crabs have been known to live as long as 32 years in captivity, though most only live between 5 and 15 years. Older hermit crabs can get to the size of a softball.
  • Hermit crabs can regenerate limbs and claws during a molting phase.
  • They can take up to 30 minutes to switch shells and make sure the new one fits right.

How to Care for Hermit Crabs at Home

If you think you are ready to own a hermit crab, here are 6 steps for taking care of it at home.

1. Set up a “Crabitat”

A habitat for hermit crabs is called a crabitat. A 10-gallon tank is big enough for 3 hermit crabs. Try to provide 10 gallons of space for every 3 crabs. However, bigger is always better in terms of cleaning and health of the crab. You must also have substrate, in this case coconut fiber or sand. A burrowing substrate is the most important feature of the tank. Make sure it is clean and that it is deep enough (at least 6 inches) for them to burrow. If the crabs cannot burrow, chance of survival is low. Research substrate for more information.

2. Include a Salt Bath, a Fresh Water Bath, and Toys

Hermit crabs have to stay moist to be healthy. A salt bath and a fresh water bath will provide good options for healthy crabs. Things to climb on will keep them happy and prevent them from getting stressed.

3. Provide Humidity and Temperature Control

Hermit crabs like to be warm, between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, so you should provide a heat lamp and possibly a humidifier in the tank. They are very sensitive—to cold or to hot and they will die. The tank also needs to be at 80 to 90 percent relative humidity; a hydrometer can gauge how humid the tank is. The tank will also require a lid of some sort to lock in the humidity.

4. Get Hermit Crabs

Don’t get your crabs until you have set up your tank and had time to trouble-shoot any issues. This will provide an easier transition for them. Find extra shells in various sizes for growth: Shells can be bought at pet stores, or you might be able to find shells outside. If you do, boil them in salt water to sterilize them before adding them to the cage.

5. Feed Your Crabs

You can buy hermit crab food wholesale or hermit crab food in bulk from Pisces Pros .

6. Play with Them

Hermit crabs like to run around, which means you can let them run on your arms or on the floor outside of their cages. Just be sure you don’t drop them or step on them.

Get the Best for Your Hermit Crabs

Are you wondering where to buy hermit crab food?  HBH hermit crab food and other HBH products are now being sold by Pisces Pros. Because foods for hermit crabs vary, Crab and Hermit Crab Variety Bites are made from coconut, grains, and specialty flakes for an all-encompassing diet.

Get your hermit crab food from Pisces Pros for the best deals on healthy food for your hermit crabs. You may also be interested in turtle food, frog food, or other aquatic animal foods we carry. Order at piscespros.com or contact us for more information.

Can I keep a hermit crab I found in the ocean?

Marine hermit crabs can make wonderful pets, but they can be more work than hermit crabs that live on land. To successfully care for your marine hermit crab, you'll need to set up a fully functioning marine tank for it to live in. You'll also need to offer your hermit crab a diverse diet of meats and pellet food.

Does a hermit crab need saltwater?

Hermit crabs require both freshwater and saltwater water sources to survive. Saltwater should be made using sea salt sold for marine fish and crustaceans.

How do hermit crabs survive in the ocean?

Hermit crabs are one of the most common types of tide pool animals. Characterized by their soft abdomen or tail, hermit crabs rely on empty snail shells as a means of protection. They can fully withdraw themselves into the shell, sometimes using an oversize claw as a seal.

Do hermit crabs live in the ocean or on the beach?

Hermit crabs live inside empty sea snail shells, particularly those of whelks and periwinkles. They can be found on rocky shores and down to depths of 150m. Hermit crabs are opportunistic scavengers, feeding on anything they can find.


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