Which resource management task deploys and activates personnel and resources?

Which resource management task deploys or activates personnel and resources? A. Mobilize B. Track and Report C. Identify Requirements D. Order and Acquire

Mobilize resource management task deploys or activates personnel and resources.

Expert answered|Ishm|Points 12620|

Asked 8/27/2018 7:31:23 AM

Updated 8/27/2018 7:25:30 PM

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Confirmed by matahari [8/27/2018 7:25:30 PM]


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Possible Answers:

  1. Mobilize
  2. Track and Report
  3. Identify Requirements
  4. Order and Acquire

The Correct Answer:

1. Mobilize resource management tasks deploy or activate personnel and resources.


During an event, the main responsibility of resource management is to deploy and activate employees and assets. So this process of deploying and activating is called mobilization. In simple words, mobilization can be defined as transporting the required assets to the incident areas. Moving the assets into the crisis condition, for example, with better good resources, in order to fulfill the requirements can also be made by the team.

When people and other assets are contacted through established means, they begin deploying. When deployed personnel are notified, they are provided with the below-mentioned data:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Place of departure
  • Mode of transportation 
  • Estimated resource arrival date and time 
  • Reporting location 
  • Assigned supervisor
  • Anticipated incident assignment
  • Anticipated duration of deployment
  • Incident number
  • Resource order number
  • Applicable cost 
  • Funding codes

Learning how and where to engage with potential contributors in a way and dialect people understanding and establishing common ground via shared beliefs and interests is the main aspect of resource mobilization. It also requires identifying the correct prospect to contact and connecting the possibility with the appropriate resource mobilization approach. The importance of resource mobilization in any organization are listed down below:

  • Management ensures that there is a proper flow of resources in the organization. 
  • The management responsible for supporting the long term viability
  • It allows for the enhancement and expansion of the products and services

Excellent resource management generally results in the availability of the right resources at the correct time required for the fulfillment of a particular work.


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asked May 16 in Other by Kamal (61.5k points)

Which resource management task deploys or activates personnel and resources?

A. Mobilize

B. Track and Report

C. Identify Requirements

D. Order and Acquire

1 Answer

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Which resource management task deploys or activates personnel and resources? A. Mobilize B. Track and Report C. Identify Requirements D. Order and Acquire

Posted by Josep | 651 days ago | Homework

Mobilize Explanation: Mobilize is the resource management task that deploys or activates personnel and resources. In the event of being notified through established channels, mobilization and of personnel and other resources begin. This are done by a human resource manager who are responsible for deployment of labor and resources during incidents.

Rajesh | 651 days ago

There are many different resource management tasks, but one of the most important is deploying or activating personnel and resources. This can be a difficult task, but it can be done efficiently and effectively with the right tools and strategies in place. This blog post will discuss what goes into a successful deployment or activation of personnel and resources and provide you with some helpful tips to get started!

Illustrative Photo of Analysis of which task and resources deploys or activates personnel and resources.

There are a few key things to keep in mind when deploying or activating personnel and resources. First, you have to be sure that you have the right tools and strategies in place. This includes having accurate and up-to-date information about your personnel and resources, as well as a plan for how they will be used. Second, you need to communicate with your team members effectively. This includes ensuring that everyone is aware of their roles and responsibilities and any deadlines or milestones that need to be met. Finally, it would be polite if you were prepared for any potential challenges or obstacles that may arise. You can minimize these risks and ensure a successful deployment or activation of personnel and resources by planning and staying organized.

Are you looking for more information about deploying or activating personnel and resources? Check out our website for helpful tips and tools!

Strategies about Deploying Resources

  • Having accurate and up-to-date information is critical in deploying resources. This includes knowing the location, capabilities, and status of each resource. Before getting involved, make sure you’ve done your homework and are up to date on what’s going on in the industry.
    The first stage is to figure out what you want to accomplish, how much it will cost, who will execute the job, and when they will begin.
  • Make a strategy for how you’ll use your resources. This should contain who will be in charge of each assignment and any dates or milestones that must be reached.
  • Communicate with team members regularly. Please make sure everyone is aware of their roles and responsibilities and any changes or updates to the plan. Don’t forget to maintain your communication with the team during the incident. They need to know how things are progressing and the next steps, even if it’s just a thing.
  • Be prepared for challenges and obstacles that may arise. Have a backup plan ready in case something goes wrong. If you are grinding on a project, tell your manager that the deadline may be delayed if something unexpected comes up.
  • Resource management software can help you keep track of all your resources and ensure that they are being used efficiently. Some resource management software can also help with resource planning, especially useful for charging a team.
  • A communication platform can help you easily communicate with team members and ensure that everyone is on the same page. It can also enable you to set up a customer portal where collaborators can get information about the project, ask questions and even contribute ideas.
  • An operations dashboard can provide a visual overview of all the resources and tasks currently underway. This can help identify any potential bottlenecks or conflicts.

Effective Communication

  • Communication is critical when deploying resources. Please make sure all are aware of their roles and responsibilities and any deadlines or milestones that need to be met. Organizations can also use a dashboard to ensure that everyone involved in the production process is on track. This could be a schedule for completing various tasks or projects.
  • Use a communication platform that is easy to use and accessible to everyone. This will help ensure that everyone can stay up-to-date on the latest information. Make sure all users are included in the information loop. Boards, committees, and other bodies should ensure that all key stakeholders know decisions, plans, and outcomes.
  • Be prepared for questions and feedback from team members. They may have suggestions or ideas on how to improve the deployment process. The deployment window is a great time to get this feedback. If you have an existing environment, create a baseline before deploying. This way, you can compare performance before and after.

Managing Challenges and Obstacles

  • Plan and be prepared for any potential challenges or obstacles that may arise. Perform a risk assessment from time to time in the project lifecycle and regularly re-evaluate risk as new requirements are added or circumstances change throughout development. A thorough understanding of project risk permits more informed decision-making about planning, implementation, and control.
  • Have a backup plan ready in case something goes wrong. Sometimes you will lose control. You need to have a kinda ‘Plan B’ when things go wrong and how to get out. This is where your backup plan comes in handy.
  • Stay organized and keep track of all the tasks that need to be completed. To ensure that all the tasks are completed, you must be organized. Please list what needs to be done and prioritize it to get accomplished. This will be your anchor to stay on track and avoid any potential problems.

How To Stay Organized Even In a Stressful Situation

It may sound easy, but staying on top of things is not straightforward. Sometimes, staying organized can be challenging, especially if one juggles work and other responsibilities. However, some ways or strategies to fight stress can help anyone who needs to discover a way to become more organized every day. Here are some practical guidelines anyone can follow to become more productive and to be able to manage their time wisely:

Learn To Prioritize Tasks And Be Realistic

Prioritizing is one of the most effective skills to help an individual maintain order and remain organized. To make it work, there must always be a list of priorities like the number one task that has to be finished first or the urgent ones that have to get done at once, followed by those that can wait until later. Also, being realistic about things will give a person a better chance of completing tasks faster without sacrificing quality. In addition, prioritization helps develop discipline in accomplishing essential tasks instead of wasting precious time on unnecessary activities.

Simple Ways Of Mining Order On Homefront

A person needs to keep things in order, especially at home. Being organized means having a clean, tidy, and functional space that is pleasing to the eyes and comfortable. In addition, it must be free from clutter because clutter can make a place look untidy and disorderly. One way to begin this procedure is by going through every house room and throwing away useless items since they never add value.

Job-related Stress And How To Keep It From Affecting Daily Performance

Most workers have been experiencing stress from work before, which impedes their ability to accomplish tasks accordingly. This can result in missing deadlines or even getting fired if more responsibilities are given while they’re already incapable of meeting expectations. There are ways to deal with this situation. One solution is by using the Pomodoro Technique, which involves taking short but regular breaks from work instead of endlessly working on it without giving oneself a chance to relax. This helps an individual stay relaxed which will consequently lessen stress levels and thus make them more productive at work.

It Is Better To Break Tasks Into Mini-goals Instead Of Having One Single Goal For The Day

Many people set unrealistic goals for themselves, mainly if they aim to accomplish too many tasks in just one day. It can be overwhelming. That’s why it’s better that they opt for mini-goals instead of setting one big goal for the entire day. Also, dividing significant goals into small ones gives a person a sense of accomplishment as they go through each step. Hence, it increases motivation and makes it easy to accomplish everything on the list, one task after another. Click here to learn how to set goals the right way.

Having A Place For Everything And Keeping It There All The Time

It is helpful to have specific places where items must be kept, such as keys inside the critical bowl at the entrance, chargers inside the office, clothes inside the closet, etceteras. This way, things will not be scattered around, and it will also look neater and more organized, which in turn relaxes an individual’s mind knowing that nothing is missing anymore and everything is where it should be.

Remember, staying organized does not mean turning into a perfectionist.

Which resource management task deploys or activates personnel and Reso?

1 Answer. Mobilize resource management task and deploys or activates personnel and resources.

Which resource management task includes or activate personal and resources?

Which Resource Management Task Deploys or Activates Personnel and Resources. There are many different resource management tasks, but one of the most important is deploying or activating personnel and resources.

Which response management task deploys personnel and resources?

The Correct Answer: 1. Mobilize resource management tasks deploy or activate personnel and resources.

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Credentialing: Providing documentation that identifies personnel and authenticates and verifies their qualifications for a particular position.


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