What things are not good for your kidneys?

TIMESOFINDIA.COM | Last updated on - Aug 2, 2022, 09:00 IST

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  • We’re frequently told to eat a healthy diet. But for people with kidney disease, also called renal disease, eating a healthy diet means having to make adjustments, perhaps no longer consuming a favorite meal or drink. There are many foods, even healthy ones, that people with renal diet restrictions shouldn’t touch. They contain high levels of minerals, like sodium, potassium and phosphorus, which stress the kidneys and could cause more kidney damage. The more advanced your kidney disease, the more restrictions you may have. Here are examples of six types of foods to avoid with renal disease.

  • High-Protein Foods, Particularly Animal Products

    Animal products, like red meat, poultry, fish and eggs are higher-protein foods. You do need protein to help build muscle and repair tissue, but protein also leaves behind waste that your body must eliminate. It’s the kidneys’ job to do this and too much protein in your diet makes your kidneys work harder and could speed up kidney damage. But since some protein is still essential, you can get it from fruits and vegetables, along with low-sodium breads, rice and pasta.

  • Salt, or sodium, is a common additive to many foods we enjoy, particularly processed foods. However, salt plays an important role in how much fluid your body withholds. Too much fluid affects your blood pressure and can cause heart and lung disease. Healthy kidneys usually help maintain the right fluid balance, but if you have kidney disease, this may not be the case. So, avoid high-sodium products like soy sauce and packaged, processed foods. Choose low-sodium options and when cooking at home, try using spices and herbs for flavor, rather than adding salt. And leave the salt shaker off the table—it’s less tempting to use it.

  • Fruits and Vegetables High in Potassium

    Potassium puts stress on your kidneys, so it must be limited in a kidney disease diet. Many fruits are high in potassium, such as melons, bananas, oranges, prunes and tomatoes, both eaten and in juices. The mineral is also higher in dairy products, avocados, bran, beans, lentils and nuts. You may be surprised to learn that dark-colored sodas are higher in potassium, as are fruit punches and prepared (canned and bottled) iced tea. Lower-potassium foods include apples, grapes, strawberries, cauliflower, white breads, pita, chicken and white rice.

  • Foods With Phosphorus, or Phosphate

    Phosphorus helps your body form bones and teeth, and it helps your body use carbohydrates and fats. But it is restricted if you’re following a diet for stage 4 kidney disease. Foods to avoid include dairy products, chocolate, seasoned and processed foods, baking powder, whole-grain breads, bran cereal and oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds, and again, dark-colored colas. Foods with lower amounts of phosphorus include corn or rice cereals, popcorn (no salt!), sourdough bread, French or Italian breads, lemonade, and some sodas that aren’t dark in color.

  • High-Calcium Foods, Including Calcium Supplements

    Another important mineral is calcium, but calcium is hard on the kidneys. The most widely known foods that contain calcium are dairy products, but it’s also found in many of the same foods that have high phosphorus levels. So, by avoiding those foods, you are helping decrease both phosphorus and calcium in your diet. If you take a calcium or vitamin D supplement, mention this to your doctor as you may have to stop taking it.

  • Most people know alcohol can affect your liver, but did you know it also can affect your kidneys? Researchers have found if your liver is compromised or injured, your kidneys can become more damaged as they try to compensate for the injured liver when you drink alcohol. Alcohol is also dehydrating to your body and this can affect how well your kidneys filter out the toxins. In addition, high blood pressure is damaging to the kidneys and too much alcohol can raise blood pressure.

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Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN, has been writing health information for the past 20 years. She has extensive experience writing about health issues like sepsis, cancer, mental health issues, and women’s health. She is also author of the book Just the Right Dose: Your Smart Guide to Prescription Medications and How to Take Them Safely.

Last Review Date: 2021 Jul 13

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.

Page 2

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  • We’re frequently told to eat a healthy diet. But for people with kidney disease, also called renal disease, eating a healthy diet means having to make adjustments, perhaps no longer consuming a favorite meal or drink. There are many foods, even healthy ones, that people with renal diet restrictions shouldn’t touch. They contain high levels of minerals, like sodium, potassium and phosphorus, which stress the kidneys and could cause more kidney damage. The more advanced your kidney disease, the more restrictions you may have. Here are examples of six types of foods to avoid with renal disease.

  • High-Protein Foods, Particularly Animal Products

    Animal products, like red meat, poultry, fish and eggs are higher-protein foods. You do need protein to help build muscle and repair tissue, but protein also leaves behind waste that your body must eliminate. It’s the kidneys’ job to do this and too much protein in your diet makes your kidneys work harder and could speed up kidney damage. But since some protein is still essential, you can get it from fruits and vegetables, along with low-sodium breads, rice and pasta.

  • Salt, or sodium, is a common additive to many foods we enjoy, particularly processed foods. However, salt plays an important role in how much fluid your body withholds. Too much fluid affects your blood pressure and can cause heart and lung disease. Healthy kidneys usually help maintain the right fluid balance, but if you have kidney disease, this may not be the case. So, avoid high-sodium products like soy sauce and packaged, processed foods. Choose low-sodium options and when cooking at home, try using spices and herbs for flavor, rather than adding salt. And leave the salt shaker off the table—it’s less tempting to use it.

  • Fruits and Vegetables High in Potassium

    Potassium puts stress on your kidneys, so it must be limited in a kidney disease diet. Many fruits are high in potassium, such as melons, bananas, oranges, prunes and tomatoes, both eaten and in juices. The mineral is also higher in dairy products, avocados, bran, beans, lentils and nuts. You may be surprised to learn that dark-colored sodas are higher in potassium, as are fruit punches and prepared (canned and bottled) iced tea. Lower-potassium foods include apples, grapes, strawberries, cauliflower, white breads, pita, chicken and white rice.

  • Foods With Phosphorus, or Phosphate

    Phosphorus helps your body form bones and teeth, and it helps your body use carbohydrates and fats. But it is restricted if you’re following a diet for stage 4 kidney disease. Foods to avoid include dairy products, chocolate, seasoned and processed foods, baking powder, whole-grain breads, bran cereal and oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds, and again, dark-colored colas. Foods with lower amounts of phosphorus include corn or rice cereals, popcorn (no salt!), sourdough bread, French or Italian breads, lemonade, and some sodas that aren’t dark in color.

  • High-Calcium Foods, Including Calcium Supplements

    Another important mineral is calcium, but calcium is hard on the kidneys. The most widely known foods that contain calcium are dairy products, but it’s also found in many of the same foods that have high phosphorus levels. So, by avoiding those foods, you are helping decrease both phosphorus and calcium in your diet. If you take a calcium or vitamin D supplement, mention this to your doctor as you may have to stop taking it.

  • Most people know alcohol can affect your liver, but did you know it also can affect your kidneys? Researchers have found if your liver is compromised or injured, your kidneys can become more damaged as they try to compensate for the injured liver when you drink alcohol. Alcohol is also dehydrating to your body and this can affect how well your kidneys filter out the toxins. In addition, high blood pressure is damaging to the kidneys and too much alcohol can raise blood pressure.

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Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN, has been writing health information for the past 20 years. She has extensive experience writing about health issues like sepsis, cancer, mental health issues, and women’s health. She is also author of the book Just the Right Dose: Your Smart Guide to Prescription Medications and How to Take Them Safely.

Last Review Date: 2021 Jul 13

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.

Page 3

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  • We’re frequently told to eat a healthy diet. But for people with kidney disease, also called renal disease, eating a healthy diet means having to make adjustments, perhaps no longer consuming a favorite meal or drink. There are many foods, even healthy ones, that people with renal diet restrictions shouldn’t touch. They contain high levels of minerals, like sodium, potassium and phosphorus, which stress the kidneys and could cause more kidney damage. The more advanced your kidney disease, the more restrictions you may have. Here are examples of six types of foods to avoid with renal disease.

  • High-Protein Foods, Particularly Animal Products

    Animal products, like red meat, poultry, fish and eggs are higher-protein foods. You do need protein to help build muscle and repair tissue, but protein also leaves behind waste that your body must eliminate. It’s the kidneys’ job to do this and too much protein in your diet makes your kidneys work harder and could speed up kidney damage. But since some protein is still essential, you can get it from fruits and vegetables, along with low-sodium breads, rice and pasta.

  • Salt, or sodium, is a common additive to many foods we enjoy, particularly processed foods. However, salt plays an important role in how much fluid your body withholds. Too much fluid affects your blood pressure and can cause heart and lung disease. Healthy kidneys usually help maintain the right fluid balance, but if you have kidney disease, this may not be the case. So, avoid high-sodium products like soy sauce and packaged, processed foods. Choose low-sodium options and when cooking at home, try using spices and herbs for flavor, rather than adding salt. And leave the salt shaker off the table—it’s less tempting to use it.

  • Fruits and Vegetables High in Potassium

    Potassium puts stress on your kidneys, so it must be limited in a kidney disease diet. Many fruits are high in potassium, such as melons, bananas, oranges, prunes and tomatoes, both eaten and in juices. The mineral is also higher in dairy products, avocados, bran, beans, lentils and nuts. You may be surprised to learn that dark-colored sodas are higher in potassium, as are fruit punches and prepared (canned and bottled) iced tea. Lower-potassium foods include apples, grapes, strawberries, cauliflower, white breads, pita, chicken and white rice.

  • Foods With Phosphorus, or Phosphate

    Phosphorus helps your body form bones and teeth, and it helps your body use carbohydrates and fats. But it is restricted if you’re following a diet for stage 4 kidney disease. Foods to avoid include dairy products, chocolate, seasoned and processed foods, baking powder, whole-grain breads, bran cereal and oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds, and again, dark-colored colas. Foods with lower amounts of phosphorus include corn or rice cereals, popcorn (no salt!), sourdough bread, French or Italian breads, lemonade, and some sodas that aren’t dark in color.

  • High-Calcium Foods, Including Calcium Supplements

    Another important mineral is calcium, but calcium is hard on the kidneys. The most widely known foods that contain calcium are dairy products, but it’s also found in many of the same foods that have high phosphorus levels. So, by avoiding those foods, you are helping decrease both phosphorus and calcium in your diet. If you take a calcium or vitamin D supplement, mention this to your doctor as you may have to stop taking it.

  • Most people know alcohol can affect your liver, but did you know it also can affect your kidneys? Researchers have found if your liver is compromised or injured, your kidneys can become more damaged as they try to compensate for the injured liver when you drink alcohol. Alcohol is also dehydrating to your body and this can affect how well your kidneys filter out the toxins. In addition, high blood pressure is damaging to the kidneys and too much alcohol can raise blood pressure.

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Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN, has been writing health information for the past 20 years. She has extensive experience writing about health issues like sepsis, cancer, mental health issues, and women’s health. She is also author of the book Just the Right Dose: Your Smart Guide to Prescription Medications and How to Take Them Safely.

Last Review Date: 2021 Jul 13

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.

Page 4

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  • We’re frequently told to eat a healthy diet. But for people with kidney disease, also called renal disease, eating a healthy diet means having to make adjustments, perhaps no longer consuming a favorite meal or drink. There are many foods, even healthy ones, that people with renal diet restrictions shouldn’t touch. They contain high levels of minerals, like sodium, potassium and phosphorus, which stress the kidneys and could cause more kidney damage. The more advanced your kidney disease, the more restrictions you may have. Here are examples of six types of foods to avoid with renal disease.

  • High-Protein Foods, Particularly Animal Products

    Animal products, like red meat, poultry, fish and eggs are higher-protein foods. You do need protein to help build muscle and repair tissue, but protein also leaves behind waste that your body must eliminate. It’s the kidneys’ job to do this and too much protein in your diet makes your kidneys work harder and could speed up kidney damage. But since some protein is still essential, you can get it from fruits and vegetables, along with low-sodium breads, rice and pasta.

  • Salt, or sodium, is a common additive to many foods we enjoy, particularly processed foods. However, salt plays an important role in how much fluid your body withholds. Too much fluid affects your blood pressure and can cause heart and lung disease. Healthy kidneys usually help maintain the right fluid balance, but if you have kidney disease, this may not be the case. So, avoid high-sodium products like soy sauce and packaged, processed foods. Choose low-sodium options and when cooking at home, try using spices and herbs for flavor, rather than adding salt. And leave the salt shaker off the table—it’s less tempting to use it.

  • Fruits and Vegetables High in Potassium

    Potassium puts stress on your kidneys, so it must be limited in a kidney disease diet. Many fruits are high in potassium, such as melons, bananas, oranges, prunes and tomatoes, both eaten and in juices. The mineral is also higher in dairy products, avocados, bran, beans, lentils and nuts. You may be surprised to learn that dark-colored sodas are higher in potassium, as are fruit punches and prepared (canned and bottled) iced tea. Lower-potassium foods include apples, grapes, strawberries, cauliflower, white breads, pita, chicken and white rice.

  • Foods With Phosphorus, or Phosphate

    Phosphorus helps your body form bones and teeth, and it helps your body use carbohydrates and fats. But it is restricted if you’re following a diet for stage 4 kidney disease. Foods to avoid include dairy products, chocolate, seasoned and processed foods, baking powder, whole-grain breads, bran cereal and oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds, and again, dark-colored colas. Foods with lower amounts of phosphorus include corn or rice cereals, popcorn (no salt!), sourdough bread, French or Italian breads, lemonade, and some sodas that aren’t dark in color.

  • High-Calcium Foods, Including Calcium Supplements

    Another important mineral is calcium, but calcium is hard on the kidneys. The most widely known foods that contain calcium are dairy products, but it’s also found in many of the same foods that have high phosphorus levels. So, by avoiding those foods, you are helping decrease both phosphorus and calcium in your diet. If you take a calcium or vitamin D supplement, mention this to your doctor as you may have to stop taking it.

  • Most people know alcohol can affect your liver, but did you know it also can affect your kidneys? Researchers have found if your liver is compromised or injured, your kidneys can become more damaged as they try to compensate for the injured liver when you drink alcohol. Alcohol is also dehydrating to your body and this can affect how well your kidneys filter out the toxins. In addition, high blood pressure is damaging to the kidneys and too much alcohol can raise blood pressure.

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Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN, has been writing health information for the past 20 years. She has extensive experience writing about health issues like sepsis, cancer, mental health issues, and women’s health. She is also author of the book Just the Right Dose: Your Smart Guide to Prescription Medications and How to Take Them Safely.

Last Review Date: 2021 Jul 13

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.

Page 5

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  • We’re frequently told to eat a healthy diet. But for people with kidney disease, also called renal disease, eating a healthy diet means having to make adjustments, perhaps no longer consuming a favorite meal or drink. There are many foods, even healthy ones, that people with renal diet restrictions shouldn’t touch. They contain high levels of minerals, like sodium, potassium and phosphorus, which stress the kidneys and could cause more kidney damage. The more advanced your kidney disease, the more restrictions you may have. Here are examples of six types of foods to avoid with renal disease.

  • High-Protein Foods, Particularly Animal Products

    Animal products, like red meat, poultry, fish and eggs are higher-protein foods. You do need protein to help build muscle and repair tissue, but protein also leaves behind waste that your body must eliminate. It’s the kidneys’ job to do this and too much protein in your diet makes your kidneys work harder and could speed up kidney damage. But since some protein is still essential, you can get it from fruits and vegetables, along with low-sodium breads, rice and pasta.

  • Salt, or sodium, is a common additive to many foods we enjoy, particularly processed foods. However, salt plays an important role in how much fluid your body withholds. Too much fluid affects your blood pressure and can cause heart and lung disease. Healthy kidneys usually help maintain the right fluid balance, but if you have kidney disease, this may not be the case. So, avoid high-sodium products like soy sauce and packaged, processed foods. Choose low-sodium options and when cooking at home, try using spices and herbs for flavor, rather than adding salt. And leave the salt shaker off the table—it’s less tempting to use it.

  • Fruits and Vegetables High in Potassium

    Potassium puts stress on your kidneys, so it must be limited in a kidney disease diet. Many fruits are high in potassium, such as melons, bananas, oranges, prunes and tomatoes, both eaten and in juices. The mineral is also higher in dairy products, avocados, bran, beans, lentils and nuts. You may be surprised to learn that dark-colored sodas are higher in potassium, as are fruit punches and prepared (canned and bottled) iced tea. Lower-potassium foods include apples, grapes, strawberries, cauliflower, white breads, pita, chicken and white rice.

  • Foods With Phosphorus, or Phosphate

    Phosphorus helps your body form bones and teeth, and it helps your body use carbohydrates and fats. But it is restricted if you’re following a diet for stage 4 kidney disease. Foods to avoid include dairy products, chocolate, seasoned and processed foods, baking powder, whole-grain breads, bran cereal and oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds, and again, dark-colored colas. Foods with lower amounts of phosphorus include corn or rice cereals, popcorn (no salt!), sourdough bread, French or Italian breads, lemonade, and some sodas that aren’t dark in color.

  • High-Calcium Foods, Including Calcium Supplements

    Another important mineral is calcium, but calcium is hard on the kidneys. The most widely known foods that contain calcium are dairy products, but it’s also found in many of the same foods that have high phosphorus levels. So, by avoiding those foods, you are helping decrease both phosphorus and calcium in your diet. If you take a calcium or vitamin D supplement, mention this to your doctor as you may have to stop taking it.

  • Most people know alcohol can affect your liver, but did you know it also can affect your kidneys? Researchers have found if your liver is compromised or injured, your kidneys can become more damaged as they try to compensate for the injured liver when you drink alcohol. Alcohol is also dehydrating to your body and this can affect how well your kidneys filter out the toxins. In addition, high blood pressure is damaging to the kidneys and too much alcohol can raise blood pressure.

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Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN, has been writing health information for the past 20 years. She has extensive experience writing about health issues like sepsis, cancer, mental health issues, and women’s health. She is also author of the book Just the Right Dose: Your Smart Guide to Prescription Medications and How to Take Them Safely.

Last Review Date: 2021 Jul 13

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.

Page 6

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  • We’re frequently told to eat a healthy diet. But for people with kidney disease, also called renal disease, eating a healthy diet means having to make adjustments, perhaps no longer consuming a favorite meal or drink. There are many foods, even healthy ones, that people with renal diet restrictions shouldn’t touch. They contain high levels of minerals, like sodium, potassium and phosphorus, which stress the kidneys and could cause more kidney damage. The more advanced your kidney disease, the more restrictions you may have. Here are examples of six types of foods to avoid with renal disease.

  • High-Protein Foods, Particularly Animal Products

    Animal products, like red meat, poultry, fish and eggs are higher-protein foods. You do need protein to help build muscle and repair tissue, but protein also leaves behind waste that your body must eliminate. It’s the kidneys’ job to do this and too much protein in your diet makes your kidneys work harder and could speed up kidney damage. But since some protein is still essential, you can get it from fruits and vegetables, along with low-sodium breads, rice and pasta.

  • Salt, or sodium, is a common additive to many foods we enjoy, particularly processed foods. However, salt plays an important role in how much fluid your body withholds. Too much fluid affects your blood pressure and can cause heart and lung disease. Healthy kidneys usually help maintain the right fluid balance, but if you have kidney disease, this may not be the case. So, avoid high-sodium products like soy sauce and packaged, processed foods. Choose low-sodium options and when cooking at home, try using spices and herbs for flavor, rather than adding salt. And leave the salt shaker off the table—it’s less tempting to use it.

  • Fruits and Vegetables High in Potassium

    Potassium puts stress on your kidneys, so it must be limited in a kidney disease diet. Many fruits are high in potassium, such as melons, bananas, oranges, prunes and tomatoes, both eaten and in juices. The mineral is also higher in dairy products, avocados, bran, beans, lentils and nuts. You may be surprised to learn that dark-colored sodas are higher in potassium, as are fruit punches and prepared (canned and bottled) iced tea. Lower-potassium foods include apples, grapes, strawberries, cauliflower, white breads, pita, chicken and white rice.

  • Foods With Phosphorus, or Phosphate

    Phosphorus helps your body form bones and teeth, and it helps your body use carbohydrates and fats. But it is restricted if you’re following a diet for stage 4 kidney disease. Foods to avoid include dairy products, chocolate, seasoned and processed foods, baking powder, whole-grain breads, bran cereal and oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds, and again, dark-colored colas. Foods with lower amounts of phosphorus include corn or rice cereals, popcorn (no salt!), sourdough bread, French or Italian breads, lemonade, and some sodas that aren’t dark in color.

  • High-Calcium Foods, Including Calcium Supplements

    Another important mineral is calcium, but calcium is hard on the kidneys. The most widely known foods that contain calcium are dairy products, but it’s also found in many of the same foods that have high phosphorus levels. So, by avoiding those foods, you are helping decrease both phosphorus and calcium in your diet. If you take a calcium or vitamin D supplement, mention this to your doctor as you may have to stop taking it.

  • Most people know alcohol can affect your liver, but did you know it also can affect your kidneys? Researchers have found if your liver is compromised or injured, your kidneys can become more damaged as they try to compensate for the injured liver when you drink alcohol. Alcohol is also dehydrating to your body and this can affect how well your kidneys filter out the toxins. In addition, high blood pressure is damaging to the kidneys and too much alcohol can raise blood pressure.

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Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN, has been writing health information for the past 20 years. She has extensive experience writing about health issues like sepsis, cancer, mental health issues, and women’s health. She is also author of the book Just the Right Dose: Your Smart Guide to Prescription Medications and How to Take Them Safely.

Last Review Date: 2021 Jul 13

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.

Page 7

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  • We’re frequently told to eat a healthy diet. But for people with kidney disease, also called renal disease, eating a healthy diet means having to make adjustments, perhaps no longer consuming a favorite meal or drink. There are many foods, even healthy ones, that people with renal diet restrictions shouldn’t touch. They contain high levels of minerals, like sodium, potassium and phosphorus, which stress the kidneys and could cause more kidney damage. The more advanced your kidney disease, the more restrictions you may have. Here are examples of six types of foods to avoid with renal disease.

  • High-Protein Foods, Particularly Animal Products

    Animal products, like red meat, poultry, fish and eggs are higher-protein foods. You do need protein to help build muscle and repair tissue, but protein also leaves behind waste that your body must eliminate. It’s the kidneys’ job to do this and too much protein in your diet makes your kidneys work harder and could speed up kidney damage. But since some protein is still essential, you can get it from fruits and vegetables, along with low-sodium breads, rice and pasta.

  • Salt, or sodium, is a common additive to many foods we enjoy, particularly processed foods. However, salt plays an important role in how much fluid your body withholds. Too much fluid affects your blood pressure and can cause heart and lung disease. Healthy kidneys usually help maintain the right fluid balance, but if you have kidney disease, this may not be the case. So, avoid high-sodium products like soy sauce and packaged, processed foods. Choose low-sodium options and when cooking at home, try using spices and herbs for flavor, rather than adding salt. And leave the salt shaker off the table—it’s less tempting to use it.

  • Fruits and Vegetables High in Potassium

    Potassium puts stress on your kidneys, so it must be limited in a kidney disease diet. Many fruits are high in potassium, such as melons, bananas, oranges, prunes and tomatoes, both eaten and in juices. The mineral is also higher in dairy products, avocados, bran, beans, lentils and nuts. You may be surprised to learn that dark-colored sodas are higher in potassium, as are fruit punches and prepared (canned and bottled) iced tea. Lower-potassium foods include apples, grapes, strawberries, cauliflower, white breads, pita, chicken and white rice.

  • Foods With Phosphorus, or Phosphate

    Phosphorus helps your body form bones and teeth, and it helps your body use carbohydrates and fats. But it is restricted if you’re following a diet for stage 4 kidney disease. Foods to avoid include dairy products, chocolate, seasoned and processed foods, baking powder, whole-grain breads, bran cereal and oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds, and again, dark-colored colas. Foods with lower amounts of phosphorus include corn or rice cereals, popcorn (no salt!), sourdough bread, French or Italian breads, lemonade, and some sodas that aren’t dark in color.

  • High-Calcium Foods, Including Calcium Supplements

    Another important mineral is calcium, but calcium is hard on the kidneys. The most widely known foods that contain calcium are dairy products, but it’s also found in many of the same foods that have high phosphorus levels. So, by avoiding those foods, you are helping decrease both phosphorus and calcium in your diet. If you take a calcium or vitamin D supplement, mention this to your doctor as you may have to stop taking it.

  • Most people know alcohol can affect your liver, but did you know it also can affect your kidneys? Researchers have found if your liver is compromised or injured, your kidneys can become more damaged as they try to compensate for the injured liver when you drink alcohol. Alcohol is also dehydrating to your body and this can affect how well your kidneys filter out the toxins. In addition, high blood pressure is damaging to the kidneys and too much alcohol can raise blood pressure.

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Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN, has been writing health information for the past 20 years. She has extensive experience writing about health issues like sepsis, cancer, mental health issues, and women’s health. She is also author of the book Just the Right Dose: Your Smart Guide to Prescription Medications and How to Take Them Safely.

Last Review Date: 2021 Jul 13

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.

Page 8

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  • We’re frequently told to eat a healthy diet. But for people with kidney disease, also called renal disease, eating a healthy diet means having to make adjustments, perhaps no longer consuming a favorite meal or drink. There are many foods, even healthy ones, that people with renal diet restrictions shouldn’t touch. They contain high levels of minerals, like sodium, potassium and phosphorus, which stress the kidneys and could cause more kidney damage. The more advanced your kidney disease, the more restrictions you may have. Here are examples of six types of foods to avoid with renal disease.

  • High-Protein Foods, Particularly Animal Products

    Animal products, like red meat, poultry, fish and eggs are higher-protein foods. You do need protein to help build muscle and repair tissue, but protein also leaves behind waste that your body must eliminate. It’s the kidneys’ job to do this and too much protein in your diet makes your kidneys work harder and could speed up kidney damage. But since some protein is still essential, you can get it from fruits and vegetables, along with low-sodium breads, rice and pasta.

  • Salt, or sodium, is a common additive to many foods we enjoy, particularly processed foods. However, salt plays an important role in how much fluid your body withholds. Too much fluid affects your blood pressure and can cause heart and lung disease. Healthy kidneys usually help maintain the right fluid balance, but if you have kidney disease, this may not be the case. So, avoid high-sodium products like soy sauce and packaged, processed foods. Choose low-sodium options and when cooking at home, try using spices and herbs for flavor, rather than adding salt. And leave the salt shaker off the table—it’s less tempting to use it.

  • Fruits and Vegetables High in Potassium

    Potassium puts stress on your kidneys, so it must be limited in a kidney disease diet. Many fruits are high in potassium, such as melons, bananas, oranges, prunes and tomatoes, both eaten and in juices. The mineral is also higher in dairy products, avocados, bran, beans, lentils and nuts. You may be surprised to learn that dark-colored sodas are higher in potassium, as are fruit punches and prepared (canned and bottled) iced tea. Lower-potassium foods include apples, grapes, strawberries, cauliflower, white breads, pita, chicken and white rice.

  • Foods With Phosphorus, or Phosphate

    Phosphorus helps your body form bones and teeth, and it helps your body use carbohydrates and fats. But it is restricted if you’re following a diet for stage 4 kidney disease. Foods to avoid include dairy products, chocolate, seasoned and processed foods, baking powder, whole-grain breads, bran cereal and oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds, and again, dark-colored colas. Foods with lower amounts of phosphorus include corn or rice cereals, popcorn (no salt!), sourdough bread, French or Italian breads, lemonade, and some sodas that aren’t dark in color.

  • High-Calcium Foods, Including Calcium Supplements

    Another important mineral is calcium, but calcium is hard on the kidneys. The most widely known foods that contain calcium are dairy products, but it’s also found in many of the same foods that have high phosphorus levels. So, by avoiding those foods, you are helping decrease both phosphorus and calcium in your diet. If you take a calcium or vitamin D supplement, mention this to your doctor as you may have to stop taking it.

  • Most people know alcohol can affect your liver, but did you know it also can affect your kidneys? Researchers have found if your liver is compromised or injured, your kidneys can become more damaged as they try to compensate for the injured liver when you drink alcohol. Alcohol is also dehydrating to your body and this can affect how well your kidneys filter out the toxins. In addition, high blood pressure is damaging to the kidneys and too much alcohol can raise blood pressure.

Was this helpful?

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN, has been writing health information for the past 20 years. She has extensive experience writing about health issues like sepsis, cancer, mental health issues, and women’s health. She is also author of the book Just the Right Dose: Your Smart Guide to Prescription Medications and How to Take Them Safely.

Last Review Date: 2021 Jul 13

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.

Page 9

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  • We’re frequently told to eat a healthy diet. But for people with kidney disease, also called renal disease, eating a healthy diet means having to make adjustments, perhaps no longer consuming a favorite meal or drink. There are many foods, even healthy ones, that people with renal diet restrictions shouldn’t touch. They contain high levels of minerals, like sodium, potassium and phosphorus, which stress the kidneys and could cause more kidney damage. The more advanced your kidney disease, the more restrictions you may have. Here are examples of six types of foods to avoid with renal disease.

  • High-Protein Foods, Particularly Animal Products

    Animal products, like red meat, poultry, fish and eggs are higher-protein foods. You do need protein to help build muscle and repair tissue, but protein also leaves behind waste that your body must eliminate. It’s the kidneys’ job to do this and too much protein in your diet makes your kidneys work harder and could speed up kidney damage. But since some protein is still essential, you can get it from fruits and vegetables, along with low-sodium breads, rice and pasta.

  • Salt, or sodium, is a common additive to many foods we enjoy, particularly processed foods. However, salt plays an important role in how much fluid your body withholds. Too much fluid affects your blood pressure and can cause heart and lung disease. Healthy kidneys usually help maintain the right fluid balance, but if you have kidney disease, this may not be the case. So, avoid high-sodium products like soy sauce and packaged, processed foods. Choose low-sodium options and when cooking at home, try using spices and herbs for flavor, rather than adding salt. And leave the salt shaker off the table—it’s less tempting to use it.

  • Fruits and Vegetables High in Potassium

    Potassium puts stress on your kidneys, so it must be limited in a kidney disease diet. Many fruits are high in potassium, such as melons, bananas, oranges, prunes and tomatoes, both eaten and in juices. The mineral is also higher in dairy products, avocados, bran, beans, lentils and nuts. You may be surprised to learn that dark-colored sodas are higher in potassium, as are fruit punches and prepared (canned and bottled) iced tea. Lower-potassium foods include apples, grapes, strawberries, cauliflower, white breads, pita, chicken and white rice.

  • Foods With Phosphorus, or Phosphate

    Phosphorus helps your body form bones and teeth, and it helps your body use carbohydrates and fats. But it is restricted if you’re following a diet for stage 4 kidney disease. Foods to avoid include dairy products, chocolate, seasoned and processed foods, baking powder, whole-grain breads, bran cereal and oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds, and again, dark-colored colas. Foods with lower amounts of phosphorus include corn or rice cereals, popcorn (no salt!), sourdough bread, French or Italian breads, lemonade, and some sodas that aren’t dark in color.

  • High-Calcium Foods, Including Calcium Supplements

    Another important mineral is calcium, but calcium is hard on the kidneys. The most widely known foods that contain calcium are dairy products, but it’s also found in many of the same foods that have high phosphorus levels. So, by avoiding those foods, you are helping decrease both phosphorus and calcium in your diet. If you take a calcium or vitamin D supplement, mention this to your doctor as you may have to stop taking it.

  • Most people know alcohol can affect your liver, but did you know it also can affect your kidneys? Researchers have found if your liver is compromised or injured, your kidneys can become more damaged as they try to compensate for the injured liver when you drink alcohol. Alcohol is also dehydrating to your body and this can affect how well your kidneys filter out the toxins. In addition, high blood pressure is damaging to the kidneys and too much alcohol can raise blood pressure.

Was this helpful?

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN, has been writing health information for the past 20 years. She has extensive experience writing about health issues like sepsis, cancer, mental health issues, and women’s health. She is also author of the book Just the Right Dose: Your Smart Guide to Prescription Medications and How to Take Them Safely.

Last Review Date: 2021 Jul 13

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.

Page 10

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  • We’re frequently told to eat a healthy diet. But for people with kidney disease, also called renal disease, eating a healthy diet means having to make adjustments, perhaps no longer consuming a favorite meal or drink. There are many foods, even healthy ones, that people with renal diet restrictions shouldn’t touch. They contain high levels of minerals, like sodium, potassium and phosphorus, which stress the kidneys and could cause more kidney damage. The more advanced your kidney disease, the more restrictions you may have. Here are examples of six types of foods to avoid with renal disease.

  • High-Protein Foods, Particularly Animal Products

    Animal products, like red meat, poultry, fish and eggs are higher-protein foods. You do need protein to help build muscle and repair tissue, but protein also leaves behind waste that your body must eliminate. It’s the kidneys’ job to do this and too much protein in your diet makes your kidneys work harder and could speed up kidney damage. But since some protein is still essential, you can get it from fruits and vegetables, along with low-sodium breads, rice and pasta.

  • Salt, or sodium, is a common additive to many foods we enjoy, particularly processed foods. However, salt plays an important role in how much fluid your body withholds. Too much fluid affects your blood pressure and can cause heart and lung disease. Healthy kidneys usually help maintain the right fluid balance, but if you have kidney disease, this may not be the case. So, avoid high-sodium products like soy sauce and packaged, processed foods. Choose low-sodium options and when cooking at home, try using spices and herbs for flavor, rather than adding salt. And leave the salt shaker off the table—it’s less tempting to use it.

  • Fruits and Vegetables High in Potassium

    Potassium puts stress on your kidneys, so it must be limited in a kidney disease diet. Many fruits are high in potassium, such as melons, bananas, oranges, prunes and tomatoes, both eaten and in juices. The mineral is also higher in dairy products, avocados, bran, beans, lentils and nuts. You may be surprised to learn that dark-colored sodas are higher in potassium, as are fruit punches and prepared (canned and bottled) iced tea. Lower-potassium foods include apples, grapes, strawberries, cauliflower, white breads, pita, chicken and white rice.

  • Foods With Phosphorus, or Phosphate

    Phosphorus helps your body form bones and teeth, and it helps your body use carbohydrates and fats. But it is restricted if you’re following a diet for stage 4 kidney disease. Foods to avoid include dairy products, chocolate, seasoned and processed foods, baking powder, whole-grain breads, bran cereal and oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds, and again, dark-colored colas. Foods with lower amounts of phosphorus include corn or rice cereals, popcorn (no salt!), sourdough bread, French or Italian breads, lemonade, and some sodas that aren’t dark in color.

  • High-Calcium Foods, Including Calcium Supplements

    Another important mineral is calcium, but calcium is hard on the kidneys. The most widely known foods that contain calcium are dairy products, but it’s also found in many of the same foods that have high phosphorus levels. So, by avoiding those foods, you are helping decrease both phosphorus and calcium in your diet. If you take a calcium or vitamin D supplement, mention this to your doctor as you may have to stop taking it.

  • Most people know alcohol can affect your liver, but did you know it also can affect your kidneys? Researchers have found if your liver is compromised or injured, your kidneys can become more damaged as they try to compensate for the injured liver when you drink alcohol. Alcohol is also dehydrating to your body and this can affect how well your kidneys filter out the toxins. In addition, high blood pressure is damaging to the kidneys and too much alcohol can raise blood pressure.

Was this helpful?

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN, has been writing health information for the past 20 years. She has extensive experience writing about health issues like sepsis, cancer, mental health issues, and women’s health. She is also author of the book Just the Right Dose: Your Smart Guide to Prescription Medications and How to Take Them Safely.

Last Review Date: 2021 Jul 13

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.

Page 11

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  • We’re frequently told to eat a healthy diet. But for people with kidney disease, also called renal disease, eating a healthy diet means having to make adjustments, perhaps no longer consuming a favorite meal or drink. There are many foods, even healthy ones, that people with renal diet restrictions shouldn’t touch. They contain high levels of minerals, like sodium, potassium and phosphorus, which stress the kidneys and could cause more kidney damage. The more advanced your kidney disease, the more restrictions you may have. Here are examples of six types of foods to avoid with renal disease.

  • High-Protein Foods, Particularly Animal Products

    Animal products, like red meat, poultry, fish and eggs are higher-protein foods. You do need protein to help build muscle and repair tissue, but protein also leaves behind waste that your body must eliminate. It’s the kidneys’ job to do this and too much protein in your diet makes your kidneys work harder and could speed up kidney damage. But since some protein is still essential, you can get it from fruits and vegetables, along with low-sodium breads, rice and pasta.

  • Salt, or sodium, is a common additive to many foods we enjoy, particularly processed foods. However, salt plays an important role in how much fluid your body withholds. Too much fluid affects your blood pressure and can cause heart and lung disease. Healthy kidneys usually help maintain the right fluid balance, but if you have kidney disease, this may not be the case. So, avoid high-sodium products like soy sauce and packaged, processed foods. Choose low-sodium options and when cooking at home, try using spices and herbs for flavor, rather than adding salt. And leave the salt shaker off the table—it’s less tempting to use it.

  • Fruits and Vegetables High in Potassium

    Potassium puts stress on your kidneys, so it must be limited in a kidney disease diet. Many fruits are high in potassium, such as melons, bananas, oranges, prunes and tomatoes, both eaten and in juices. The mineral is also higher in dairy products, avocados, bran, beans, lentils and nuts. You may be surprised to learn that dark-colored sodas are higher in potassium, as are fruit punches and prepared (canned and bottled) iced tea. Lower-potassium foods include apples, grapes, strawberries, cauliflower, white breads, pita, chicken and white rice.

  • Foods With Phosphorus, or Phosphate

    Phosphorus helps your body form bones and teeth, and it helps your body use carbohydrates and fats. But it is restricted if you’re following a diet for stage 4 kidney disease. Foods to avoid include dairy products, chocolate, seasoned and processed foods, baking powder, whole-grain breads, bran cereal and oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds, and again, dark-colored colas. Foods with lower amounts of phosphorus include corn or rice cereals, popcorn (no salt!), sourdough bread, French or Italian breads, lemonade, and some sodas that aren’t dark in color.

  • High-Calcium Foods, Including Calcium Supplements

    Another important mineral is calcium, but calcium is hard on the kidneys. The most widely known foods that contain calcium are dairy products, but it’s also found in many of the same foods that have high phosphorus levels. So, by avoiding those foods, you are helping decrease both phosphorus and calcium in your diet. If you take a calcium or vitamin D supplement, mention this to your doctor as you may have to stop taking it.

  • Most people know alcohol can affect your liver, but did you know it also can affect your kidneys? Researchers have found if your liver is compromised or injured, your kidneys can become more damaged as they try to compensate for the injured liver when you drink alcohol. Alcohol is also dehydrating to your body and this can affect how well your kidneys filter out the toxins. In addition, high blood pressure is damaging to the kidneys and too much alcohol can raise blood pressure.

Was this helpful?

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN, has been writing health information for the past 20 years. She has extensive experience writing about health issues like sepsis, cancer, mental health issues, and women’s health. She is also author of the book Just the Right Dose: Your Smart Guide to Prescription Medications and How to Take Them Safely.

Last Review Date: 2021 Jul 13

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.

Page 12

Was this helpful?

  • We’re frequently told to eat a healthy diet. But for people with kidney disease, also called renal disease, eating a healthy diet means having to make adjustments, perhaps no longer consuming a favorite meal or drink. There are many foods, even healthy ones, that people with renal diet restrictions shouldn’t touch. They contain high levels of minerals, like sodium, potassium and phosphorus, which stress the kidneys and could cause more kidney damage. The more advanced your kidney disease, the more restrictions you may have. Here are examples of six types of foods to avoid with renal disease.

  • High-Protein Foods, Particularly Animal Products

    Animal products, like red meat, poultry, fish and eggs are higher-protein foods. You do need protein to help build muscle and repair tissue, but protein also leaves behind waste that your body must eliminate. It’s the kidneys’ job to do this and too much protein in your diet makes your kidneys work harder and could speed up kidney damage. But since some protein is still essential, you can get it from fruits and vegetables, along with low-sodium breads, rice and pasta.

  • Salt, or sodium, is a common additive to many foods we enjoy, particularly processed foods. However, salt plays an important role in how much fluid your body withholds. Too much fluid affects your blood pressure and can cause heart and lung disease. Healthy kidneys usually help maintain the right fluid balance, but if you have kidney disease, this may not be the case. So, avoid high-sodium products like soy sauce and packaged, processed foods. Choose low-sodium options and when cooking at home, try using spices and herbs for flavor, rather than adding salt. And leave the salt shaker off the table—it’s less tempting to use it.

  • Fruits and Vegetables High in Potassium

    Potassium puts stress on your kidneys, so it must be limited in a kidney disease diet. Many fruits are high in potassium, such as melons, bananas, oranges, prunes and tomatoes, both eaten and in juices. The mineral is also higher in dairy products, avocados, bran, beans, lentils and nuts. You may be surprised to learn that dark-colored sodas are higher in potassium, as are fruit punches and prepared (canned and bottled) iced tea. Lower-potassium foods include apples, grapes, strawberries, cauliflower, white breads, pita, chicken and white rice.

  • Foods With Phosphorus, or Phosphate

    Phosphorus helps your body form bones and teeth, and it helps your body use carbohydrates and fats. But it is restricted if you’re following a diet for stage 4 kidney disease. Foods to avoid include dairy products, chocolate, seasoned and processed foods, baking powder, whole-grain breads, bran cereal and oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds, and again, dark-colored colas. Foods with lower amounts of phosphorus include corn or rice cereals, popcorn (no salt!), sourdough bread, French or Italian breads, lemonade, and some sodas that aren’t dark in color.

  • High-Calcium Foods, Including Calcium Supplements

    Another important mineral is calcium, but calcium is hard on the kidneys. The most widely known foods that contain calcium are dairy products, but it’s also found in many of the same foods that have high phosphorus levels. So, by avoiding those foods, you are helping decrease both phosphorus and calcium in your diet. If you take a calcium or vitamin D supplement, mention this to your doctor as you may have to stop taking it.

  • Most people know alcohol can affect your liver, but did you know it also can affect your kidneys? Researchers have found if your liver is compromised or injured, your kidneys can become more damaged as they try to compensate for the injured liver when you drink alcohol. Alcohol is also dehydrating to your body and this can affect how well your kidneys filter out the toxins. In addition, high blood pressure is damaging to the kidneys and too much alcohol can raise blood pressure.

Was this helpful?

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN, has been writing health information for the past 20 years. She has extensive experience writing about health issues like sepsis, cancer, mental health issues, and women’s health. She is also author of the book Just the Right Dose: Your Smart Guide to Prescription Medications and How to Take Them Safely.

Last Review Date: 2021 Jul 13

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.

Page 13

Was this helpful?

  • We’re frequently told to eat a healthy diet. But for people with kidney disease, also called renal disease, eating a healthy diet means having to make adjustments, perhaps no longer consuming a favorite meal or drink. There are many foods, even healthy ones, that people with renal diet restrictions shouldn’t touch. They contain high levels of minerals, like sodium, potassium and phosphorus, which stress the kidneys and could cause more kidney damage. The more advanced your kidney disease, the more restrictions you may have. Here are examples of six types of foods to avoid with renal disease.

  • High-Protein Foods, Particularly Animal Products

    Animal products, like red meat, poultry, fish and eggs are higher-protein foods. You do need protein to help build muscle and repair tissue, but protein also leaves behind waste that your body must eliminate. It’s the kidneys’ job to do this and too much protein in your diet makes your kidneys work harder and could speed up kidney damage. But since some protein is still essential, you can get it from fruits and vegetables, along with low-sodium breads, rice and pasta.

  • Salt, or sodium, is a common additive to many foods we enjoy, particularly processed foods. However, salt plays an important role in how much fluid your body withholds. Too much fluid affects your blood pressure and can cause heart and lung disease. Healthy kidneys usually help maintain the right fluid balance, but if you have kidney disease, this may not be the case. So, avoid high-sodium products like soy sauce and packaged, processed foods. Choose low-sodium options and when cooking at home, try using spices and herbs for flavor, rather than adding salt. And leave the salt shaker off the table—it’s less tempting to use it.

  • Fruits and Vegetables High in Potassium

    Potassium puts stress on your kidneys, so it must be limited in a kidney disease diet. Many fruits are high in potassium, such as melons, bananas, oranges, prunes and tomatoes, both eaten and in juices. The mineral is also higher in dairy products, avocados, bran, beans, lentils and nuts. You may be surprised to learn that dark-colored sodas are higher in potassium, as are fruit punches and prepared (canned and bottled) iced tea. Lower-potassium foods include apples, grapes, strawberries, cauliflower, white breads, pita, chicken and white rice.

  • Foods With Phosphorus, or Phosphate

    Phosphorus helps your body form bones and teeth, and it helps your body use carbohydrates and fats. But it is restricted if you’re following a diet for stage 4 kidney disease. Foods to avoid include dairy products, chocolate, seasoned and processed foods, baking powder, whole-grain breads, bran cereal and oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds, and again, dark-colored colas. Foods with lower amounts of phosphorus include corn or rice cereals, popcorn (no salt!), sourdough bread, French or Italian breads, lemonade, and some sodas that aren’t dark in color.

  • High-Calcium Foods, Including Calcium Supplements

    Another important mineral is calcium, but calcium is hard on the kidneys. The most widely known foods that contain calcium are dairy products, but it’s also found in many of the same foods that have high phosphorus levels. So, by avoiding those foods, you are helping decrease both phosphorus and calcium in your diet. If you take a calcium or vitamin D supplement, mention this to your doctor as you may have to stop taking it.

  • Most people know alcohol can affect your liver, but did you know it also can affect your kidneys? Researchers have found if your liver is compromised or injured, your kidneys can become more damaged as they try to compensate for the injured liver when you drink alcohol. Alcohol is also dehydrating to your body and this can affect how well your kidneys filter out the toxins. In addition, high blood pressure is damaging to the kidneys and too much alcohol can raise blood pressure.

Was this helpful?

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN, has been writing health information for the past 20 years. She has extensive experience writing about health issues like sepsis, cancer, mental health issues, and women’s health. She is also author of the book Just the Right Dose: Your Smart Guide to Prescription Medications and How to Take Them Safely.

Last Review Date: 2021 Jul 13

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.

Page 14

Was this helpful?

  • We’re frequently told to eat a healthy diet. But for people with kidney disease, also called renal disease, eating a healthy diet means having to make adjustments, perhaps no longer consuming a favorite meal or drink. There are many foods, even healthy ones, that people with renal diet restrictions shouldn’t touch. They contain high levels of minerals, like sodium, potassium and phosphorus, which stress the kidneys and could cause more kidney damage. The more advanced your kidney disease, the more restrictions you may have. Here are examples of six types of foods to avoid with renal disease.

  • High-Protein Foods, Particularly Animal Products

    Animal products, like red meat, poultry, fish and eggs are higher-protein foods. You do need protein to help build muscle and repair tissue, but protein also leaves behind waste that your body must eliminate. It’s the kidneys’ job to do this and too much protein in your diet makes your kidneys work harder and could speed up kidney damage. But since some protein is still essential, you can get it from fruits and vegetables, along with low-sodium breads, rice and pasta.

  • Salt, or sodium, is a common additive to many foods we enjoy, particularly processed foods. However, salt plays an important role in how much fluid your body withholds. Too much fluid affects your blood pressure and can cause heart and lung disease. Healthy kidneys usually help maintain the right fluid balance, but if you have kidney disease, this may not be the case. So, avoid high-sodium products like soy sauce and packaged, processed foods. Choose low-sodium options and when cooking at home, try using spices and herbs for flavor, rather than adding salt. And leave the salt shaker off the table—it’s less tempting to use it.

  • Fruits and Vegetables High in Potassium

    Potassium puts stress on your kidneys, so it must be limited in a kidney disease diet. Many fruits are high in potassium, such as melons, bananas, oranges, prunes and tomatoes, both eaten and in juices. The mineral is also higher in dairy products, avocados, bran, beans, lentils and nuts. You may be surprised to learn that dark-colored sodas are higher in potassium, as are fruit punches and prepared (canned and bottled) iced tea. Lower-potassium foods include apples, grapes, strawberries, cauliflower, white breads, pita, chicken and white rice.

  • Foods With Phosphorus, or Phosphate

    Phosphorus helps your body form bones and teeth, and it helps your body use carbohydrates and fats. But it is restricted if you’re following a diet for stage 4 kidney disease. Foods to avoid include dairy products, chocolate, seasoned and processed foods, baking powder, whole-grain breads, bran cereal and oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds, and again, dark-colored colas. Foods with lower amounts of phosphorus include corn or rice cereals, popcorn (no salt!), sourdough bread, French or Italian breads, lemonade, and some sodas that aren’t dark in color.

  • High-Calcium Foods, Including Calcium Supplements

    Another important mineral is calcium, but calcium is hard on the kidneys. The most widely known foods that contain calcium are dairy products, but it’s also found in many of the same foods that have high phosphorus levels. So, by avoiding those foods, you are helping decrease both phosphorus and calcium in your diet. If you take a calcium or vitamin D supplement, mention this to your doctor as you may have to stop taking it.

  • Most people know alcohol can affect your liver, but did you know it also can affect your kidneys? Researchers have found if your liver is compromised or injured, your kidneys can become more damaged as they try to compensate for the injured liver when you drink alcohol. Alcohol is also dehydrating to your body and this can affect how well your kidneys filter out the toxins. In addition, high blood pressure is damaging to the kidneys and too much alcohol can raise blood pressure.

Was this helpful?

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN, has been writing health information for the past 20 years. She has extensive experience writing about health issues like sepsis, cancer, mental health issues, and women’s health. She is also author of the book Just the Right Dose: Your Smart Guide to Prescription Medications and How to Take Them Safely.

Last Review Date: 2021 Jul 13

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.

Page 15

Was this helpful?

  • We’re frequently told to eat a healthy diet. But for people with kidney disease, also called renal disease, eating a healthy diet means having to make adjustments, perhaps no longer consuming a favorite meal or drink. There are many foods, even healthy ones, that people with renal diet restrictions shouldn’t touch. They contain high levels of minerals, like sodium, potassium and phosphorus, which stress the kidneys and could cause more kidney damage. The more advanced your kidney disease, the more restrictions you may have. Here are examples of six types of foods to avoid with renal disease.

  • High-Protein Foods, Particularly Animal Products

    Animal products, like red meat, poultry, fish and eggs are higher-protein foods. You do need protein to help build muscle and repair tissue, but protein also leaves behind waste that your body must eliminate. It’s the kidneys’ job to do this and too much protein in your diet makes your kidneys work harder and could speed up kidney damage. But since some protein is still essential, you can get it from fruits and vegetables, along with low-sodium breads, rice and pasta.

  • Salt, or sodium, is a common additive to many foods we enjoy, particularly processed foods. However, salt plays an important role in how much fluid your body withholds. Too much fluid affects your blood pressure and can cause heart and lung disease. Healthy kidneys usually help maintain the right fluid balance, but if you have kidney disease, this may not be the case. So, avoid high-sodium products like soy sauce and packaged, processed foods. Choose low-sodium options and when cooking at home, try using spices and herbs for flavor, rather than adding salt. And leave the salt shaker off the table—it’s less tempting to use it.

  • Fruits and Vegetables High in Potassium

    Potassium puts stress on your kidneys, so it must be limited in a kidney disease diet. Many fruits are high in potassium, such as melons, bananas, oranges, prunes and tomatoes, both eaten and in juices. The mineral is also higher in dairy products, avocados, bran, beans, lentils and nuts. You may be surprised to learn that dark-colored sodas are higher in potassium, as are fruit punches and prepared (canned and bottled) iced tea. Lower-potassium foods include apples, grapes, strawberries, cauliflower, white breads, pita, chicken and white rice.

  • Foods With Phosphorus, or Phosphate

    Phosphorus helps your body form bones and teeth, and it helps your body use carbohydrates and fats. But it is restricted if you’re following a diet for stage 4 kidney disease. Foods to avoid include dairy products, chocolate, seasoned and processed foods, baking powder, whole-grain breads, bran cereal and oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds, and again, dark-colored colas. Foods with lower amounts of phosphorus include corn or rice cereals, popcorn (no salt!), sourdough bread, French or Italian breads, lemonade, and some sodas that aren’t dark in color.

  • High-Calcium Foods, Including Calcium Supplements

    Another important mineral is calcium, but calcium is hard on the kidneys. The most widely known foods that contain calcium are dairy products, but it’s also found in many of the same foods that have high phosphorus levels. So, by avoiding those foods, you are helping decrease both phosphorus and calcium in your diet. If you take a calcium or vitamin D supplement, mention this to your doctor as you may have to stop taking it.

  • Most people know alcohol can affect your liver, but did you know it also can affect your kidneys? Researchers have found if your liver is compromised or injured, your kidneys can become more damaged as they try to compensate for the injured liver when you drink alcohol. Alcohol is also dehydrating to your body and this can affect how well your kidneys filter out the toxins. In addition, high blood pressure is damaging to the kidneys and too much alcohol can raise blood pressure.

Was this helpful?

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN, has been writing health information for the past 20 years. She has extensive experience writing about health issues like sepsis, cancer, mental health issues, and women’s health. She is also author of the book Just the Right Dose: Your Smart Guide to Prescription Medications and How to Take Them Safely.

Last Review Date: 2021 Jul 13

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.

Page 16

Was this helpful?

  • We’re frequently told to eat a healthy diet. But for people with kidney disease, also called renal disease, eating a healthy diet means having to make adjustments, perhaps no longer consuming a favorite meal or drink. There are many foods, even healthy ones, that people with renal diet restrictions shouldn’t touch. They contain high levels of minerals, like sodium, potassium and phosphorus, which stress the kidneys and could cause more kidney damage. The more advanced your kidney disease, the more restrictions you may have. Here are examples of six types of foods to avoid with renal disease.

  • High-Protein Foods, Particularly Animal Products

    Animal products, like red meat, poultry, fish and eggs are higher-protein foods. You do need protein to help build muscle and repair tissue, but protein also leaves behind waste that your body must eliminate. It’s the kidneys’ job to do this and too much protein in your diet makes your kidneys work harder and could speed up kidney damage. But since some protein is still essential, you can get it from fruits and vegetables, along with low-sodium breads, rice and pasta.

  • Salt, or sodium, is a common additive to many foods we enjoy, particularly processed foods. However, salt plays an important role in how much fluid your body withholds. Too much fluid affects your blood pressure and can cause heart and lung disease. Healthy kidneys usually help maintain the right fluid balance, but if you have kidney disease, this may not be the case. So, avoid high-sodium products like soy sauce and packaged, processed foods. Choose low-sodium options and when cooking at home, try using spices and herbs for flavor, rather than adding salt. And leave the salt shaker off the table—it’s less tempting to use it.

  • Fruits and Vegetables High in Potassium

    Potassium puts stress on your kidneys, so it must be limited in a kidney disease diet. Many fruits are high in potassium, such as melons, bananas, oranges, prunes and tomatoes, both eaten and in juices. The mineral is also higher in dairy products, avocados, bran, beans, lentils and nuts. You may be surprised to learn that dark-colored sodas are higher in potassium, as are fruit punches and prepared (canned and bottled) iced tea. Lower-potassium foods include apples, grapes, strawberries, cauliflower, white breads, pita, chicken and white rice.

  • Foods With Phosphorus, or Phosphate

    Phosphorus helps your body form bones and teeth, and it helps your body use carbohydrates and fats. But it is restricted if you’re following a diet for stage 4 kidney disease. Foods to avoid include dairy products, chocolate, seasoned and processed foods, baking powder, whole-grain breads, bran cereal and oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds, and again, dark-colored colas. Foods with lower amounts of phosphorus include corn or rice cereals, popcorn (no salt!), sourdough bread, French or Italian breads, lemonade, and some sodas that aren’t dark in color.

  • High-Calcium Foods, Including Calcium Supplements

    Another important mineral is calcium, but calcium is hard on the kidneys. The most widely known foods that contain calcium are dairy products, but it’s also found in many of the same foods that have high phosphorus levels. So, by avoiding those foods, you are helping decrease both phosphorus and calcium in your diet. If you take a calcium or vitamin D supplement, mention this to your doctor as you may have to stop taking it.

  • Most people know alcohol can affect your liver, but did you know it also can affect your kidneys? Researchers have found if your liver is compromised or injured, your kidneys can become more damaged as they try to compensate for the injured liver when you drink alcohol. Alcohol is also dehydrating to your body and this can affect how well your kidneys filter out the toxins. In addition, high blood pressure is damaging to the kidneys and too much alcohol can raise blood pressure.

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Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN

Marijke Vroomen Durning, RN, has been writing health information for the past 20 years. She has extensive experience writing about health issues like sepsis, cancer, mental health issues, and women’s health. She is also author of the book Just the Right Dose: Your Smart Guide to Prescription Medications and How to Take Them Safely.

Last Review Date: 2021 Jul 13

THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.


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