Why cant i see my cart on uber eats

Uber Eats is an amazing app. You can order all your food right to your door using this app. Even though there are many more apps like these, with high-quality service and performance. Uber Eats manages to stay ahead of the others. Therefore in this article, we will answer how to fix Uber Eats won’t let me place order.

These errors are important to fix. We all know compromise is not a fun term when it comes to food. Nobody likes to switch apps, ask for customer care assistance, etc if the app is not working. So here we are, with a list of reason why Uber Eats might not be letting you order food and how to fix it.

How to fix Uber Eats won’t let me place order-

There are quite a few ways to fix this issue. We would be discussing them point-wise so that it is clear which issue you are facing and how you can solve them.

Image Source: Play Store

The first and foremost trouble for various users is Uber Eats checkout fails to proceed. This could happen due to a lot of reasons. To name a few, the most simple reason for this is ba ad internet connection. The app might be failing to send your checkout request to the server.

Another thing to note here is that you would face an error if the card details somehow were wrong, or the shop closed by the time you finally clicked on proceed. Always take appropriate notice of the fact that the shop is not about to be closed when you order food.

This might happen due to mainly two reasons. One is that you are using s voucher on the wrong date. That is, the voucher expired by the date you used it. Another cause could be that you used the wrong voucher on the food.

Vouchers come sorted into various types. Where one voucher offers 30% off on South Indian food, another might offer a free coke on order from Sharma Sweets. If you apply the wrong voucher, it would fail to work and show you the error.

The case of Promo code is the same as coupons but with slight differences. You would notice promo codes are small alphanumeric texts that you put into a special box. It helps you by getting discounts.

If it fails to work this is because you are either using a promo code that has expired or you are putting in the wrong promo code. double-check the Text and only put it like stated. If possible copy it directly for the best chances of success.

Image Source: Play Store

Scheduling an order from Uber Eats is very useful, but it is not supposed to work all the time. If the shop is closed at the time you schedule its order, you would not be able to use the option. Always check shop timings and services before scheduling your food.


The above guide covered all about how to fix Uber Eats won’t let me place the order. I hope the article proves useful to you. You can access the Uber Eats site from here for great dishes and snacks!

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So you go to checkout and place your order and you get some sort of error message. You aren’t sure what’s going on. All you know is that you are unable to place your order with UberEats.

UberEats sometimes has issues with customers not being able to place orders. There is no specific explanation as to what is happening when the delivery app doesn’t let customers checkout. There are a few things that may be wrong and that’s the reason you can’t checkout.

Why Won’t UberEats Let Me Place An Order?

When UberEats won’t let you checkout or place an order, you should know that it is not the platform itself blocking you specifically from placing an order. Some people think there is something wrong with their account and that is why they can’t place an order with UberEats. This is the case only half of the time.

When there is something wrong with your account, you should go back and check your account for any errors that may be stopping you from checking out. One error that would prevent you from checking out is entering the wrong card information. If the card won’t go through because of incorrect information, it is expired, or for any other reason, you won’t be able to checkout and place an order.

Another reason you may be unable to checkout is that there is a glitch or system outage. It is not unheard of for UberEats to crash and prevent regular functions such as checking out from operating correctly. The system outage is usually only temporary and chances are that UberEats is currently assessing and working on the issue.

UberEats won’t let you place an order if there is some sort of ban on your account. This is not likely the case. The main way that your account would come under the scope of UberEats and get banned is if there were some sort of fraudulent activity taking place on the account.

How Do You Clear Checkout On UberEats?

To remove everything from your cart on UberEats you will have to be on the Checkout screen. You can get here by clicking on the profile icon and then you should see everything that is in your cart. Now, you can swipe left or right and select delete to get rid of everything in your cart.

Why Is UberEats Not Accepting Orders On Android Device?

The big problem with UberEats not accepting orders or allowing customers to checkout is said to be happening on Android devices. Apple products may be experiencing the same trouble but the talk is about the Androids. So UberEats is not accepting your order that you are trying to place on an Android device.The first thing you should do is check your payment method. You may have entered a payment method that has insufficient funds on it. Or the payment method on your account is expired and therefore is not working.

The issue may not be with your Android device in itself but there could be a glitch in the system that is impacting only Android devices. You will want to restart your device and if that doesn’t work you should uninstall and reinstall the app.

Other problems that you might encounter is that Uber Eats doesn’t deliver your food (here is how long it can take) and what to do if the food is missing.

What Should I Do When UberEats Won’t Let Me Checkout?

First, check that all of your information has been entered correctly. You may have entered an address that UberEats can’t find or the address is not the same as the one on your account. There could be something as simple as a typo in your address or payment method.

With your payment method, you could have entered some wrong numbers and now your card information is incorrect. The way to fix this is to go back in and update your card information. Even if the card information is correct, you should probably delete your payment method and then reenter it.

Sometimes there is a glitch in the system that can easily be fixed by deleting and reentering items. Your order may be with a restaurant that is temporarily closed. It was open but for some reason, it closed shop before you were able to finish your order.

While this is a very rare occurrence, it could happen. You should double-check that the restaurant is open and accepting orders. If it is, then there is something else wrong with your order and you should keep trying to figure out what the issue is.

You could try waiting on the system to come back up if it appears to be a system outage. All you have to do is perform a Google search and see if an outage has been reported on UberEats. If an outage has been reported you will have to wait until the system comes back up to checkout.

Having Trouble with the Uber Eats App? It’s Not Always Them

When you get the munchies and are tired to dine out or go across the street for lunch, go with UberEats. Food gets delivered to your door and everybody’s happy.

At least it’s supposed to be this way when the UberEats app works. But sometimes it’s not working. And it’s not always them. Sometimes it’s your own Internet connection acting up and not allowing you to finish your order or load the app correctly on your smartphone. Read below to see what you have to do to solve this easily.

Uber Eats Not Working – Why?

The most common cause of the Uber Eats app not working is actually your network. When you have a slow, or unreliable Internet connection, your Uber Eats app isn’t able to work properly. Sometimes, you may not even realize that you have a connection problem until you try and use the service.

If your Wi-Fi connection has a momentary blip or your cellular connection fluctuates, the communication flow between your smartphone and the Uber Eats servers gets interrupted. It can take a few moments for the data to catch up.

You may not be able to order or view all restaurants that you can order from in your area. 

Speedify Fixes Uber Eats Not Working Issues

Assuming the Uber Eats service is online and there are no bugs in their app, then the culprit is definitely your network connection. Speedify is the only app that can combine multiple internet sources into one bonded super-connection for more stable and secure live streaming, video calling, and web browsing. Speedify fixes Uber Eats issues because it improves your Internet connection. The Speedify app works by monitoring the quality of your Internet connections in the background and can bond your Wi-Fi and cellular connection simultaneously in a single “pipe” on your mobile device.

This improves your bandwidth and leads to a smoother Uber Eats browsing and ordering process.

Speedify also routes data when something happens to one of your connections. If you are moving between Wi-Fi networks, or your Wi-Fi or cellular network suddenly go out, you stay connected because Speedify intelligently and automatically reroutes your data until you are connected again to both networks. Best of all, you don’t notice anything because Speedify takes care of it all in the background.

Speedify is available for iOS, Android, macOS, Windows and Linux devices.

Get All Three for Your Internet Connection: Reliability, Speed and Security

Speedify does more than just helping you get your food ordered online and managing your Internet connections. It is also a next-generation fast bonding VPN. It encrypts all of the data you send and receive from your device. This helps keep your private information and conversations secure from digital eavesdroppers and cyber thieves.

Speedify doesn’t just fix your Uber Eats app connection problems. It also makes all your online apps more stable and secure, and improves your overall Internet experience.

Other VPNs slow down your Internet connection. There is no other app that works like Speedify. Only Speedify gives you advanced encryption while also speeding up your Internet connection.

If you are tired of glitches when ordering online with the Uber Eats app, then start using Speedify today for improved network connectivity.

Speedify is the only app that can combine multiple internet sources into one bonded super-connection for more stable and secure livestreaming, video calling, and web browsing.

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