Why is my dog eating plants all of a sudden

Posted Sep 17, 2019 in News

It’s perfectly fine for your dog to occasionally chomp on some grass, as soon as they start going for your garden or house plants though, you’ve got a problem on your hands. It’s not only frustrating for you as your beautiful plants are being destroyed – but some plants can make your pooch extremely ill. So, this is not a habit you want to sweep under the rug. Here are some tips on how to stop Fido from destroying your beautiful plants. 

Move Any Houseplants Out of Reach 

A quick and easy solution to get your dog to stop eating your plants is to make sure they’re always out of reach. Consider buying plant stands or highly raised tables. If you have any vine-like house plants, you’ll want to ensure they’re consistently trimmed to keep them out of your furry friend’s reach. The point is if your canine companion can’t see or get to your gorgeous houseplants – they can’t eat them!

Use Training Techniques to End the Behavior 

There are a few different ways you can try to train Fido to leave your plants alone. First, try classic positive and negative reinforcement training. When you notice your pooch approaching one of your plants, firmly shout “no” to get their attention. If your dog starts to back away from the plant, immediately praise them with a kind tone, some treats, or even their favorite toy.

Another technique is to use motion-sensitive repellent. These devices will trigger anytime your pup approaches your plants – most likely frightening them, and reinforcing the idea that they want no part of your plants. The repellent sprayed at your dog is completely safe for both humans and pets, but your dog will still want no part of it.

Another similar way to deter your four-legged friend from messing with your plants is clicker training. Whenever your dog is getting too close to your foliage, you just click the clicker and reward them with a treat when they comply. Clicker training can also be used for a variety of different obedience skills.

Invest in Some Diluted Lemon Juice 

Most canines can’t stand the smell or taste of citrus – that’s where diluted lemon juice comes into play and can be your best friend. Put the juice in a spray bottle and mist your plants. If you don’t want to spray your plants directly, you can also try cutting up lemons and placing them inside the pots as an alternative. If you do decide to use lemon wedges, ensure you change them out regularly, so they don’t rot.

Fence Off Your Garden 

Fencing off your outdoor gardens or covering your indoor ones can also serve as a solution. With smaller dogs, some simple chicken wire may suffice, but if you own larger and stronger dogs, you might be looking at constructing a wooden or metal fence. When it comes to your indoor plants, a light bird netting around the circumference of your plant’s pot should be able to hold up against Fido.

Your dog is a smart animal, and even if you have successfully trained them to stay away from your plants, you never know if they may find a way to once again chomp down on them. Because of this, you should never keep houseplants that are toxic for dogs, that includes – Castor beans, Daffodils, Elephant Ears, Hyacinths, Narcissus, Oleanders, and Rosary Peas. You love your canine companions to ensure always taking the necessary precautions to uphold their health.

Reviewed by Amy Flowers, DVM on August 14, 2022

Your beloved canine companion clearly isn’t a cow, so you might be confused when you see them eating grass. You might even be worried. Are they hungry? Bored? Sick? Will eating grass hurt them?

First, rest assured that you’re not alone in your concern, especially if your dog is eating grass and vomiting.

Pica is the technical term for the disorder characterized by eating things that aren’t food. Sometimes pica indicates that your dog has some type of nutritional deficiency, though it is often simply a sign of boredom, especially when practiced by puppies and younger dogs.

Dogs eating grass is actually quite common (it has been observed in wild dogs, too, and may be completely natural) and this form of pica does not usually cause too many problems. In fact, most veterinarians consider it a normal dog behavior. One small-scale study of 49 dog owners whose dogs had regular access to grass and other plants found that 79% of the dogs had eaten plants at some time. Another survey about plant-eating dogs found that grass was the most commonly eaten plant.

There are a variety of reasons your dog might be grazing on your lawn.

Some people propose that dogs might turn to eating grass when they don’t feel well as a way to make themselves vomit, and then feel better. Others dispute this idea, on the basis that dogs are not proven to be smart enough to decide to treat an upset stomach by eating grass.

Evidence suggests that most dogs that eat grass aren’t unwell beforehand, or at least they don’t seem so. In fact, fewer than 10% of dogs seem to be sick before eating grass, according to their owners. And grass-eating doesn’t usually lead to throwing up -- less than 25% of dogs that eat grass vomit regularly after grazing.

Other suggested reasons why your dog might be eating grass include improving digestion or fulfilling some unmet nutritional need, including the need for fiber. One published study reports on a miniature poodle that ate grass and then vomited every day for seven years. Three days after putting the dog on a high-fiber diet, the owner reported that the dog stopped eating grass entirely. And, of course, there is also the possibility that your dog simply likes the way grass tastes or feels.

If you suspect your dog is eating grass because they are bored, it might be beneficial to be sure they are getting enough exercise. Engage them in some fun activities. Try tossing a Frisbee or playing another interactive game with them, or buy them a sturdy chew toy to keep them occupied.

On the chance that your dog’s pica behavior is caused by a nutritional deficiency, switching to a better dog food, especially a high-fiber variety, could help alleviate the problem.

Although most experts agree that grazing itself isn’t harmful, one thing to keep in mind is that certain herbicides and pesticides used on lawns can be quite toxic, especially if ingested. Additionally, a number of common house and garden plants are toxic, which could lead to problems if your dog munches on them along with the lawn. To make sure the plants in and around the area where your dog is eating grass aren’t dangerous, check the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center website, which maintains a list of toxic and non-toxic plants.

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Our dogs join us in so many parts of our day in so many places: our homes, friends' homes, yards, dog parks, beaches, and outdoor trails. And while our dogs walk, run, and jump around with us, they come into contact with dozens of different house plants, trees, garden plants, and more as they're out exploring and enjoying nature with us.

Unfortunately, some of those plants that humans find tasty or beautiful can be hazardous to dogs if they eat them. And with their curious nature and insatiable appetites, it's almost inevitable your dog will sniff, chew, and eat weird stuff once in a while.

For instance, an upset stomach may drive a dog to eat grass or another plant. Or a dog may like the smell, texture, or taste of a particular plant or flower. There's even a condition known as pica, which describes people and animals eating things not normally considered food, that provide no nutritional benefit to the person or animal. (Rock chewers, we're looking at you.) 

Any pet owner can probably tell you at least one story about the time their dog ate something they shouldn't have. When they do eat things we wish they wouldn't, it's important to know whether that thing is toxic to dogs, and what to do if you suspect your pooch has ingested something poisonous.

dog standing behind several potted house plants; poisonous plants for dogs

If your dog seems to be having a bad response to ingesting a plant, call your veterinarian or an animal poisoning hotline. 

Because there are so many plants around us every day, it's hard to provide a completely comprehensive list of safe and unsafe plants for dogs. But Tina Wismer, DVM, MS, DABVT, DABT, a veterinarian and senior director at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, shared with us 5 common plant culprits with more severe clinical signs.

"Eating any plant can cause stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea in pets," Wismer points out. But she says vets see more severe signs of poisoning from these plants: 

  • Sago palm (Cyccas revoluta) is used as a landscape plant in the southern U.S. and is a houseplant in colder climates. It's toxic to all pets (that includes cats, too) and can cause symptoms including vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, liver failure, and potentially death. All parts of the sago palm are poisonous, but the seed or "nuts" contain the largest amount of toxins.
  • Lily of the valley (Convallaria spp.) is a common landscaping plant. Even a small exposure to any part of the lily of the valley plant can cause dangerous changes in a dog's heart rate and rhythm.
  • Oleander (Nerium oleander) is another common landscaping plant, especially on the west coast. Like lily of the valley, oleander also contains cardiac glycosides, which increase the heart's output and contractions, changing a dog's heart rate and heart rhythm.
  • Castor bean (Ricinus communis) is a plant that grows wild, is sometimes used in landscaping, and whose seeds can be used to make jewelry. Castor bean is highly toxic and can cause severe stomach upset, liver failure, and tremors.
  • Marijuana (Cannabis sativa), grown for human recreational and medicinal uses, if eaten by dogs can cause depression, unsteady gait, low heart rate, and low temperature. Ingestion of more concentrated THC products can cause more severe signs, including seizures. 

Here's a sampling of other outdoor plants whose leaves, berries, stems, and more can poison dogs who eat them:

  • Autumn crocus 
  • Azalea
  • Boxwood 
  • Chrysanthemum 
  • Cyclamen 
  • English ivy
  • Foxglove 
  • Hemlock 
  • Mistletoe 
  • Mushrooms you don't recognize as safe
  • Night blooming jasmine is toxic if ingested, especially the berries. Plants in the Jasmine family, however, are not toxic.
  • Rhododendron 
  • Rhubarb
  • Tulip/Narcissus bulbs 
  • Wisteria 
  • Yew 

It's not just trees and shrubs in your landscaping and the great outdoors you'll need to be on the lookout for. Many common houseplants are also toxic if your dog ingests them. While it's less likely your dog will want to snack on these than say, your cat, puppies especially may be prone to let their curious noses wander into uncharted munching territory. Keep plants out of their reach, and away from high-use areas like their dog bed or crate. While not exhaustive, here's a list of common house plants you'll want to keep an eye on: 

  • Aloe
  • Begonia
  • Calla lilies
  • Coleus
  • Corn plant (also known as Dracaena)
  • Dieffenbachia
  • English ivy
  • Fig (or ficus) tree
  • Jade plant
  • Peace lily
  • Philodendron
  • Poinsettia
  • Octopus tree
  • Snake plant (also known as Mother-in-Law's Tongue)

If you know your dog has eaten a poisonous plant, here's what to do:

  • Remove your dog from proximity to the plant. Note the plant's name, if you recognize it, or take a picture of it to help medical professionals in treating your dog.
  • Make sure your dog is breathing, alert, and behaving normally. Place a call your veterinarian or a phone hotline to help with pet poisoning, like Pet Poison Helpline at 855-764-7661, or ASPCA Animal Poison Control at 888-426-4435. Remember, hotlines like these do charge for their services, so a consultation fee may apply. A professional can tell you whether you need to treat your dog at home or bring her in to be seen by a veterinarian.
  • Call your veterinarian or the nearest emergency veterinary clinic immediately if your dog is not behaving normally. Avoid any at-home remedies or antidotes that have not been directed for use by your veterinarian. That includes making your dog vomit. Vomiting may be the right approach, but it might also be dangerous based on what your dog ingested and what's happening in the dog's body.

Remember, the sooner you get help for a dog who's eaten a poisonous plant, the better the chances your dog can recover from poisoning. Treatment, whether at home under a veterinarian's orders or in a veterinary hospital, will be specific to the plant that poisoned your dog. Your veterinarian may give your pup intravenous fluid, flush your dog's stomach, give your dog activated charcoal to absorb the toxin, or need to perform surgery. Supportive medications may help your dog's kidneys and liver process the poison and heal.

The ASPCA Poison Control estimates that 25 percent of poisoned pets recover within 2 hours. Even with treatment, 1 in 100 poisoned pets die.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so check lists of toxic and non-toxic plants before you bring greenery into the home or plant in the yard or garden. Your dog and your veterinarian will thank you.

RELATED: 8 Tips to Created a Dog-Friendly Yard

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