Why does my cat sleep on my back at night

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If you can learn anything from a cat, it’s the science of sleep. They inspired catnaps but can actually catch up to 16 hours a day of Zs. So, did we get spooning all wrong? Cats seem to think that sleeping atop their person is the most comfortable position. Sure, it may provide a little pressure therapy the way a weighted blanket swaddles you into slumber, but if your cat is literally weighing you down, here’s why and what you can do about it.


Your cat’s cold and you’re warm. End of story. “Several studies in recent years have shown that cats actually do enjoy the company of people,” says Dr. JoAnna Pendergrass, DVM. “So it’s fair to say that cats will cuddle up to their owners for closeness, warmth, and safety.” You might notice that your cat sleeps right on top of you more often in the winter. Street cats huddle up to share body heat — when they’re not scrapping. This also explains why solo cats curl up like donuts to sleep. Your cat’s normal body temperature is higher than yours (102 degrees!) but if you run hot and need some breathing room, it’s worth investing in a low-wattage heated bed or a self-warming one that absorbs and reflects your cat’s own body heat.

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Stomach-sleepers: does your cat curl up on your butt at night? Don’t worry, it’s not weird. If professional cuddlers are a thing (they are), then don’t blame your cat for looking at you like a giant body pillow. There’s also the elevation aspect to consider. In the wild, most members of the feline family hide in trees to spot predator and prey alike from a better vantage point, so it’s in a domestic cat’s DNA to feel safer in high places. Your bed is higher than the ground, and you are higher still. So naturally, your cat will choose the heated, elevated perch — that would be you. If you want the little monkey off your back, buy the tallest cat tree you can find. 

Affection (or possession)

Does your cat turn on the charm at bedtime? That affectionate head-bumping thing they do is called ‘head bunting’ and cats use it to exchange scents with family members. You may not boast specialized scent glands in your forehead, but your cat will still rub their head against yours to pick up your smell and leave theirs behind. Did we just make it weird? Really, it’s a bonding experience so enjoy it for what it is. On the other hand, if your cat skips the sentiment and unamorously plops down to sleep on your head, they may be claiming you as their territory, which has the potential to escalate to spraying urine around the house and stalking other family members. Such territorial behavior should not be rewarded (with the right to sleep on said head).


It was cute when your tiny kitten cozied up in the nook of your neck to sleep. Now you’ve got a 15-pound cat to bench-press with each breath. “Your kitten may continue to sleep on top of you as an adult because they’ve determined that the warmest and safest place is with you,” says Dr. Pendergrass. Cats are creatures of habit so wriggling out of this routine won’t be easy...but is that what you really want?

Key Takeaways

  • There are lots of reasons a cat may choose to sleep on their humans’ laps or chests.
  • Among the reasons cats sleep on people: warmth, comfort, affection and soothing sounds.
  • Cherish the moment when they do as they like to switch up their routine and may find another place to nap.

If you’re lucky enough to have a cuddly cat, you’re probably familiar with that feeling of waking up to a warm, furry lump on your back or stomach. (Life could be worse.) So, why is it that so many cats like to lay on their humans’ laps or chests and purr themselves to sleep? Let’s find out.

They Just Want to Be Warm

Have you ever noticed how your cat loves to catch the first ray of sunlight in the morning? Whether it’s on the floor or in the window box, your cat is right there soaking it all up. This is because cats prefer resting in warm places—and who doesn’t? When the sun sets and that warmth is gone, a cat could find some heat alongside a radiator, but it’s far comfier on top of you when you’re in your favorite recliner or when you’re snuggled beneath the bedcovers. So, these are the moments when your feline friend will most likely seek you out. I remember in my youth how my cat would nestle up against me in my bed; he felt safe with me and I felt safe with him. A wonderful feeling, indeed!

Humans Are Actually Quite Comfortable

Cats sleep around 15 hours a day or more, so naturally, they’re looking for a comfortable spot to catch 40 (or 400 winks!). Whether it be on a sofa or stretched out in a laundry basket, cats require a soft and cozy place to relax. Imagine how cozy you feel to a cat who discovers you in bed under a number of plush blankets. Your belly immediately becomes the coziest place on earth, far superior to a mere pillow or cat bed.

It’s About Affection…

If you’re like most people, you’re typically out most of the day (or night) working. When you finally return home, all your fur-ball buddy wants to do is be by your side and follow you around until you sit or go to bed so he can climb on top of you. Why? Because your cat loves you. All that head butting of your face, all those purrs and kisses; they add up to one thing—adoration! So when your cat shows these signs of affection (because most cats cannot speak…yet) and when he jumps on you to make his bed, give him a little pat and a pet to lull him to sleep and return the affection.

As Well as Safety

Everyone and everything craves and needs security. Your cat is no exception! When your cat is in search of a place to sleep, he not only wants comfort and warmth, he also wants a place that is secure—and that place is YOU! No dangerous predators are around when his master is there, so kitty dreams come easily for your cat when he has nothing to fear.

Some Cats Love the Sounds Your Body Makes

The natural sounds of your body may be soothing to your cat when he sleeps on top of you. The steady rhythm of your heartbeat and breath, as well as the rise and fall of your inhaling and exhaling, help lull your cat to sleep. Your smell is also pleasant as your cat associates it with you and the care, companionship, and safety you provide him. In short, many of your natural bodily sounds and smells may be relaxing to your kitty—though perhaps not ALL of your sounds and smells. I could go into detail here, but I’ll refrain!

Your Cat Plays Favorites!

It could be that you move less in bed while asleep than other family members. Or, your cat may feel particularly safe from harm around you. Whatever may be the reason, your cat loves sleeping on top of you, so cherish the moment while it’s here. Cats are known to switch up their routine, so they may look elsewhere for some other warm, comfortable pillow on a bed that is not you!

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Many cats are particular about their behaviors. They have specific ways they groom themselves, what they like to do for entertainment and yes, where they like to snooze. Cats are infamous for napping and you may have noticed that there are many rituals about how they do it. One of the more common questions we get from cat lovers is how do cats choose who to sleep with

There are a few reasons why cats choose specific people to slumber with. Your friends at Union Lake Pet Services are here to tell you all about it.

Why Does My Cat Sleep There?

Unlike us, cats don’t just go to bed at a set time in the evening and sleep for the duration of the night. They are a crepuscular species, which means they nap intermittently throughout a 24-hour period, but are mostly awake at night (mostly around dusk and dawn). They may change where they sleep and with whom often, so it’s unlikely that one specific place or person will be “the one”.

They do have some considerations about where and with whom they snooze, though.

  1. The one who feeds them. Let’s face it, most pets are motivated by food, and they tend to pal up with the one who brings home the bacon, so to speak. So, if you take care of your cat, they’ll feel closer to you. Plus, they want to be there when you open your eyes in the morning, because – guess what – did someone say breakfast?
  2. The warmest spot. Cats love to be warm, and that’s why you’ll see them sacked out in the sunshine. They crave warm and cozy spots, so if your bed is something they find comfortable, they’ll likely choose you to snuggle with.
  3. The one who makes them feel safe. Cats are particular about where they sleep, ensuring it’s safe and secure. They will choose a spot where they can make a quick getaway, even if they feel secure when sleeping with one of their human family members.
  4. Your smells and sounds. Cats are sensitive to scents and sounds and can be attuned to a certain person’s snores, odors, etc. Your scent may be another way to make your pet feel connected to you, and therefore safer. The sound of breathing has a lull to it that can also be soothing to your furry friend.
  5. You’re the favorite. Cats, like many other pets, can bond more closely with one family member. The reasons for this are varied, but generally speaking, it is the person who cares for them each day. This bond is important to your cat as they are social creatures that need affection and attention from their owner. By sleeping with you, it is another way for them to show their love.

The Advantages of Kitty Zzs

Allowing your cat to sleep with you on the bed can also have benefits for you and your meow mate. It….

  • Reduces stress – Petting a sleeping cat has been shown to lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety, depression, and stress.
  • Strengthens the bond – Cats who sleep with their humans are closer to them. This comfortable snuggle helps them feel more trust and safety with their owners.
  • It’s warm – For those who get cold easily, a cat in the bed is the perfect feet warmer. 
  • Good company – Whenever you are lonely, having a cat as a companion is the perfect feel-good friendship. 

The How and Why’s of Who Cats Choose to Sleep With

Did any of these reasons make sense to you about your cat’s sleeping habits? Most cats (including those who love their owners) will sometimes sleep alone in a quiet space because cats love to change where they sleep. One night your cat may sleep with you, while the next, they are on the bunk with one of the kids. The main thing is that this snuggle time enriches both your life and the life of your cat. It creates a closeness that is immeasurable.

We hope this helps explain how cats choose who to sleep with. Would you like more information on this or other cat behaviors? Just give our team a call. Sweet dreams for a restful catnap. 


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