Compare and contrast conduct disorders with personality disorders?

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Page 2

Demographic and Background Characteristics: Categorical Variables

Categorical VariablesNo CD/ASPD (N = 92) n (%)CD Only (N = 15) n (%)Adult ASPD Only (N = 33) n (%)Full ASPD (N = 38) n (%)χ2 Test
    Male60 (65.2)11 (73.3)20 (60.6)34 (89.5)9.37*
    Female32 (34.8)4 (26.7)13 (39.4)4 (10.5)
    White24 (26.1)5 (33.3)9 (27.3)10 (26.3)0.35
    Nonwhite68 (73.9)10 (66.7)24 (72.7)28 (73.7)
Marital Status
    Ever married27 (29.3)3 (20.0)12 (36.4)6 (15.8)4.52
    Never married65 (70.7)12 (80.0)21 (63.6)32 (84.2)
    High school graduate50 (54.3)2 (13.3)20 (60.6)16 (42.1)11.17**
    Less than high school42 (45.7)13 (86.7)13 (39.4)22 (57.9)
    Living with family43 (46.7)5 (33.3)10 (30.3)12 (31.6)4.27
    Recently homeless32 (34.8)3 (20.0)20 (60.6)16 (42.1)10.35**
    Recently worked34 (37.0)4 (26.7)7 (21.2)12 (31.6)3.00
    Currently working12 (13.0)3 (20.0)1 (3.0)3 (7.9)4.73
    Chronic medical problems33 (35.9)8 (53.3)12 (36.4)16 (42.1)1.92
    Prescribed medications for physical problem21 (22.8)3 (20.0)8 (24.2)6 (15.8)0.95