What is the hidden meaning of your name

About This Quiz

Without you knowing it, your name has meant something all along. It has a hidden meaning that has been a driving force in your life. During this quiz, the way you answer a series of questions about names will allow us to reveal what your name has been hiding. 

You can look up your name's traditional meaning, but we're talking about something completely different here. We're talking about the kind of meaning that cannot be associated with anyone but you — well, maybe that one person out of six million that has the exact same name. Still, the hidden meaning of your name is deeper than the meaning of your first name alone. It's the meaning of all your names together. 

Throughout the questions, we are going to do a little prying about your name. We're also going to ask you to tell us your feelings about other names, including those wacky names that celebrities give their children. Once you've finished the quiz, the hidden meaning of your name will be clear. Then we'll share your results!

You won't need to tell us your name. In fact, that would take away all the fun. Instead, answer these all-about-names questions, and learn what your name is trying to tell you. What is it trying to say?

"What is the meaning of my name?" is a common question people have. Find out if your name is helping or hurting you. Get an instant evaluation of what does your name mean.

First Name Analysis

The Energy In Your Name

The power of a name and its value has long been immortalized in prose, poetry, and religious ceremony. Everyone recognizes himself or herself by name.

The question is: What does my name mean and how does a name influence a person's character?

Let us consider what a name is. It is the grouping of several letters of an alphabet, or other symbols, which represent the identification of a person or an object.

The one thing which separates human beings from the animal kingdom is human mind, which has the ability to reason on a conscious level. To think consciously, one must use language. This point is not generally appreciated but it is vitally important. It is impossible to think without language. What allows language to serve in this manner? In the case of languages which have alphabets, letters are placed in a definite sequence in the alphabet, i.e., in the English alphabet, "A" is always in the first position, "B" in the second position, and so on. Any alphabet is an alphabet because symbols are recognized by their form or sound in a definite order--change the order and confusion results.

There is more than just sound and alphabetical symbols to language. What is it that language expresses? Is it not intelligence? Is not intelligence a mental power? Do we not learn through education--using language--to develop intelligence, which is recognized as mental growth and the individuality of the personal mind?

The link between human intelligence, mind, language, and the order of the letters in the alphabet is the key to measuring human mind and solving the major problem of mental discord and imbalance.

We have 1,125,577 names on our web site.

For an analysis of your full name, see our free detailed Name Report service.

You can change your life through the power of a Balanced Name. If you are already interested in making a name change, click here for the various services the Society of Kabalarians can provide you for this very important decision.

Analysis of Top 100 Baby Names

Look up the meaning of the top 100 Baby Names.

Thought for the Day

  • The firmest friendships have been formed in mutual adversity, as iron is most strongly united by the fiercest flame. –Charles C. Colton

  • Nothing truly stops you. Nothing truly holds you back, for your own will is always within your control. Sickness may challenge your body. But are you merely your body? –Epictetus

  • If you are seeking truth, never let prejudice enter your thinking, as one can only recognize truth with clear vision. –Alfred J. Parker

  • To live is to give. –Alfred J. Parker

Link to master list of quotes


Behind each letter of your name there is a hidden word which describes your personality. Just enter your name in the above field and you will find out the secret meaning of your name. You can also check the hidden meaning of any name, just enter it in the above field.

We hope you will enjoy this application and share the result with your friends. This application is made only for fun so do not treat the result too seriously. This is not a scientific test.

What is the meaning of my name is?

My-name-is definition A common way to identify oneself. phrase. 59. 19.

What is the meaning of hidden name?

The true meaning of 'Hidden Meaning' cannot be described with just a few words. Your name is your destiny, heart's desire, and personality. Hidden Meaning is a name that represents a tendency to exhibit extremes in terms of material success. You are either possessing a great deal of good fortune or none at all.

What name means hidden by God?

Character Name: Zephaniah Hebrew origin meaning "Hidden By God" | Baby names and meanings, Names with meaning, Name inspiration.

What does a name mean to a person?

A person's name is the greatest connection to their own identity and individuality. Some might say it is the most important word in the world to that person. It is the one way we can easily get someone's attention. It is a sign of courtesy and a way of recognizing them.


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