Why do men love oral

Do guys like giving girls oral sex? What's your personal preference? I know some guys won't even attempt it, I'm just wondering why? or why do you love it? Any tips on giving guys oral sex?

(Like where to lick, suck, touching at the same time? What do you like?)

(Original post by Anonymous) Do guys like giving girls oral sex? What's your personal preference?

I know some guys won't even attempt it, I'm just wondering why? or why do you love it?

Any tips on giving guys oral sex?

(Like where to lick, suck, touching at the same time? What do you like?)

Because it's pretty disgusting? Why would you want to lick a smelly mucus membrane? Giving oral to a guy is like licking an arm, giving oral to a girl... Can't even imagine what that would be like.

(I am not attracted to girls, just for the record)

Waits for someone else to reply first

(Original post by Anonymous) Do guys like giving girls oral sex? What's your personal preference?

I know some guys won't even attempt it, I'm just wondering why? or why do you love it?

It's really a personal preference, I personally love giving oral but receiving it for me as a guy isn't as good as normal sex. However, a lot of guys like oral as it requires us to do no work and more attention is paid to male pleasure. In my experience, giving to females is a great way to get to know your girlfriend's parts and for both of you to explore new sexual experiences.

But always wash your parts before oral because it'll be so much better if your partner actually wants to do it and isn't repulsed by a disgusting smell or taste.

(Original post by Anonymous) Because it's pretty disgusting? Why would you want to lick a smelly mucus membrane? Giving oral to a guy is like licking an arm, giving oral to a girl... Can't even imagine what that would be like.

(I am not attracted to girls, just for the record)

Why would you want to suck a smelly, sweaty ****? I can only imagine it being worse cause then you have the issue of feeling like someone’s jamming a wooden spoon down the back of your throat on top of the fact it’s probably leaking precum. Pretty *****y.

(Original post by Anonymous) Because it's pretty disgusting? Why would you want to lick a smelly mucus membrane? Giving oral to a guy is like licking an arm, giving oral to a girl... Can't even imagine what that would be like.

(I am not attracted to girls, just for the record)

A little offended by the disgusting thing haha, I mean if your sexual preference isn't towards women then it might not be as favourable. But if you were would you not be willing to try it with a dental dam?

(Original post by Anonymous)
Why would you want to suck a smelly, sweaty ****? I can only imagine it being worse cause then you have the issue of feeling like someone’s jamming a wooden spoon down the back of your throat on top of the fact it’s probably leaking precum. Pretty *****y.

yeah and tbh it doesn't taste brilliant, especially with a gag reflex like mine because if I smell something gross (e.g sweaty balls) then I gag hahaa

I really like giving it, not so much because it's pleasurable for me, but it's really hot to know they're getting pleasure out of it. Also because what goes around comes around

(Original post by Anonymous)
yeah and tbh it doesn't taste brilliant, especially with a gag reflex like mine because if I smell something gross (e.g sweaty balls) then I gag hahaa

Giving BJs suck (literally)

(Original post by Anonymous)
I really like giving it, not so much because it's pleasurable for me, but it's really hot to know they're getting pleasure out of it. Also because what goes around comes around

Haha, nice I think some guys are scared of doing it wrong/not being good at it? I know my bf was but I just guided him to where he needed to go haha

(Original post by Anonymous) Because it's pretty disgusting? Why would you want to lick a smelly mucus membrane? Giving oral to a guy is like licking an arm, giving oral to a girl... Can't even imagine what that would be like.

(I am not attracted to girls, just for the record)

hmm maybe because you’re gay...

lick the underside of the knob thats the most sensitive part, and guys dont often give girls oral because the juice is kinda smelly and obviously you can taste everything

(Original post by jamesgillian123)
lick the underside of the knob thats the most sensitive part, and guys dont often give girls oral because the juice is kinda smelly and obviously you can taste everything

Could you not say the same about blow jobs though? I mean balls smell, and the taste isn't pleasant?

I enjoy both giving and receiving. At the same time.

Dinner for two.

(Original post by Anonymous)
Could you not say the same about blow jobs though? I mean balls smell, and the taste isn't pleasant?

no because i havent given a blowjob lol

I like giving, and so does he 😉😂

Fukin disgusting for both parties i would imagine..

Okay I think it's safe now. I don't know what everyone else is on a bout, if he smells, he needs to shower, if he tastes bad, he needs to eat healthier. Also, don't know what people are saying about girls tasting and smelling bad too, my girl be tasting like tropical fruits, sometimes pineapple, sometimes oranges and has never smelt bad.

And I like giving and receiving, love both. Maybe giving more

(Original post by Cxm) Okay I think it's safe now. I don't know what everyone else is on a bout, if he smells, he needs to shower, if he tastes bad, he needs to eat healthier. Also, don't know what people are saying about girls tasting and smelling bad too, my girl be tasting like tropical fruits, sometimes pineapple, sometimes oranges and has never smelt bad.

And I like giving and receiving, love both. Maybe giving more

Good for you man! and good for your girl

(Original post by Divine Feminine) My God, you people are such prudes!

Oral sex and foreplay is the best part of sex, it’s brilliant. I love giving my man blowjobs, his **** and balls taste delicious. No one should smell if they shower or wash before sex. And my man loves licking me up and down, such pleasure darlings.



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