How long does it take to air dry jeans indoors

It always feels good to have a clean pair of jeans ready to go all the time, but modern life can be so unpredictable. We often get so swamped that we forget to do laundry. And if we do, it’s usually at the eleventh hour.

Last-minute plans come up from time to time, and this is when you may need to explore the different ways to dry jeans fast. If you’re here for the same reason, then you’re in the right place.

This post will walk you through everything you need to know about jeans and some of the fantastic ways to dry jeans fast. So without much ado, let’s dive deep into it:

How Long Do Jeans Take To Dry?

Generally, clothes take about 45 minutes to 24 hours to dry. However, the drying time may vary depending on a few factors, such as the material and where the cloth is hanging. For example, a pair of denim jeans hanging outside on a sunny day will take about 3 hours to dry

The type and size of cloth you’re air-drying will also affect the drying time. Also, how fast your jeans dry will depend on the airflow, humidity, and how you hang them, regardless of where you’re drying them. That said, outdoor drying time assumes good weather and will take a short time to dry your jeans.

Do Jeans Shrink After Washing?

Yes, jeans do shrink after washing. In fact, raw-denim jeans will shrink by 7 to 10 percent after a single wash and continue to adjust to the user’s body after every wash and wear. As a result, your jeans will stretch to the correct size, leaving you with a new look every time.

Fortunately, three primary care methods determine your perfect fit. Even more, denim experts have come up with a handy guide to reference when looking for your correct size. Always opt for one size smaller in the waist and exact length because jeans will always stretch to the right size after several washes. 

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Do Jeans Stretch?

Yes, jeans will naturally stretch because of the fabric they are made from. More often, they will morph and conform to different body shapes and sizes. However, it can be challenging to ascertain how much elasticity they will lose after purchase because stretch jeans tend to expand less.

In addition to the fabric they are made from, stretch jeans will also expand depending on how frequently you wear and wash them. That said, you’ll want to avoid jeans made with pure cotton since they stretch over time.

You can opt for elastomeric fabrics (spandex and lycra) instead because they don’t loosen as much as cotton jeans. What’s more, these materials allow your stretch jeans to be figure-hugging.

1. Leverage the High-Spin Cycle

Leveraging the high-spin cycle is just one way to dry your jeans fast. It’s a time-saving option and will go a long way to decrease the actual drying time. All you need to do is set your washing machine to a high-spin cycle, and you’re good.

What’s more impressive about this cycle is that it will spin your jeans at high speed, squeezing out as much water as possible. Even though your jeans won’t be dry when the cycle is finished, they will dry a bit quicker because there won’t be as much water in the fabric.

2. Use a Tumble Dryer

If having your jeans drying in the tumble dryer isn’t worth the hassle, you can certainly do something to enhance the drying time. Such include:

  • Using a towel: Tossing an absorbent towel into the tumble dryer with your pair of jeans will go a long way to absorb some of the water in the jeans. Cotton towels are an excellent option for this because each time these two items converge in the tumble dryer, it soaks up a little bit of water. Do this for about 15 minutes and remove the towel once the 15 minutes is up to avoid putting moisture back into the jeans.
  • Using a custom dry setting: While most people prefer the factory presets on the tumble dryer, it’s not ideal for drying clothes quickly. If you want to get those pairs of jeans dried fast, set the dryer to a short time instead. This often ranges between 10 to 15 minutes. Then, set the heat to the highest configuration and let it tumble. Don’t leave the tumble dryer unattended; otherwise, the high-heat setting will shrink your jeans. 
  • Checking and emptying your lint trap: Finally, you need to keep a close eye on the lint trap and empty it when full to allow for sufficient airflow into the dryer. That way, you’ll be cutting down the drying time of your jeans while preventing the jeans from shrinking. 

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3. A Towel and Air Dry Will Do

Again, the absorbent towel turns out to be helpful. It’s an excellent tip for those without a tumble dryer and will go a long way to help cut down the drying time.

Once you’ve finished washing, spread a clean towel on the ground and then lay out the jeans on top of it. Starting from one end, gently roll up the jeans inside the towel. This will help absorb any of the moisture and alleviate the drying time. You could also sit on it to squeeze out as much water as possible.

Once you’re done, air-dry the jeans by hanging them outside in the sun. This is often the go-to option, provided that the jeans are getting maximum air and sunshine to them. But what if the weather is terrible and there’s no sun? This is where indoor hanging comes in handy.

4. Go for Other Heat Sources

What if there’s no sun and it’s raining outside? You can always count on other heat sources to dry your jeans. For example, you could hang your jeans on a chair next to a radiator because they heat up very quickly.

However, you need to be careful with using the radiator because it may start a fire. Always hang your clothes on something else and refrain from putting them on top of the radiator. Also, keep turning the jeans as they will begin to dry out quickly from the direct heat.

Alternatively, you can use a hairdryer to get your jeans dried fast. The high heat will work amazingly well, but you need to be extra careful not to put the nozzle too close to the fabric, as this may cause the material to shrink. Also, avoid heating one spot for too long as intense heat may damage the fabric.

It’s also worth noting that using a hairdryer can be more time-saving than a radiator. To save even more time, use it to dry the wettest parts and leave the other areas to air dry on your body as you put them on. This is a good approach, especially when you’re running out of time.

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5. Use the Sun and Choose the Best Position

Finally, you’d want to make the most out of that blazing sun by choosing the best position to air-dry your jeans. If you don’t have any plans for the day, you can choose to stay at home to monitor the weather and maybe organize your jeans in a clothes-horse and place it in front of a sunny window while the sun is out.

This option is ideal for indoor hanging and will get your clothes dry a little quicker. Just make sure you’re air drying in a room with low humidity for complete effectiveness. Better still, you could put the clothing in a room with opened windows and sufficient airflow.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are many ways you can dry your jeans without a dryer. For example, you could wring out your jeans using the high spin setting in a washing machine. You could also hang them outdoor to dry in the sun or even use other heat methods such as a hairdryer.

Yes, you can iron wet jeans to dry them, but first, you should pass them on the spin cycle because most clothes are 50 percent wet after washing. Most importantly, they shouldn’t be dripping wet as this may cause temperature shock. You should also remember that not all clothes can be ironed while wet, so get your facts right before doing anything.

You can put slightly damp jeans but not wet ones. Most manufacturers recommend soaking the jeans in the tub and wearing them while still damp so that they can air dry on your body and keep your shape. According to them, it’s a waste of time hanging them until they’re dry.

Yes, clothes can dry overnight indoors; however, you need to make sure they are not piling up as this may take hours to dry. Drying clothes inside typically takes about 24 hours, so you can even do laundry daily if your family generates many dirty clothes.

It’s never a good idea to air dry jeans as it’s well known for fading, shrinking, and stressing the jeans. The best approach to go about this is to drip-dry your jeans. It’s easy on the fabric and alleviates wrinkles. What’s more, this method retains the shape of your jeans.