Why cant men wear gold

Al-Halal wal Haram fil Islam (The Lawful & The Prohibited in Islam)

Topic: Gold

Popular Q & A: Why is it prohibited for men to wear gold? Why women are allowed & why men are not allowed? What is the wisdom behind this?

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 754:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet forbade the wearing of a gold ring.

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 728:

Narrated Hudhaifa:

The Prophet forbade us to drink out of gold and silver vessels, or eat in it, And also forbade the wearing of silk and Dibaj or sitting on it.

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 755:

Narrated 'Abdullah:

Allah's Apostle wore a gold or silver .. ring and placed its stone towards the palm of his hand. The people also started wearing gold rings like it, but when the Prophet saw them wearing such rings, he threw away that golden ring and then wore a silver ring.

Further Detailed Answers:

Gold and Pure Silk are Haram for Men

Beautification and elegance are not merely permitted but are required by Islam, and in general it repudiates any attempts to prohibit them. Say: Who has forbidden the adornment of Allah which He has brought forth for His servants, and the good things of His providing? (7:32)

Islam has, however, prohibited two kinds of adornment for men, while permitting them to women. These are, first, gold ornaments and, second, clothing made of pure silk. 'All reported that the Prophet (peace be on him) took some silk in his right hand and some gold in his left, declaring, "These two are haram for the males among my followers." (Reported by Ahmad, Abu Daoud, al-Nisai, Ibn Hayyan, and lbn Majah, who reports the additional phrase, "but halal for the females.") 'Umar reported that he heard the Prophet (peace be on him) say, "Do not wear silk, for those who wear it in this life shall not wear it in the Hereafter." (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim. A Similar hadith is reported by them on the authority of Anas.) On another occasion, referring to a silken garment, he said, "This is the dress of a man who has no character.'' (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)

The Prophet (peace be on him) once saw a gold ring on a man's hand. He immediately took it from him and threw it down saying, 'Does a person pick up a piece of burning coal and hold it in his hand?' After the Prophet (peace be on him) had left the place, someone asked the man, 'Why do you not pick it up and benefit from it?' He replied, 'No, by Allah! I shall not pick it up after the Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) has thrown it away.' (Reported by Muslim.)

The same prohibition which applies to the gold ring likewise applies to what we observe among conspicuous spenders, i.e., the gold pen, gold watch, gold cigarette case and lighter, gold teeth, etc.

The Prophet (peace be on him), however, permitted men to wear silver rings. On the authority of Ibn'Umar, al-Bukhari reported the former saying, "The Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) wore a silver ring. After him, Abu Bakr and then 'Umar and 'Uthman wore it, until it fell off his finger into the well of Arees." (Reported by al-Bukhari in the chapter on "Clothing" (Al-Libas).) As for other metals such as iron, there are no sound texts prohibiting them. On the contrary, in the Sahih of al-Bukhari we find that the Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) advised a man who wanted to marry a woman to, "Present her with a gift, even if it be ring made of iron." On the basis of this hadith al-Bukhari inferred the permissibility of iron rings.

The Prophet (peace be on him) made concessions in the wearing of silken garments for medical reasons, as he gave 'Abd al-Rahman bin 'Auf and al-Zubayr bin al-'Awwam, both of whom suffered from scabies, permission to wear silk. (Reported by al-Bukhari.)

Source: //www.youngmuslims.ca/online_library/books/the_lawful_and_prohibition_in_islam/ch2s2p2-1.htm

The Wisdom of These Two Prohibitions Concerning Men

By means of these two prohibitions which concern men, Islam's aim is to achieve certain noble educational and moral objectives.

Since it is the relof jihad (striving) and strength, Islam must safeguard the manly qualities of men from any show of weakness, passivity, and lethargy. Allah has made the physique of the man different from that of the woman, and it does not befit a man to wear clothes made of fine material or to adorn his body with costly ornaments.

There is, however, a social aim underlying these prohibitions. The prohibition of gold and silk to males is part of a broader Islamic program of combating luxuriousness in living. From the Qur'anic point of view, luxurious living leads to weakness among nations and to their eventual downfall; the existence of luxury is also an expression of social injustice, as only a few can afford luxurious items at the expense of the deprived masses of people.

In addition to this, luxurious living is an enemy of every call towards truth, justice, and social reform. The Qur'an says: And when We intend that We should destroy a township, we permit its luxury-loving people to commit wickedness therein. Then the word is proved true against it, and We then destroy it utterly. (17:16) and again, And We did not send a warner to any township without its luxury-loving people saying, 'Assuredly we are disbelievers in that with which you have been sent.' (34:34)

In keeping with the spirit of the Qur'an, the Prophet (peace be on him) forbade Muslims any indulgence in conspicuous consumption. He not only forbade the use of gold and silk to men but also forbade men and women alike the use of gold and silver utensils.

Finally, economic considerations also carry some weight here. Since gold is a universal medium of exchange, using it to make household utensils or ornaments for men does not make sense in economic terms.

Source: //www.youngmuslims.ca/online_library/books/the_lawful_and_prohibition_in_islam/ch2s2p2-2.htm

Why Gold and Silk are Permitted to Women

Woman has been exempted from this prohibition out of consideration for her feminine nature, as the love of jewelry and ornaments is quite natural and becoming for a woman. However, she is not to use her adornments to attract men and arouse their sexual desires. According to a hadith, When a woman puts on perfume and goes among people so that its scent reaches them, she is an adulteress, and any eye which is attracted to her is that of an adulterer. (Reported by al-Nisai, and also by Ibn Khazimah and Ibn Hayyan in their respective Sahih's.)
And Allah Ta'ala warns women ...that they should not stamp their feet in order to make apparent what is hidden of their adornment.... (24:31)

Source: //www.youngmuslims.ca/online_library/books/the_lawful_and_prohibition_in_islam/ch2s2p2-3.htm

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Muslim men do not wear silk or gold as an act of obedience to God who asked us to obey prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The prophet (pbuh) had informed Muslims that the males are not to wear silk and gold. The reason behind this prohibition is that these two materials reflect beauty, richness, and are luxurious ornaments. Muslim men are already prohibited from using any ornaments (even if not gold). The only ornament a man is allowed to wear is a ring, as long as it is not from gold. Hence, platinum or silver rings are permitted. If such rings have a stone on them, it is also allowed. But no bracelets, necklaces, etc. are allowed, because Islam considers them, along with silk, as women items. And God knows best.

Source: Islamicity.com


Why is Gold Haram for Men...is this only Pure Gold? And where are the evidences. 


The prohibition of gold applies whether it is pure or mixed with other metals. As to silk, only natural silk is prohibited. Synthetic silk is allowed. Muslim men do not wear silk or gold as an act of obedience to God who asked us to obey prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The prophet (pbuh) had informed Muslims in the authentic collection of the Hadiths that the males are not to wear silk and gold. The reason behind this prohibition is that these two materials reflect beauty, richness, and are luxurious ornaments. Muslim men are already prohibited from using any ornaments (even if not gold). The only ornament a man is allowed to wear is a ring, as long as it is not from gold. Hence, platinum or silver rings are permitted. If such rings have a stone on them, it is also allowed. But no bracelets, necklaces, etc. are allowed, because Islam considers them, along with silk, as women items. God knows best.



Can a Muslim man wear gold? I have searched the Quran and am unable to find any answers.

Regarding your questions, prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stated: 'The wearing (putting on) of silk and gold has been made haram (prohibitted) on the male of my Ummah and made permissible to the female.' This Hadith is authentic. It was reported by Tirmizi in the section of clothing.


Topic :
Men: Wearing Gold or Silk

1)why can't men wear gold?

 Men are not allowed to wear Gold and Silk as an act of obedience to God who ordered us to obey prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Prophet Muhammad has taught us in an authentic Hadith that these two items are prohibited on the male of his people. This is probably due to the fact that Gold and Silk are two luxurious items that reflect richness and ornaments.
Therefore, since Islam doesn't allow arrogance and discourages people to show off their richness in public on one hand, and since at the time, Gold is an ornament that usually women use along with their garments, then the prohibition came on men to look humble and modest in the society and not to imitate women. This rule doesn't apply when there is a necessity to use silk or Gold. For example, if Gold teeth caps are needed, then men can use them. And if a men gets a rash or has a burned skin and silk shirts decrease the friction, then he can wear them. And God knows best.


Topic :
Men: Wearing Gold

As-Salaam Alaikum, Is it haram for a muslim man to wear a gold wedding ring?

Yes, it is Haram for a man to wear a gold wedding ring. Substitute it with a silver or platinum or any other types of rings. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) actually removed the gold ring from the fingers of one of his companion. And God knows best.


Wearing Gold, Silver, Amulets…

By Mufti Ebrahim Desai


Q. 1) Is it allowed for men to wear ring of silver, steel, copper and gold (or any other metal and of what weight), if not, on what basis?

A. 1) The use of gold and silver is impermissible and unlawful for men during prayer time or any other time. There is only permission for wearing a silver ring, weighing not more than 4.5 Mashas (67.5 grain troy). The wearing of gold is impermissible. There is nothing wrong in saying prayers if gold, silver, ornaments of these metals, rupees and coins are in the pocket. There is no harm in having a watch of which one or two parts are of silver and the rest of other metal. (Fataawa Rahimiyya vol.1 pg.140). Steel, copper, and gold are all prohibited for males.

Q. 2) Is the ring with the name of Allah engraved or written on it, has any "Barkat". Moreover, can we do our daily work while wearing it?

A. 2) There is no doubt that anything with the name of Allah has Barkat in it. However, one should exercise extreme precaution in respecting anything that has the name of Allah on it. If there is fear of disrespect, it is advisable not to wear the ring.

Q. 3) Is necklace (chain) of any metal allowed for men?

A. 3) No, chains are not permissible for males. 

And Allah Taãla Knows Best.

Men Wearing Earrings

By Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Posted: 16 Jamad-u-Thani 1423, 25 August 2002


Q.) What does Islam say about men getting their ears pierced and wearing earrings in one or both ears?

A.) The wearing of earrings and the piercing of ears are prohibited for men.

1. Nabi (S.A.W.) cursed those women who imitate men and those men who imitate women. In another narration, Nabi (S.A.W.) cursed those men who make their outward appearance like women and those women who make their outward appearance like men.

2. Nabi (S.A.W.) cursed those men who wear the clothes of woman and those women who wear the clothes of men.

And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.


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