Who will bakugou end up with

If Bakugou were ever to have a "love interest", what kind of person would be a good match for him? someone sweet and kind that outbalances his chaotic behaviour, or rather someone that can put him in his place? from BokuNoHeroAcademia

Overview Gallery Synopsis

The Bakugo family is a family of three. Both parents are very loving towards their only child, however, they do not approve of their son's arrogance. All Might has commented that their family is the most dysfunctional one he has ever seen.

Mitsuki Bakugo

Katsuki and his mother.

Katsuki outwardly doesn't seem to hold much respect for his mother, as he insulted her and made childish threats to her even in front of his teachers.

His mother has a similar attitude towards her son, as she often yells back at him and insults him as well. She is aware of Katsuki's terrible behavior and disapproves of it. She blames her son's attitude on the fact that he has always been talented in many areas due to his strong Quirk, and thus received a lot of praise for his achievements as a child, which then caused him to develop the prideful attitude that he retains even as a teen.

Mitsuki approves of Katsuki going to U.A., as she believes the school sees him for who he truly is after seeing Aizawa's speech on Katsuki. Mitsuki is one of the only people who can really talk back to Katsuki without him exploding in rage.[1]

Mitsuki stated that it was due to Katsuki's own weakness that caused him to be kidnapped by the League of Villains; showing her blatant disapproval of his attitude and behavior due to his Quirk.

Despite their shouting matches and their bantering, she loves her son deeply. She admitted that when he was captured and held hostage, she was worried what would happen to her little boy and was relieved when he came back home safe and sound. During a Parent Day event at the school, an unknown villain held Class 1-A's parents hostage and when Katsuki attempts to fight him the man drags Mitsuki out of the group and he stops his attack. Izuku states he knew what panic looked like on Katsuki's face and it was there the moment his mom was used against him.[2]

Masaru Bakugo

Katsuki and his father.

Similar to his mother, Mitsuki, Katsuki does not appear to hold much respect for him even telling his own father to be quiet in front of his teachers. However, these threats are more like his usual, childish reactions to everything and not genuine.

Unlike Katsuki's mother, his father has a rather calm personality, and tries to get through to his son, but his short temper prevents it. Like his wife, he clearly loves his son very much and does not approve of his son's arrogant attitude.

U.A. High School

Class 1-A

It is shown Katsuki doesn't have a particularly high standing in his class.

Unlike his time in middle school, his classmates correctly see him as loud and violent, while being put off or scared by his nature. Katsuki does little to acknowledge them, as seen in the Sports Festival when he does not know their names, much to their annoyance. Regardless, a majority of them were concerned when he was captured and some sought to rescue him.

After some time, he is shown to acknowledge his growing change, and he has likewise shown to be a large motivator in pushing the class forward. This was best seen during the Joint Training Arc, where he leads his team to victory and when the rest of the class spoke highly of him.[3]

Izuku Midoriya

Katsuki bullying Izuku.

Katsuki and Izuku were playmates during their early childhood. Katsuki was shown to be athletically skilled, even before he manifested his quirk, and often received praise from others, including Izuku. Once Katsuki learned Izuku didn't have a Quirk while he himself manifested a powerful one, he felt that he had justification to look down on Izuku and had started considering him as a hindrance in his path to becoming the greatest hero. Katsuki felt like Izuku was supposed to be beneath him but couldn't help but feel that Izuku was actually far above him due to his natural heroic personality. Katsuki could not accept this and did his best to keep Izuku at arms length, bullying Izuku alongside his classmates and giving him the derogatory name "Deku" which he always calls him. However, despite fearing Katsuki, Izuku still considered him a good friend and always refers to him as "Kacchan".

Katsuki and Izuku clash.

In their adolescence, Katsuki continued to bully Izuku, even burning one of his notebooks upon learning he was going to the same high school. However, he was surprised when Izuku ran into danger to save him from the Sludge Villain inspiring All Might to take action in spite of his time limit. Katsuki caught up with Izuku and berated him for his actions, calling him a Quirkless failure most likely out of pride since he acknowledges he owed him. At U.A., Katsuki still looked down on Izuku, but was shocked to see that Izuku has developed a powerful Quirk. This sight convinced him that Izuku was "hiding this power from him". He nearly attacked him for answers before he was restrained by Shota Aizawa. As he felt superior to Izuku, he overlooked Izuku's intelligence and ingenuity both of which Izuku used along with his Quirk to finally stand up to Katsuki in their mock battle. Due to this, Katsuki's ego caused him to believe Izuku was making fun of him, even believing in one instance Izuku taunted him such as when Izuku tried to help him after Katsuki fell into a river. Katsuki attacked and insulted Izuku, demanding he use his Quirk in their fight. When Izuku finally used his Quirk against him, Katsuki was ready to prove himself only to realize Izuku had another plan and defeated him for the first time.

After his loss to Izuku in the Battle Trial, Katsuki was in disbelief. His defeat, along with witnessing how talented the rest of his class was in comparison to himself left him frustrated. Afterward, Izuku made an out-of-nowhere confession of possessing a borrowed Quirk which Katsuki seemingly did not believe. During that encounter, Izuku swore to beat him. He has always shown hostility towards Izuku whenever he interacts with him. Izuku's presence always irritating him and even shouting at him for no reason. At the end of the Vs. Hero Killer Arc, Katsuki's antagonism towards Izuku only intensified after seeing Izuku improve on his use of his Quirk as well as using his moves to help.[4] When teamed up with Izuku, Katsuki ignored whatever he suggested and went as far as to attack him for trying to help him and stated that he doesn't need his help. However, after Katsuki stated to All Might he would rather lose than accept help from others, an irritated Izuku (surprisingly) punched him in the face stating he's not the type to just give up like that. Though reluctant, Katsuki got the message and finally worked together with Izuku and willingly protected him from All Might so he could get to the finish line.

However, as pointed out by All Might and Ochaco, Katsuki is actually jealous of Izuku's growth and the potential to become stronger than him. He is also jealous of Izuku's popularity with the rest of the class. Katsuki, however furiously denies such statements. His second fight with Izuku, however, would prove that these statements are indeed true, and that Katsuki would begrudgingly acknowledge he's been jealous of Izuku's quick growth.

After Katsuki was kidnapped by the League of Villains, Izuku was part of the Rescue Bakugo Team.

Katsuki is hinted at piecing together Izuku's relationship to All Might, as he gave a subtle remark about Izuku's given power, meaning he now believes Izuku's word of getting a Quirk.[5]

After the Hero License Exam, Katsuki called out Izuku to meet him at Ground Beta where they first fought. There, Katsuki told Izuku his deduction on All Might and All For One and correctly deduced Izuku's Quirk was given to him by All Might. After Izuku confirmed it, Katsuki attacked Izuku, proclaiming they were going to fight since he wanted to see his potential.[6] Despite growing up together and idolizing the same person, Katsuki did not understand why All Might chose Izuku over himself. Izuku realized while they fought that even if the fight seemed meaningless on its own, Katsuki needed it. During their encounter, Katsuki confides in Izuku that he blamed his needing to be rescued as the reason for All Might's early retirement.

After the fight, All Might explained to Katsuki about his power, allowing the latter to become one of the few to know the truth of Izuku's Quirk. With this, it seems that, no matter how much he hates it, Katsuki does at least acknowledge Izuku's abilities. Katsuki seems to at least respect Izuku as a fighter and a rival, going as far as to point out a weakness of the latter's Shoot Style.[7]

Unbeknownst to him or Izuku, their bond created a central pillar for themselves and for Class 1A.

Interestingly, despite his malice towards Izuku, Katsuki has on two occasions expressed his true feelings in front of him. Once, after admitting defeat to Izuku and his realization of how 'powerful' he truly was at U.A. and the second occasion when he confessed his anguish towards All Might's current state. Katsuki learns to see just how fearful he is of Izuku's rapid development and how much they could accomplish if they were to work together, and from there, he begins to openly express more respect towards Izuku. Although he still sees him as a rival, he has been somewhat less aggressive towards him than before after their fight.

Unbeknownst to him or Katsuki, Shota has seen their bond having a big effect on the rest of the Class 1A despite that they are not leaders or the most popular. Izuku and Katsuki's passion inspire everyone in the class and raises the standard for success.

Katsuki now works with Izuku and is less malicious towards him. He willingly fought alongside Izuku who temporarily gave him One for All. And when Izuku temporarily thought that it was going to be the end of his dream, and that he was going to become Quirkless again. Together, they were able to defeat Nine. In the end, both of them talked to each other and were smiling, showing that their fierce rivalry is gradually becoming more friendly.[8]

In the Paranormal Liberation War Arc, after hearing Burnin mention Tomura say, "One for All", Katsuki shows open concern for Izuku for the first time, understanding that Tomura is now coming after Izuku and immediately rushes to help Izuku get away from him, even swearing to destroy Tomura.

Katsuki saves Deku.

As the fight progresses on, it becomes clear that Katsuki is trying to protect Izuku from Tomura, because when Izuku separates himself from the rest of the group to take on Tomura himself, Katsuki attempts to convince him to get away from Tomura, and shows panic when Izuku refuses. It's then revealed in a flashback that Katsuki had previously opened up to All Might about how he regrets his cruel treatment towards Izuku in their past and acknowledges that he bullied Izuku as an outlet for his own insecurities and weakness, with All Might correctly deducing that his current actions in assisting Izuku in learning to hone his Quirks is part of his atonement. This reveals that deep down, Katsuki truly feels remorse for bullying Izuku and is now attempting to make amends with him. After said flashback ends, Katsuki immediately rushes towards Izuku while he's fighting Tomura, going as far as to telling Endeavor that his next attack should be worth it.[9] Then, as Izuku continues to fight Tomura despite breaking his arms multiple times, Katsuki goes up to help Izuku, and when Tomura attacks Izuku with his Rivet Stab, as he describes it, Katsuki's body moves on its own to save Izuku, getting himself stabbed.[10] After the battle, he expressed great distress when Izuku did not awake, resulting in his classmates carrying him off.

Later on, during the Tartarus Escapees Arc, Izuku starts to become exhausted from all the stress and burden. Dictator uses his Quirk to send a mob of citizens to attack Izuku. However, Katsuki actively saves Izuku from Dictator using AP Shot to defeat him and freeing all the citizens.[11]

He also tried to get Izuku to come back but the latter attempted to escape, to Katsuki's amusement.[12][13]

After Class A managed to wear Izuku down, Katsuki confessed his true feelings to Izuku, how he always felt Izuku was above him despite him being Quirkless and why he was mean to him all those years. Katsuki apologized and called Izuku by his name for the first time, rather than calling him Deku.[14]

In spite of this, Katsuki still sees him as a rival to surpass. However, he is making a genuine effort to call Izuku by his real name instead of Deku from now on, though he is genuinely struggling with it.

Eijiro Kirishima

Katsuki and Eijiro team up.

Other than Izuku, Katsuki interacts with Eijiro more than any other of his classmates. Katsuki seems to get along well with Eijiro, despite their differing personalities.

Eijiro initially didn't like Katsuki's explosive attitude though he began to change his mind in the U.S.J. Arc when they teamed up. Since then Eijiro has grown to respect Katsuki, interpreting his actions as manly, something Eijiro appears to highly value. Although, he's not above getting frustrated with Katsuki's tendencies, as seen when Eijiro tried to get him to cool off after Neito insulted them during the Cavalry Battle.[15]

Although Katsuki at first didn't give Eijiro much attention, he seems to appreciate their Quirks' compatibility with each other, as he accepted Eijiro's proposal to form a team during the Human Cavalry Battle after smiling at his plan to take down Izuku. However, at the beginning of the Sports Festival, Katsuki called Eijiro "Hedgehog Hair" (despite having spiky hair himself which got pointed out to him), which irritated Eijiro. Katsuki later called Eijiro by his last name, showing he has come to respect or acknowledge him. This is seen again after their battle, where he is impressed by him holding his own before defeating him.

Their relationship better improves as the series progresses, and, overall, Katsuki gets along with Eijiro. As such, Eijiro is the only person in Class 1-A Katsuki actually respects and would possibly go as far as being called a friend. This can be seen as Eijiro went to Katsuki for studying for the midterms since the latter scored higher than him. As noted by Izuku, Eijiro is the only one in their class who can call out to help Katsuki without hurting Katsuki's pride, which was proven true as Katsuki didn't hesitate to grab his hand when he was rescued.[16]

During the Provisional Hero License Exam, Denki noted that Katsuki had reduced the power of his explosions to avoid harming Eijiro and himself. Eijiro asked Katsuki for help in studying, which they did together for the end of the term exams though this mostly involved Katsuki repeatedly hitting Eijiro on the head.

When Eijiro was sad about almost getting him and his classmates expelled, Katsuki tried cheering him up by paying him back for the 50,000 yen night vision goggles Eijiro bought to rescue Katsuki. Eijiro openly voices his self-doubts, Katsuki reminds him that he had proclaimed himself as an unwavering horse during the Sports Festival and said if Eijiro refuses to go down, that proves how strong he is.[17]

Denki Kaminari

Katsuki and Denki.

Katsuki insults Kaminari frequently, who returns the sentiment by openly teasing Katsuki shown on the bus ride to U.S.J. which angered the latter.

Despite his teasing, Denki was intimidated by Katsuki in the Final Exams Arc but agreed with the latter's point of mastering his Quirk.

Later on, Denki even got away with calling him Kacchan, a name Izuku calls the latter. It seems they have a friendly relationship as they both get along with Eijiro and seem to work together well.

When the students were moving into dorms and Shota told the class about how if it hadn't been for All Might's retirement, he would have expelled everyone except Katsuki, Kyoka, and Toru. Katsuki forcibly activates Denki's Quirk to cause him to go into his brainless state and lighten the mood.

During the Provisional Hero License Exam Arc, Katsuki and Denki work together though he is annoyed by the latter accompanying him. However, Katsuki is shown to place enough trust in Denki to toss him a grenade to overcome Seiji Shishikura.

Shoto Todoroki

Katsuki drives to surpass Shoto.

Like Izuku, Katsuki sees Shoto as another rival and someone that he needs to defeat to become Number One. In the English dub, his nickname for Shoto is "Icy-Hot" though has used his last name. On the other hand, Shoto has occasionally been shown not to be one of the few classmates scared of Katsuki in the slightest, casually making comments that could tick the other off.

Having witnessed his power, Katsuki was greatly shocked at Shoto's potential and began to doubt his capabilities. [18]

During the U.A. Sports Festival Arc, when Shoto and Izuku talked to each other after the Human Cavalry Battle, Katsuki secretly overheard Shoto's backstory, with a seemingly surprised expression on his face. Despite hearing Shoto's tragic backstory, Katsuki showed no sympathy towards him, although his statement about not caring about Shoto's problems or feelings could also be taken to mean he wanted the two of them to be able to fight without being held back by anything.

In their fight, Katsuki tells him to show his full power and batters him with attacks until he is pleased when Shoto uses his fire but dismayed that he relents later. After their battle in the Sports Festival, Katsuki despised Shoto for not giving him a battle worthy enough of being called Number 1. Katsuki's anger caused him to grab an unconscious Shoto to continue, only to be fully restrained during the closing ceremony of the Sports Festival so he wouldn't release his fury onto Shoto.

During the Final Exams Arc, he made a promise to defeat Shoto after he just swore to take Izuku down as well. In this statement, he told the latter he won't have another half-effort win like at their previous match.

However, in the Forest Training Camp Arc, Katsuki seems to have let go of his grudge or put it aside for a while as the two were seen having a normal conversation during their training at the lodge cabin though he didn't want to be paired up with him and wanted Mashirao to trade with him. In other words, Katsuki and Shoto appear to be somewhat neutral with each other, with the latter not hesitating to interact with Katsuki in a relaxed way.

Shoto also joined some of his classmates in saving Katsuki from the League of Villains. It is unknown what sort of standing they have now since this experience. Though during the Remedial Course Arc, while trying to tame the bad behaving kids, Katsuki mentions they need some violence as that is how his parents raised him. Shoto ensured him there was a better way.[19] Katsuki thought back to Shoto's past and then let the latter make the plan, showing he is at least sensitive to Shoto's past.[20]

In spite of their status, Shoto reveals in a televised interview, that he considers Katsuki a friend, despite the latter denying this.

The two also worked together to defeat villains after obtaining their Provisional Hero License.

Ochaco Uraraka

Ochaco scared at the thought of fighting Katsuki.

Katsuki doesn't bother to interact with Ochaco because of her friendship with Izuku.

Though they first saw each other in their mock battle, Katsuki was so focused on fighting Izuku that he ignored Ochaco. They fully interact during the Sports Festival tournament, when they have to face each other in the first round. Ochaco was utterly terrified at the prospect of having to fight Katsuki, while he thought very little of her and didn't recognize her name or thought she can fight him. At the beginning of their battle he insulted her facial features, much to her shock. Throughout their battle, Katsuki offered Ochaco the chance to withdraw, because he won't show her mercy, even if she is a girl. When Ochaco prepared a secret attack on him, Katsuki was surprised by her ingenuity and impressed that her attack pushed him to his maximum blast limit at the time. He acknowledged her effort and remarks that he should've known she'd try it since he recalled her friendship with Izuku, indicating that Ochaco reminds him of Izuku, and wrongly assumed that she had help from him, until Izuku told Katsuki she fought him with her own strategy.

At the end of their match, Katsuki used her last name before finishing her off, indicating that Katsuki respects Ochaco's strength (as he usually doesn't use people's names save for those who impress him or those he has a rivalry with, like he did that with Izuku, Shoto, and Eijiro). When his classmates (but Izuku) scolded him for fighting so hard at Ochaco saying that she is frail, Katsuki went out of his way saying, that he definitely wouldn't call Ochaco frail, while defending himself for fighting her at full strength.

After his match against Ochaco, Katsuki still wants nothing to do with her, and he considers her to be irritable, just like he considers Izuku irritable.

In Forest Training Camp Arc, when the students are cooking, Ochaco notices Katsuki's knife handling skills and was surprised by his efficiency, to which he yells at her, asking what's so surprising, unexpected about it, and rudely questions her, how she can be so bad with a knife. Then, Katsuki felt irritated by her after that.

In an omake, Ochaco talked with Katsuki about his relationship with Izuku. She questions why he is so angry around him, and correctly guesses his anger is really just a way to mask his insecurities and jealousy towards Izuku. And she suggests he should stop being mean to Izuku, and start being friends with him again, given to their past. Katsuki felt extremely irritated by her for wanting him to bond with Izuku, so he responded angrily at her and scared her off.

Tenya Ida

Tenya disapproves Katsuki's manners.

Because of their equally forceful personalities and very different personal values, Katsuki and Tenya don't get along well. Katsuki looks down on Tenya's privileged background and dislikes being ordered around by him, whereas Tenya disapproves and frequently reprimands Katsuki for his improper behavior, questioning his intentions to become a hero. This was especially apparent when they were forced to partner up for the Trial of Battle.

Despite their bad standing, Tenya joined some of his classmates in saving Katsuki from the League of Villains It is unknown what sort of standing they have now since this experience. For the most part, they don't seem to be on bad terms even though Katsuki got irritated with him reprimanding him for fighting Izuku and still refers to him by a nickname.

During the battle to retrieve Izuku, Katsuki and Tenya worked together on stopping their rogue classmate.

Kyoka Jiro

Katsuki sitting next to Kyoka.

Katsuki and Kyoka's interactions at the start of the series have been minimal. They were first seen sitting next to each other on the bus while Kyoka gets annoyed and freaked out by Katsuki's loud angry outbursts at Denki.

Starting from the U.A. School Festival Arc is when these two begin to develop a friendship. Kyoka asks Katsuki to help her in the festival by playing drums, he berates her and tells her he has no time for that. They are then seen working together and preparing for their performance with Katsuki listening to Kyoka instead of yelling as he usually would.

They are later paired up on the same team during the Class 1-A vs Class 1-B trials. Kyoka and Katsuki come to understand each other and put trust into one another. Katsuki, who always works solo begins to trust his allies and relies on Kyoka as opposed to how he was when they worked together on their performance. He comes to her aid and prevents her capture, something Kyoka thanks him for. They work together and with help from Hanta and Rikido defeat Class B. She has shown to tolerate Katsuki's personality more often than others in the class.

Hanta Sero

Katsuki irritated by Hanta.

Hanta and Katsuki tend to be in close proximity due to their friendships with Eijiro. Katsuki refers to him as "Tape Arms" or "Soy Sauce Face".

Their interactions start hostile, as Hanta once mentioned that nobody would actually vote for Katsuki as class representative, which annoyed Katsuki. Like Denki Kaminari and Ejiro Kirishima, he seems to get a kick out of poking fun at Katsuki and attempting to get a rise out of him, and is often successful. This was seen when he and Eijiro laughed at Katsuki's haircut by Best Jeanist and his punishment from his fight with Izuku.

However, there are times when they were paired on the same team, such as the cavalry battle, where it was demonstrated that Hanta often gets exasperated with Katsuki's extreme competitiveness but is willing to cooperate with him regardless. He was briefly worried when Katsuki wanted to take down Class 1-B but impressed by his strategy.

During the Joint Training Arc, they were paired on the same team and Katsuki inspired the group by declaring to lead them to a flawless victory. This seems to have caused Hanta to develop respect for Katsuki, as seen when he was grateful to Katsuki for saving their teammates when they were trapped. When Nine attacked Hanta on Nabu Island, Katsuki looked over and shouted his name out in concern before becoming more enraged and shooting multiple attacks at Nine, demonstrating that he has grown to care about Hanta and his wellbeing.[8]

Tsuyu Asui

Tsuyu and Katsuki lack interaction, largely due to the latter's stubborn, arrogant behavior.

Katsuki chooses to ignore most of his classmates, Tsuyu included. Due to her blunt nature, Tsuyu remarked on Katsuki's slim chances of becoming a hero and growing popular, much to the latter's irritation, calling her "frog face."

In the aftermath of the Paranormal War, she helped her classmates restrain him after he was upset about Izuku being unconscious.[21]

Minoru Mineta

Katsuki and Minoru share a rather negative and antagonistic relationship with one another. Like his other classmates, Katsuki is annoyed and disgusted by Minoru's perverse behavior, and frequently calls him out for his cowardly nature. In turn, Minoru is put off by Katsuki's violent and brash attitude and dialect, often being the one to remark on his aggressive behavior, as seen during Katsuki's fight with Ochaco at the Sports Festival.

Katsuki happened to walk into Minoru's room one day while searching for Koji Koda's rabbit and was very much disgusted by his perverse taste as well as the posters and stacks of magazines that littered the room, going as far as to say that they should burn Minoru's room down with him in it.[22]

Yuga Aoyama

While they aren't seen interacting, Katsuki doesn't seem to think much of Yuga and didn't remember his name or Quirk when the latter requested to be on his team during the U.A. Sports Festival.

Like the rest of his classmates, Katsuki was deeply shocked upon learning of Yuga's betrayal and remarked on how it was a small world with him being Quirkless and receiving a Quirk from All For One, comparing him to Izuku in that regard.[23] Nevertheless, Katsuki still expressed anger at Yuga, due to him being the reason he was kidnapped and went on to say that he'd like to give him a few Howitzer Impacts before they would be considered even, only for Hanta and Eijiro to defend their classmate for having suffered in silence.[24]

Class 1-B

As with Class 1-A, Katsuki doesn't hold high standing with them. They actively competed with him after he announced he will win the U.A. Sports Festival and tried to beat him.

During the Joint Training Arc, a majority of them expected him to behave recklessly but were surprised when he not only cooperated with his team but also won the battle.[25]

Neito Monoma

Neito and Katsuki competing.

Katsuki sees Neito, along with the other members of Class 1-B, as rivals, that must be toppled.[26] Katsuki doesn't bear any ill will to Neito until the latter takes his bandana in the U.A. Sports Festival's Cavalry Battle and mocks him for being attacked by villains. An enraged Katsuki immediately stops chasing Izuku, his main rival, and the person whose bandana he has the most desire to take, as he angrily orders his group to destroy Neito's team.[27]

After repeated taunting, mocking, and copying of his Quirk, in a fit of rage, Katsuki flies at Neito, jumping away from the rest of his team and taking all of Neito's headbands, eliminating him and his team from the competition.[28] With his defeat, Neito feels a certain disdain towards Katsuki, considering him too violent and underestimating his achievements and abilities as a hero. His classmates often try to advise him not to antagonize Katsuki.

Neito's opinion about Katsuki is so negative, that during the fourth round of the Joint Training Battle, Neito expects that Katsuki will behave recklessly and allow his team to fail. However, after seeing him help and save his teammates, he's flabbergasted to see that Katsuki cared about his teammates and cooperated with them.[29] When Team 4-B was completely defeated, he doesn't deny his admiration for Katsuki's development and his great teamwork.[25]

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu

Although they have little interaction, Tetsutetsu like his class despises Katsuki's arrogance.

He has stated a desire to want to defeat Katsuki but has not been presented with an opportunity to do so as of now. When Eijiro fights Katsuki during the U.A. Sports Festival Finals, Tetsutetsu roots for Eijiro to beat him. He is shocked to see Katsuki not only win the fight but also become the winner of the entire festival, just as he proclaimed.


All Might

Katsuki questions All Might.

Similarly to Izuku and Shoto, Katsuki idolized All Might as a child. While very little of this respect and admiration is apparent in the present, it seemed to have a strong impact on Katsuki's belief in what a hero should be.

He first met the famed hero in person when the latter saved Katsuki after he was attacked by the Sludge Villain.

They met again at the U.A. High School, wherein the training match between Izuku and Katsuki, All Might scolded Katsuki for his reckless and cruel fighting style that could have killed Izuku.

Despite Katsuki's aggressive nature, All Might acknowledges him as a promising hero but has repeatedly attempted to guide him whenever possible. Although his advice has often fallen on deaf ears and All Might is often unsettled by Katsuki's behavior, be it his aggression or his reckless drive.

Unfortunately, despite his past admiration for the renowned hero, Katsuki does not hesitate to either insult or challenge All Might to a fight, refusing to run away when he was assigned to fight him, only to suffer a humiliating defeat, just as Izuku stated. He was also angry and embarrassed that he had to be saved by All Might when he was kidnapped and even refused to thank him. Despite his antagonistic attitude towards his former idol, Katsuki did show concern when All For One attacked him, showing that he at least somewhat cares for him.

After seeing his true form, he still believed in All Might's ability to be a hero and refused to lose his faith in him. However, with All Might in retirement, Katsuki seems to have gotten a clue about All Might's relationship with Izuku, going as far as to ask him about what he is to him. Even still, Katsuki did thank All Might for saving him from the League of Villains.[30]

In the end, Katsuki's admiration and concern for All Might were revealed to be larger than he had previously shown. During his fight with Izuku, he admitted that he blamed himself for All Might's retirement and current state after being kidnapped and after the battle with All For One. This had left a lasting impact on him, as he did not know what to do after the fact, the guilt being so strong that it actually brought tears to Katsuki's eyes.[31]

Having watched the whole sight, All Might comforted Katsuki after his battle with Izuku ended, he told Katsuki that he is not responsible for his pitiful state and apologized to him as well as told him the truth about One For All. Katsuki understood and promised to keep the latter's secret from others becoming one of the few to the truth of All Might's powers.[32]

Katsuki is now a part of All Might's inner circle of those who know of One For All and is updated on when Izuku gets new abilities from it.

While Katsuki refrained from showing any outward admiration towards All Might, during his battle against Tomura Shigaraki in the Second War, Katsuki meets a visage of All Might and admits that he always wanted him to sign an All Might trading card he got when he was little, but never got round to asking him. In this moment, Katsuki drops his regular gruff demeanor and genuinely smiles with little reluctance, proving that he does truly still admire All Might deep down.[33]

Shota Aizawa

Katsuki is restrained by Shota.

Shota is Katsuki's homeroom teacher and they barely get along, due to Katsuki's rude and violent behavior, as well as Shota's own rude nature.

In their first interaction, Shota had restrained Katsuki for nearly attacking Izuku and from that moment, he took to looking over Katsuki more than any other student due to his violent and irresponsible behavior. Despite their turbulent start, Shota recognizes Katsuki's talents and defended him during his match with Ochaco in the Sports Festival after Katsuki was admonished for his supposed cruelty in the match.

Shota often tries to help Katsuki in his own way, such as when he paired him up with Izuku against All Might for them to cooperate better. He also acknowledges he has the qualities of a hero when asked by the press about his "villain like" behavior. Shota correctly states that Katsuki will not become a villain, which was seen when the latter refused to join the League of Villains.

When Shota met Katsuki's parents, he was complimented for seeing Katsuki for who he really was and not overlooking his faults.[1]

Aizawa is one of the few characters to not be intimidated by Katsuki, as seen when he doesn't hesitate to insult him and bring down punishment on him, such as when he reprimanded him and Izuku for fighting.[34]

However, Katsuki appears to respect his teacher for being a hero while Shota acknowledges he has the qualities of a hero when asked by the press about his "villain like" behavior. When he met the Bakugo Family, he was complimented for seeing Katsuki for who he was and not overlooking his faults.[35]

During Joint Training Arc, Shota complimented Katsuki's willingness to cooperate with his team, which led to his victory. Shota expressed pride in Katsuki gradually changing his ways while Katsuki told him to not dwell on it.[25]

Pro Heroes

Best Jeanist

Katsuki bemoaning his internship with Best Jeanist.

Katsuki selected Tsunagu for his internship, acknowledging the latter for his strength, being one of the top five Heroes in the country. When Tsunagu styled his hair, he realized he made a bad choice working for him. Though Tsunagu tried to teach Katsuki the qualities of a hero by learning to quell his anger, Katsuki didn't appear to listen to any of his lectures. Katsuki even considered his time with Tsunagu to be worthless as he didn't improve in skill as Izuku did.[4]

However, despite Katsuki outwardly showing great annoyance with the Fiber Hero, it seems he secretly has great respect for him. Not only was Katsuki revealed to have taken Tsunagu's words about heroes and villains being vastly different to heart when he refused to join the League of Villains,[36] he also adamantly refused to tell anyone his new hero name until he had the chance to tell Tsunagu first. Katsuki also seemed surprised to learn of the hero having gone missing, and despite the immense irritation he displayed during his internship, when asked by his classmates if he would return to Best Jeanist for the second round of Work-Study, Katsuki stated that he didn't know, rather than outright refusing to return.

It was revealed Tsunagu offered Katsuki the chance to intern at Genius Office again in his second year after he picked his hero name. When they meet again, Katsuki revealed his hero name: Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight to him. Tsunagu thought it was a terrible name, but did not say so out loud.[37]

Katsuki has nicknamed Tsunagu "Denim Head".[12]


His impression of Endeavor was not very nice, as later he mentioned that he thinks Endeavor is a jerk.

Katsuki first saw him in person during his supplemental class where they had to help the children behave properly and open up.

Endeavor invites Deku and Katsuki to dinner.

After the Christmas party they had, Shoto learns they don't have anyone to mentor, so he offers Katsuki and Izuku to intern under his father.

When Katsuki, Shoto, and Izuku arrive for their work studies, Endeavor makes it no secret that he is uninterested in training anyone else other than his son. Endeavor was also taken aback by Katsuki's lack of respect and rude nature. Katsuki recalls All Might saying he and the current number one hero are similar and his training may change his behavior. Katsuki soon changes his tune, since Endeavor has a high reputation. Endeavor is still set on Katsuki's nature but Katsuki impresses him when a villain attacks and he is ready for action.[38]

Katsuki saves Endeavor's son from Ending, and the hero is grateful to him.


Katsuki and Mirko's similar personalities make them clash due to them both being headstrong and impulsive. Katsuki is annoyed by the Rabbit Hero not using his full hero name, which Mirko just shrugs off. This leads to petty arguments between them.[39]


Tomura Shigaraki

Katsuki first met Tomura in the U.S.J. Arc. He was nearly attacked by the villain before All Might appeared. During the Final Exams Arc, Katsuki learned the League of Villains made plans to procure him, which was successful.

Tomura then offered him a place in his organization since they both want to do what they want, but Katsuki refused as he voiced his admiration to All Might and was intent on being a hero. Katsuki even attacked Tomura and stood defiant at the latter's possible retaliation. In the end, Katsuki was rescued by his classmates and likely considers Tomura an enemy.[40]

They meet again during Paranormal Liberation War Arc, where Katsuki says that Deku is only a bait and Katsuki wants to get revenge on Tomura.


Seiji Shishikura

Katsuki and Seiji can't stand each other.

Katsuki and Seiji display a mutual dislike for each other and they are polar opposites in regards to becoming heroes. Katsuki constantly ridicules Seiji's formal attitude by mockingly calling him "Senpai" while taunting Seiji about his name and the size of his eyes. In return, Seiji believes Katsuki is vulgar and undeserving of becoming a hero.

At one point, Katsuki becomes victim to Seiji's Quirk and the latter prepares to eliminate him from the exams, but Denki defeats him after Katsuki anticipated his own defeat. As a result, Seiji is eliminated instead. In the end, neither got their provisional licenses and had to take remedial lessons.

Even after the Provisional Hero License Exam, Seiji and Katsuki do not get along at all and were not pleased to see the other in the remedial lessons. Katsuki tends to call Seiji "Meat", referring to Seiji's Quirk.

Camie Utsushimi

Katsuki met Camie during the Gang Orca trial. Camie does not seem to mind Katsuki's aggressive attitude and she is not afraid to tell him that his methods to win children's hearts are outdated, which bothers him greatly. Even so, she manages to make Katsuki laugh by using her Quirk to make an illusion of Shoto. After the trial, she said that he seems pretty well mannered when he keeps quiet, to which he reacted by telling her to shut up.

Yo Shindo

Katsuki not buying Yo's facade.

In their first meeting, Katsuki could easily see through Yo's nice façade and outright told him that he found him fake and aggravating, causing Yo to smirk in amusement.

The two later came to blows in the Provisional Hero License Exam but didn't interact that much after their first encounter.[41]



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