How long does cat heat last

If your female cat has not been spayed, when she reaches puberty she will have her first estrous cycle. What is the estrous cycle? It is also commonly known as a heat cycle when your cat has reached sexual maturity. The average length of time a female cat is in heat is approximately 4 to 7 days. However, it is not uncommon for a cat's heat cycle to last only 1 day, or even up to 3 weeks.

When your cat reaches the age of sexual maturity, they may begin to act differently—indicating they might be going through a heat cycle. Below, we’ll explore what to look for to determine if your cat is in heat and how you can help your cat throughout the process.  

What is a cat heat cycle?

A heat cycle takes place when a female cat is fertile and ready to mate with a male cat. This cycle begins between 5 and 10 months of age in felines. The heat cycle occurs when your feline’s body is hormonally ready to become pregnant. If you wish to prevent your cat from becoming pregnant, it is important to take her to the vet to get spayed when your vet deems it is safe. If not, you run the risk of your cat becoming pregnant.

How often are cats in heat?

Cats have multiple cycles during the breeding season. Your cat will go through the stages of heat—outlined below—and then the cycle will repeat itself every 2 to 3 weeks until the breeding season is over. 

Cats are seasonally polyestrous. This means that depending upon geographic and environmental factors—like temperature and daylight hours—your cat's cycle will last anywhere from spring to fall. However, cats that live in tropical regions or are strictly indoor cats can have cycles all year round. 

Signs your cat is in heat

While you might assume that cats’ cycles are similar to humans and the most obvious sign would be vaginal bleeding, you would be incorrect. In fact, vaginal bleeding from a cat in heat—or in general—should result in a trip to the veterinarian. Instead, you should be looking for the following signs that your cat is in heat:

  • Unusually affectionate
  • Marking territory by spraying surfaces with urine
  • Mating call: loud vocalization
  • Mating position: head down, rear quarters and tail raised
  • Excessive grooming
  • Wanting to escape to the outdoors
  • Loss of appetite

5 stages of feline heat cycle

Your female feline will go through 5 phases during her heat cycle.

Stage 1: Proestrus

During this stage, your female cat will begin to attract unneutered males, but she will not be receptive to mating. This typically lasts a day or two. You will not notice any changes in behavior these few days. 

Stage 2: Estrus

In the estrus stage, your cat will begin to exhibit the behavioral changes mentioned above. During this stage, your cat will be receptive to mating with unneutered males.

Stage 3: Diestrus

If your feline mates during estrus, ovulation will be induced as hormone production from the act of mating is stimulated—triggering ovulation. When your cat has ovulated, it is now in diestrus. 

During ovulation, felines generally need to mate 4 to 6 times to become pregnant, and can have several mates. It is even possible for your cat to give birth to a litter of kittens with different fathers. This is known as superfecundation.

Stage 4: Interestrus

If pregnancy does not occur during diestrus, your cat will go into interestrus. This is the stage where her hormone level will drop and she will have no signs of heat. The interestrus stage lasts anywhere from 2 days to 3 weeks. Then your cat will go into heat again. These stages continue throughout the breeding season or until your feline becomes pregnant during diestrus. 

Stage 5: Anestrus

The last stage during the heat cycle is anestrus. This stage is the absence of the heat cycle. It typically occurs when there are fewer daylight hours, like in the winter. Your cat will begin hormone production again when it is stimulated by light during longer daylight hours. 

How can I support my cat in heat?

When your cat is in heat, you will likely know it. The yowling and constant need for affection can be overwhelming. But your cat will need your help and support to ease through the stress of the breeding season.


If you do not want your cat to become pregnant, you should consult your veterinarian or local Humane Society to inquire about options on spaying your cat. The surgery will prevent unwanted pregnancies and litters of kittens, helping control the overpopulation of cats. 

Can you spay a cat while in heat?

It’s possible to spay a cat during her heat cycle, but most vets would not recommend it. As Dr. Justine Lee explains, when a cat is in heat, there’s more vasculature (e.g., blood vessels and blood flow) to the ovaries and uterus. That results in a more expensive, longer surgery, as the tissue is more delicate. Only in emergency medical situations will vets spay a cat in heat.

Avoid male cats

If you have unneutered male cats in your home, now is the time to keep them separated. Your female cat will grow more excitable around males and mating can lead to pregnancy.

You should also ensure that your cat is safe inside, away from windows and doors so she does not try to escape. She will be searching for mates, and the isolation within your home will help keep her safe.

Comfort and stimulation

Your cat will likely need extra comfort, including extra petting and brushing. The attention can help ease the stress your feline is feeling. It’s also important to remember that some cats may prefer being alone, or even a mix of wanting to have attention and still needing places to escape. A cat tower is a great solution that offers comfort, lounging, exercise, stimulation, and stretching—all in one! It’s an ideal place for your cat to escape to, while also providing the stimulation that she requires. 


Catnip can be a great resource to use, but only if it has a calming effect on your cat. Since each cat responds differently to catnip—either energetically or calmly—you should proceed with caution. If it generally calms your cat when not in heat, utilize catnip to help relax and quiet your cat. However, if your cat generally becomes energetic around catnip, it could make her even more stimulated. 

Heat pack or towel

Having a warm pack or towel for your cat to sit on can help keep her calm and still. You can also use a heating pad on low or warm towels to ease any discomfort. 

Can you stop your cat from going into heat mid-cycle?

Short of spaying your cat mid-cycle (which, again, vets do not recommend), you can't artificially stop your cat’s heat cycle. The best you can do is keep her indoors and away from unneutered male cats, so that mating will not occur.

Understanding your cat’s heat cycle

If your cat has not been spayed, you should continue to look out for the signs of the estrous cycle to help her through the process. Be sure to follow her cues to determine whether she needs more attention or more space. And be sure to have options for both calming environments and playful stimulation, like this rechargeable laser pointer.

If you do not want your cat to become pregnant, it is highly recommended that you spay your cat. Spaying cats is the most effective way to prevent cats from going into heat—and prevent pregnancies. Spaying is also healthier for your cat in the long run.

How often do cats go into heat in a year?

Heat cycles repeat every 2 to 3 weeks and typically start in January and last through the fall, or until the cat becomes pregnant or is spayed.

Is estrus painful for cats?

No one can accurately say if estrus is painful for cats. However, their symptoms lead us to believe that they are likely uncomfortable.

What triggers a cat to go into heat?

A cat goes into heat based on sexual maturity and the timing of the seasons. Longer daylight hours that are filled with sunlight trigger your feline’s body to begin the estrus cycle.

Photo by Dorothea OLDANI on Unsplash

How long does cat heat last


If you don’t get your female cat spayed, they’re going to go into heat. And if you’re experiencing a cat in heat for the first time, you’re probably wondering: how long does a cat stay in heat?

Typically, a cat will stay in heat for around 3 to 7 days, but this cycle can last as long as 20 days for certain cats. A cat goes into heat quite often, and this heat cycle is also called the estrous cycle. 

A female cat will go into heat every 2 to 3 weeks, and their heat cycle will continue until either they get pregnant or get spayed. A cat will typically start going into heat when they’re 4 to 5 months old, which is also around the same time that you would get your cat spayed.1

If you choose to not get your cat spayed, then it’s crucial that you understand how long your cat will stay in heat and what the signs of a cat in heat are. In this blog post, we’ll be answering important questions about a female cat’s heat cycle, such as “what happens when cats are in heat?”, “what are the signs a cat is in heat?” and “how long does a cat stay in heat for?

To learn more about a cat’s heat cycle so you can better prepare for your growing kitten, continue reading this blog post or use the links below to skip to a section of your choice.

What Happens When Cats Are In Heat?

There are various stages that a cat will go through when they’re in heat. Several factors can also influence when a cat goes into heat for the first time, such as their breed, the time of year, and their physical condition. 

There are five stages of the heat cycle, each with a unique timeframe and associated symptoms. Below, we’ll break down each of the five stages of a cat’s heat cycle.2


The first stage of a cat’s heat cycle is called the proestrus stage. This stage will typically last one to two days and the cat’s symptoms will be subtle, if noticeable at all. During this stage is when your cat may start to attract unneutered male cats, but she will not be ready to mate with them. Some cats may display increased affectionate behavior and rub their head and neck against objects when they’re in the proestrus stage.


The second stage of a cat’s heat cycle is called the estrus stage. This stage will last anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks and at this point, the cat will be receptive to mating. The length of this stage can vary depending on if she mates or not. 

A female cat will most likely show more noticeable signs during this stage as well. She may roll around on the floor, call or vocalize loudly, rub up against things, and crouch on the floor with her rear end elevated. Some cats may also experience a poor appetite and show more affection towards their owners. 

If the cat does mate during this period, then they will start ovulating. However, a female cat typically needs to mate at least 4 times during the estrus period to become pregnant. If the cat does become pregnant, then they will enter into the diestrus phase, which is when her fertilized eggs become embryos. 


The next stage in a cat’s heat cycle is called the interestrus stage, which will occur if the cat does not get pregnant during the estrus stage. This stage can last between 2-3 weeks. During this stage, the cat’s estrogen levels will drop and she will not exhibit any sexual behaviors. This is the period in between heat cycles, and once the 2-3 weeks are over, she will go into heat again.


The anestrus is the period of time when a female cat is reproductively dormant. This stage usually happens naturally during periods of time when there’s little daylight, like in the late fall and winter. During this period of time, a cat’s reproductive organs are not active and the estrus cycle will not occur.

However, the anestrus stage is more common for outdoor cats since they’re more exposed to natural sunlight and their heat cycles are more likely to be affected by daylight. Indoor cats are more likely to experience year-round heat cycles because they experience artificial sunlight all year.


The luteal/diestrus stage occurs if a cat becomes pregnant during the estrus stage. This is when her fertilized eggs become embryos. The embryos will implant in the uterus around 12 to 13 days after mating, and around 84% of the embryos will survive this process. 

How long does cat heat last

What Are The Signs A Cat Is In Heat?

There are various signs that can indicate a cat is in heat, such as3:

  • Calling or vocalizing loudly
  • Urine spraying
  • Increased affection
  • Rolling around
  • Rubbing against objects
  • Arching rear end into the air
  • Demanding behavior
  • Begging to go outside
  • Loss of appetite
  • Wanting to be pet more than usual, especially on their backs and hindquarters

The first signs that will indicate a cat is in heat will typically be them crying and meowing loudly. This is because your cat is trying to let other cats know they’re in heat. A cat in heat will also try to get more affection from their owners and other people. When you pet a cat in heat, they will most likely wiggle their rear end with their tail high in the air. 

The influx of hormones that a cat experiences during their heat cycle is what triggers these symptoms. However, as soon as a cat ends their heat cycle, these behaviors will stop as well.

How Often Do Cats Go Into Heat?

A cat will typically go into heat every 2-3 weeks. This will vary for every cat, but you can expect to see your cat go into heat this often unless they become pregnant or get spayed. Once a cat becomes pregnant, she will no longer experience heat cycles because her body will start to prepare for pregnancy.

Why Has My Cat Been In Heat For Two Months? 

If you notice that your cat has been in heat for longer than normal, you may be starting to get concerned. But, most cats will go in and out of heat until they are spayed or become pregnant. This might make it seem like your cat is constantly in heat, but in reality, they’re just going through a heat cycle every few weeks.

One of the many benefits of getting your cat spayed is ending this heat cycle. While the heat cycle is not usually painful for cats, it can be a bit uncomfortable for them.

How long does cat heat last

What Should You Do If Your Cat Is In Heat?

If you choose to not get your cat spayed, it’s imperative that you know what to do when your cat is in heat. There are various things you can do to calm a female cat who’s in heat, such as:

  • Play with your cat and show them affection
  • Keep them away from male cats
  • Use catnip
  • Have her sit on a heating pad or warm towel
  • Use synthetic cat pheromones
  • Keep their litter box clean

Can I Spay My Cat While In Heat?

Yes, you can spay your cat while in heat, but most vets would not recommend it. If you’re interested in spaying your cat, you should talk to your vet about what’s best for them. Your vet will have the best idea of how to go about spaying your cat in a way that is healthy for them and won’t pose any risks.

How long does cat heat last

Final Notes

So now that we’ve answered the question of “how long does a female cat stay in heat for?”, you should have a better understanding of your cat’s heat cycle and what the symptoms of a cat in heat are. But if you notice any unusual symptoms that occur during your cat’s heat cycle, it’s never a bad idea to get in contact with a vet so you can make sure everything’s alright. Your vet will be able to tell you if your cat is in heat or not, or if the symptoms are from something else.

And if you need help connecting with a vet, you can use Dutch is an online pet telehealth service that connects licensed veterinarians with pet owners right from home. We offer remote veterinarian appointments so all pet owners can have access to affordable pet care, no matter where they live.