When citing testimony in a speech the speaker should?

Question 101 / 1 ptsWhen citing testimony in a speech, the speaker should alwaysprovide information about when, but not where, the testimony was offered.supply the name and qualifications of the source.supply the inferential statistics related to the source.supply the age of the source.

a. This type of testimony provides credibility when the speaker is not an expert on the speech topic. b. Expert testimony is especially important when the topic is controversial or when the audience is skeptical about the speakers point of view.

In which speaking situation would expert testimony be appropriate?

Expert testimony is considered supporting point; it is used to support the main and subpoints of your speech. When a claim or point is made during a speech, the audience initially may be reluctant to concede or agree to the validity of the point.

Which of these are important guidelines to follow when using statistics in a speech?

What guidelines should you follow when using statistics in a speech? a. Use reliable, authoritative, unbiased sources for your statistics

When citing testimony in a speech the speaker should?

When citing testimony in a speech, the speaker should always what? speaker should always supply the name and qualification of the source.

When would a speaker use expert and lay testimony in a speech?

Therefore, expert testimony is commonly introduced after a claim is made. For example, if a speech makes the claim, Manufacturing jobs have been in decline since the 1970s, it should be followed up with expert testimony to support that claim.

What is expert testimony used for?

Expert testimony is presented in legal proceedings when a judge or jury needs assistance evaluating a material fact in a court proceeding. In common law systems, expert testimony is usually proffered by one of the parties.

What is an expert testimony in speech?

Expert testimony is provided by an expert in the topic of your speech. It is used to provide credibility to your speech topic and evidence.

Why is expert testimony important?

Expert witnesses are important to many cases. They help jurors understand complex and nuanced information, they provide a sense of objectivity and credibility, and they integrate with the legal team to enhance the strength of the entire case

When you use testimony in a speech it is acceptable?

Therefore, expert testimony is commonly introduced after a claim is made. For example, if a speech makes the claim, Manufacturing jobs have been in decline since the 1970s, it should be followed up with expert testimony to support that claim.

What is a expert testimony in public speaking?

When you use testimony in a speech, it is acceptable either to paraphrase or to use a direct quotation. Quoting a statement in such a way as to distort its meaning by removing the statement from the words and phrases surrounding it is called quoting out of context.

What are the three types of testimony in public speaking?

Expert testimony is provided by an expert in the topic of your speech. It is used to provide credibility to your speech topic and evidence.

When the main points of a speech follow a time pattern they are organized in?


Which criteria for supporting material relates to using a mix of illustrations opinions definitions and statistics in your speech to make it more interesting?

Variety- A mix of illustrations, opinions, definitions and statistics is much more interesting and convincing than the exclusive use of any one type of supporting material.

What questions should you ask to determine a speaker’s point of view Group of answer choices?

because generalizations dont answer the three questions listeners always ask of a speaker: What do you mean?Why should I believe You? So what? What are the three kinds of examples discussed in this chapter? How you use the Brief examples?

When using statistics the larger the numbers the less convincing your statistics?

Bigger is better. The larger the numbers, the more convincing your statistics. The more experts who support your point of view, the more your expert testimony will command your audiences attention.

When citing a source you should be sure to quizlet speech?

1.) Always cite your sources at the same time as you present the information derived from them, rather than waiting until the end of the speech to disclose them to the audience. For each source, plan on briefly alerting the audience.

When presenting testimony in a speech you should usually paraphrase the testimony rather than quote it verbatim if?

According to your textbook, when presenting testimony in a speech, you should usually paraphrase the testimony, rather than quote it verbatim, if The quotation is more than two or three sentences long. The wording of the quotation is obscure or cumbersome.

What are four tips for using testimony in your speeches?

  • Use statistics to quantify your ideas.
  • Use statistics sparingly.
  • Identify the sources of your statistics.
  • Explain your statistics.
  • Round off complicated statistics.
  • Use visual aids to clarify statistical trends.

Which 5 are rules for using statistics in a speech?

What are some tips for using statistics effectively? Use them sparingly and to quantify ideas, their sources should be identified in the speech, they should be explained and made meaningful to the audience, complicated statistics should be rounded off, and statistical trends should be clarified with visual aids.

When would you use a personal testimony or an interview as a source for a speech?

Expert testimony is considered supporting point; it is used to support the main and subpoints of your speech. When a claim or point is made during a speech, the audience initially may be reluctant to concede or agree to the validity of the point.

What are the ways to use testimony for speech?

Expert testimony is provided by an expert in the topic of your speech. It is used to provide credibility to your speech topic and evidence.

What is the most important benefit of expert testimony?

Since a regular witness is not allowed to express an opinion during testimony, expert witnesses have a clear advantage in that they can use both facts and opinions. Persuasion of jurors involves characterizing facts in a way they can easily understand.

What is expert testimony in evidence?

(a) the experts scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge will help the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue; (b) the testimony is based on sufficient facts or data; (c) the testimony is the product of reliable principles and methods; and.

What is an example of testimony in speech?

Therefore, expert testimony is commonly introduced after a claim is made. For example, if a speech makes the claim, Manufacturing jobs have been in decline since the 1970s, it should be followed up with expert testimony to support that claim.

What are the two basic types of testimony in speech?

Testimony. Testimony is another great way to add credibility to your speech. There are two types of testimony: peer and expert


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