Why does it feel so good sophie ellis-bextor

Holding you closerIt's time that I told youEverything's going to be fineKnow that you're leavingAnd try to believe it

Take me one step at a time

If this ain't love(why does it feel bad, why does it feel bad, why does it feel bad)Why does it feel so goodIf this ain't love(why does it feel bad, why does it feel bad, why does it feel bad)

Why does it feel so good

Think of tomorrow We beg, steal or borrowTo make all we can in the sunWhile we are movingThe music is soothing

Troubles we'll all have begun

If this ain't love(why does it feel bad, why does it feel bad, why does it feel bad)Why does it feel so goodIf this ain't love(why does it feel bad, why does it feel bad, why does it feel bad)

Why does it feel so good

Will you remember me boy?Remember me

Lovin' you, yeah

Just for this lifetimeYou can be my pastimeHere are the rules of our playIn it together 'Til I know you better

Darling, darling now what do you say

If this ain't love(why does it feel bad, why does it feel bad, why does it feel bad) (why does it feel bad, why does it feel bad, why does it feel bad)

Why does it feel so good

If this ain't love(why does it feel bad, why does it feel bad, why does it feel bad)Why does it feel so goodIf this ain't love(why does it feel bad, why does it feel bad, why does it feel bad)

Why does it feel so good

Sophie Ellis-Bextor opens up about the song that shot her to mainstream stardom

It's quite common for successful musicians to have complex a relationship with their earliest work.

With years of fame and experience behind them, many live to regret the decisions they made early in their career.

Or prolonged exposure to their early hits breeds a kind of disdain for work that they don't deem to reflect who they are as artists anymore.

Sometimes they just get plain sick of the songs.

The world first heard modern pop icon Sophie Ellis-Bextor's as the guest vocalist on 'Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)', a wildly successful and hugely infectious disco-pop song by Italian producer Spiller.


The song was inescapable upon its release and, almost 21 years since its release, its popularity endures.

Reflecting on her breakthrough appearance, Ellis-Bextor has nothing but positive feelings.

"'Groovejet' and me are really good friends, actually," Ellis-Bextor tells Double J's Tim Shiel.  

"I feel very lucky, because I'm on good terms with all the songs that people might associate with me. Which is good because you end up singing them an awful lot.

"I've never really understood it when singers don't like seeing the songs people know them for."

How 'Groovejet' found Sophie Ellis-Bextor

The story of Sophie Ellis-Bextor's mainstream breakthrough is one of those classic rags to riches kind of tales.

The young singer was down on her luck, when the opportunity to completely change her approach to music presented itself.

"I was in Theaudience, which was sort of a Britpop guitar band, from when I was 16 to when I was 20," she says.

"The year 'Groovejet' came out, I was actually at a very, very low point. We'd been dropped from our label, the band had split up, I felt really high and dry.

"So, I had to get some other jobs and figure out what I was going to do with myself."


Hear Tim Shiel's interview with Sophie Ellis-Bextor above:

The sleek, modern disco of 'Groovejet' is a long way from the jangly Pretenders-style guitar pop world Ellis-Bextor felt she belonged.

"In the spring, I got sent the instrumental of 'Groovejet'. At first, I was really offended. I listened to this track and it was house music. I never listened to house music! I didn't know the first thing about the world of DJs and dance," she says.

"I was just like, 'Why has anyone sent me this? I'm an indie singer. I can't believe they would think I'd be interested in doing dance music'.

"I remember stopping the CD and throwing it across the room in my scruffy little flat. A couple of weeks later, I was tidying up and I found this CD and I thought, 'Oh, I'll just remind myself what it is'.

"I thought, 'You know what, there's actually something in that that I quite like'."

As she processed everything she'd lost in the break-up of her band, suddenly a change of approach didn't seem like a bad idea.

"I'd been so burned by the band splitting up and my experience with the music press on that side of the tracks, I just thought that maybe doing a dance track is quite a good thing," she says.

"It could blow all the cobwebs off. It's a completely different world, completely different genre. Maybe that'd be quite good for me."

7 songs that should’ve been higher in the 2000 Hottest 100

Serendipity plays a big part in so many musical success stories, Ellis-Bextor's included. Had she not been forced to meet with the label on her own, someone else could have been the voice of 'Groovejet'.

"My manager was on holiday, so I went for a meeting on my own at EMI, where they had a dance label called Positiva.

"When he came back from holiday, I said, 'I've decided to do this dance track'. He was a lovely guy, my manager, but he didn't really understand why I was doing it."

Sophie Ellis-Bextor took the leap. She said yes to the song, she said no to her manager, and embarked into a new world alone.

"The week 'Groovejet' came out in the UK, I had no manager, no label, and I was part of this song that was really gaining momentum," she reflects.

"It was quite an extraordinary time. It was quite stressful to be honest."

The finishing touches

It wasn't just a vocal track that Ellis-Bextor signed herself up for. She also had the opportunity to help write the song's vocal melody.

"They were looking for someone to sing the track, but they were also looking for a top line: they didn't have the song yet," she says.

"So, I wrote a song. I think another four or five writers had also written pitches for the song.

"In the end, they took a chorus from this really brilliant songwriter called Rob Davis. They put his chorus with my verses, sort of spliced together.


That brilliant chorus was always the best option and Ellis-Bextor has no ill-feelings about her option being shunned.

"It wasn't very good," she says of her idea for the refrain.

"They picked a much better chorus. I think Rob's chorus is brilliant. His one was definitely stronger."

Though, at the time, the singer did have one reservation about that chorus, and she ain't afraid to admit it.

"I was quite uncomfortable about the fact that the 'if this ain't love' had the word 'ain't' in it," she says.

"Because it was not part of my normal vernacular. I mean, that's so ridiculous, but I was 20 and I just had lots and lots of rules.

"You know when you're younger and you just live like that. 'These are things I like, these are things that are cool, that's not me'… I guess it's also figuring out what kind of artist you want to be and what's important to you.

"It shows you that you can think things are important and they're just really not. You've got to learn these lessons."

Cristiano Spiller, the Italian producer who crafted the track, was not a huge part of the creative process by the time Ellis-Bextor became involved.

"To be honest, I didn't spend a lot of time with Spiller," she says. "He came for that week to record and do some press shots. Then he came for a week just before the song came out.

"He seemed alright! He was friendly enough. He didn't have tons of English, but he seemed very well meaning.

"I think what he did with the track is really clever."

What he did with the track was to breathe new life into an old disco jam. It's not an uncommon way to make dance music, but it does require a deft touch.

"The song that 'Groovejet' is taken from is a song called 'Love Is You', which was released in 1977 by a singer called Carol Williams.

"It's a really beautiful song, but he took some really clever bits to sort of create the track of 'Groovejet'. He's a talented guy, Spiller."


"It is a really cool song. I did a cover of it a couple years back, I quite liked this sort of weird circular nature of it. There's a nice serendipity there.

"It's a real puppy dog of a disco song. It just wants to be liked."

As for the name? It comes from the name of a Miami nightclub. Ellis-Bextor finds it as curious as you do.

"Spiller had a friend that was DJing at this big club called Groovejet," she says. "They played it there and there was a big reaction from the crowd. So, he's like, 'Let's call it Groovejet'.

"I mean, to be honest, to me it's quite weird. because I've got such a massive relationship with the song, but I've got zero relationship with Groovejet itself. I've never been there. I don't even know what it looks like.

"Does anyone even know it's called that? Or do they just think it's called 'If This Ain't Love'? It's quite funny if you think about it. The word Groovejet is not featured in the song at all."

What came next

'Groovejet' was massive.

In fact, 'Groovejet' is still massive. It sold bucketloads upon its release and has had tens of millions of streams across all platforms. It remains an iconic reflection of what dance and pop music sounded like at the turn of the century.

"That song just sort of changed everything," Ellis-Bextor says.

"I mean, there's the obvious stuff, like the fact it was commercially very successful. It ended up going to number one in I don't even know how many countries: like 11 or 12 countries.

"It was extraordinary for me to go from one summer with my indie band that was falling apart, and then the next summer I'm going to Ibiza and singing at end of season parties in front of thousands of club goers, and just being introduced to that whole world.

"It's the first time I'd had a song go to places that I'll never go to. That was that was an extraordinary idea to me, like I could fly somewhere new and they'd be like, 'Oh, we know that song'."

Count down the Hottest 100 of 2000 with us this month

Commercial success was grand. But it's the personal growth that Ellis-Bextor considers the greatest gift the song gave her.

"Most importantly, it shook up and changed the way I saw myself and the possibilities and options that I had.

"I thought, 'Right, you know what, if I trust my instinct, I can actually embrace a lot of different genres. I don't have to stick to indie music'.

"I love guitar music. It is still part of the map of how I make music most of the time, but it basically made me embrace the fact that, if you peel back my layers, I'm basically a pop kid.

"From then I thought, 'Okay, it's open season. I can dip my toe in lots of different water now.'."

Hear the Hottest 100 of 2000 from midday Monday 25 January on Double J

Posted 21 Jan 202121 Jan 2021Thu 21 Jan 2021 at 11:45pm


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