Which of the following is true of phytochemicals

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Chapter 1 1. Each of the six class of nutrients: a. Provide energy for the body b. Are essential for growth, development, and reproduction c. Are required in similar quantities by the body d. Can be produced by the body if dietary intake is inadequate 2. All of the following are true regarding phytochemicals EXCEPT a. They are classified as an essential micronutrient b. Thousands of these compounds are found in food c. Linked to reduced risk of cancer d. Found primarily in plant foods 3. Current nutrition research and policy focuses primarily on: a. Diseases of overconsumption b. Nutrient deficiency diseases c. Prevention of infectious diseases d. Dietary supplements and herbs 4. All the following are true regarding the adequate intake (AI) value EXCEPT: a. It represents the average daily amount of calories allowed for maintenance of a healthy body weight 5. The tolerable upper intake level (UL) is defined as: a. The estimate of a safe daily level of nutrient intake that should not be exceed 6. Healthy People 2020 is: a. A government sponsored initiative that sets goals and guidelines for the health of Americans

Chapter 2 1. Which of the following is true with regard to a healthy diet? a. All of the above 2. Emphasizing nutrient-dense foods and reducing intake of energy-dense foods while meeting overall energy needs typically results in: a. Greater likelihood of achieving recommended intake of essential nutrients

  1. The dietary guidelines for Americans (DGA) are characterized by all of the following EXCEPT: a. They are updated every 10 years - this would be true for healthy people 2020
  2. The nutrition labeling and education act (NLEA) of 1990 require all of the following, EXCEPT: a. Warning if a food product contains excessive amounts of sugar or sodium
  3. Percent daily value (%DV) on processed food packages is: a. Developed specifically for use on food labels
  4. On a nutrition label, the list of ingredients: a. Begins with the ingredient that comprises the highest proportion of the product’s weight
  5. Currently, health claims that can appear on food labels: a. Have been approved by the FDA

Chapter 4 1. The primary function of carbohydrates in the body is: a. As a source of energy 2. Carbohydrates are found primarily in plant sources. The only other food source for carbohydrates include: a. Dairy foods b. Meats c. Eggs d. Olive oil 3. According to the DRIs, approximately____ of total calories in the diet should come from carbohydrates, primarily complex carbohydrates: a. 25-45% b. 35-55% c. 45-65% d. 55-75% 4. Polysaccharides in plant foods may function as a stored form of energy (starch) or an indigestible material (fiber) depending on:

c. May help in blood glucose control d. Are generally high in sugar e. Increase risk of obesity 5. The type of hypoglycemia that may occur in a few individuals following a meal is termed: a. Reactive hypoglycemia b. Autoimmune hypoglycemia c. Insulin-resistant hypoglycemia d. Fasting hypoglycemia e. Metabolic syndrome

Chapter 5 (6,7,10) 1. Cholesterol is a sterol that: a. Functions as a precursor for synthesis of steroid hormones 2. Emulsification of fats in the small intestine requires the presence of: a. Bile acids b. Hydrochloric acids c. Lipases d. Cholesterol e. Insulin 3. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL): a. Transport cholesterol to essentially all cells in the body 4. Omega 3 fatty acids: a. Provide a source of alpha-linolenic acid i. ALPHA-LINOLENIC ACID - OMEGA 3 ii. LINOLEIC ACID - OMEGA 6

Chapter 6 (2,4,5,9,10) 1. Functions of proteins do NOT include: a. Serving as an energy source b. Serving as a structural component of hair and fingernails

c. Serving as a store of excess amino acids d. Serving as hormones e. Catalyzing chemical reactions in the body 2. Nonessential amino acids: ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS CANNOT BE MADE IN BODY a. Are incomplete proteins b. Are extra essential amino acids c. Can be manufactured in the body d. Enhance muscle development e. Are found only in plant foods 3. The acceptable macronutrient distribution range (AMDR) for protein intake is: a. 10-35% of total calories 4. Nick lifts weights and takes a daily protein supplement in addition to his 30% protein weight-maintenance diet. Taking this protein supplement: a. Both b & c are true (is not necessary because his intake is already in excess of the RDA, provides additional calories that can contribute to food stores) 5. Each of the following food choices is a source of complete proteins except: a. Beef b. Black beans c. Eggs d. Quinoa e. Yogurt

Spotlight C ( 1,3,4) 1. Marilyn follows a vegan diet. So which of the following foods does she avoid? a. Butter b. Coconut oil c. Maple syrup d. Peanut butter e. White rice 2. Studies examining the benefits of vegetarianism cite all of the following EXCEPT:

Which statement is true about phytochemicals?

Answer and Explanation: The statement, "Phytochemicals are present in fruits and vegetables" is true. Phytochemicals are the chemical compounds produced in fruits and vegetables that are believed to help prevent health issues such as cancer.

What are phytochemicals quizlet?

Phytochemicals: What are they? Bioactive plant compounds found in fruits, vegetables, grains and other plant foods.

Which of the following is a function of phytochemicals?

These phytochemicals contribute to plant color, aroma, and plant flavor to protect plants from predators and infections. The phytochemicals also stimulate the immune system and slow down the tumorigenesis of cancer cells.

What are 3 benefits of phytochemicals?

Protect cells and DNA from damage that may lead to cancer. Reduce inflammation. Slow the growth rate of some cancer cells. Help regulate hormones.


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