Under what circumstances must an accident be reported in writing to the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources within 48 hours quizlet?

Virginia’s boat accident regulations require that any operator involved in a boating accident is required to:

  • Stop their boat at the scene.
  • Render assistance to any person who has been injured or who is in danger so long as they can do so without risking their safety or their passenger’s safety.
  • Provide their name, address and boat information in writing, to any person who was injured, and to the owner of any property that was damaged as a result of the accident.

Accident Reporting

A written accident report form must be filed with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) when:

  • A person is killed, or is injured and required medical attention beyond first aid.
  • A person disappears from the boat.
  • Damage to boat(s) or equipment totals more than $2,000.

To inform law enforcement about an accident, operators can call their county or city law enforcement group, their County Sheriff’s Office, Conservation Police Officers, or Department dispatcher.

When a person dies or disappears as a result of an accident, the operator is required by law to notify the VDGIF in Richmond, Virginia, or the most immediately available Department Conservation Police Officer, by the quickest means possible, without delay.

Filing a Boat Accident Report

A written accident report must be filed within 48 hours if:

  • A person dies within 24 hours of the accident.
  • A person is injured and is not able to perform usual activities.
  • A person disappears from the boat.

A written accident report must be filed within 10 days if:

  • An earlier report is not required, but becomes necessary.
  • Property damage totals more than $2,000 or there is total loss of the boat.

Where to get a Boat Accident Report Form

Accident report forms can be obtained from:

  • Local law enforcement authorities.
  • Department Conservation Police Officers.
  • The VDGIF website.
  • All department offices.

Vessel operators must report accidents immediately and file a written report of the accident.

  • Immediate Report: When an accident occurs that requires a written report, the operator must, without delay and by the quickest means available, notify the Virginia DWR in Richmond, Virginia, or the most immediately available member (Conservation Police Officer) of the department’s law enforcement force and give:
    • The date, time, and exact location of the occurrence and...
    • The major details of the accident, including the name of each person who died or disappeared and...
    • The number and name of the vessel and...
    • The names and addresses of the owner and operator.
  • Written Report: Here are the requirements for written reports.
    • In addition to the required notification, the operator of a vessel must submit a written casualty or accident report to Virginia DWR when, as a result of an occurrence that involves the vessel or its equipment:
      • A person dies or...
      • A person is unable to perform normal or usual activities or...
      • Damage to the vessel and other property damage totals more than $2,000 or complete loss of the vessel or...
      • A person disappears from the vessel under circumstances that indicate probable death or injury.
    • A written report must be made:
      • Within 48 hours of the occurrence if a person dies within 24 hours of the occurrence or if a person is unable to perform normal or usual activities or if a person disappears from a vessel or...
      • Within 10 days of the occurrence or death if an earlier report is not required.
  • When the operator of a vessel cannot report the accident as required:
    • Each person on board the vessel must notify Virginia DWR or a member of its law enforcement force immediately or determine that the immediate notice has been given and...
    • The owner of the vessel must submit the written report.
  • Virginia boating accident report forms can be obtained from any office of the Virginia DWR or on the Virginia DWR website.

As the operator of a vessel, you are required by law to file a formal, written report of your boating accident with DWR under certain circumstances.

When a Report is Required

A formal, written report must be filed with DWR when there is:

  • Damage over $2000 by or to the vessel or its equipment;
  • Injury (requiring medical help beyond First Aid) or loss of life; and/or
  • Disappearance of any person from a vessel.

To inform Law Enforcement about an accident that has just occurred, please call your county or city law enforcement group, sheriff’s office, Conservation Police Officer, or Department dispatcher (800-237-5712) or 911.

When a person dies or disappears as a result of an occurrence that involves a vessel or its equipment, the operator is required by law to notify DWR in Richmond, Virginia, or the most immediately available Department Conservation Police Officer without delay and by the quickest means possible.

Time Frame for Reporting

Written reports must be filed within the following time frames from the boating accident:

  • 48 hours, if a person dies within 24 hours of the accident;
  • 48 hours if a person involved is injured and cannot perform usual activities;
  • 48 hours if a person disappears from a vessel;
  • 10 days if an earlier report is not required but becomes necessary; and/or
  • 10 days if the boat or property damage is in excess of $2000 or total boat loss.

How to File a Written Accident Report

Boating Accident Report forms can also be obtained from local law enforcement authorities, Department Conservation Police Officers, this website, and all Department offices. You may submit the completed forms in person or send them to the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, Boating Accident, 7870 Villa Park Dr., Suite 400, P.O. Box 90778, Henrico, VA 23228. The boat operator or owner usually completes the form unless she/he is physically unable to do so.

Duty to Stop and Render Assistance

It is the duty of every operator involved in a collision to stop and offer assistance. Operators involved in a collision, who knowingly fail to comply with this law when the collision or accident results in serious bodily injury to, or the death of, any person, shall be guilty of a Class 6 Felony. When a collision or accident results in only property damage, the operator who does not comply with this law shall be guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor.


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