How to clean skunk off dog

Before attempting to remove the skunk odor, it's essential to check your dog for injuries. An encounter with a skunk may result in scratches or bites. Put on some rubber or latex gloves and old clothes and look the dog over for bites or scratches. Check your dog's eyes for redness, swelling, squinting, or discharge. If any injuries are suspected, contact your veterinarian before proceeding. Remember, skunks can carry rabies so don't ignore any wounds that you find.

Do not use higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide or substitute baking soda with similar products (e.g., baking powder or washing powder). The altered chemical reaction could cause injury to you and your dog.

  1. There is no need to soak your dog with water prior to bathing. Time is of the essence here. The longer you wait to begin the process, the harder it can be to remove the stench. Get set up for bathing your dog outside or in an easy-to-clean area of your home, such as a laundry room or bathroom. If you're inside, open a window to air out the area while you're working.

  2. Use dry paper towels to dab your dog's coat in the areas where there is skunk spray. This will help absorb excess oil on the coat (skunk spray is oily). Next, apply a small strip of eye lubricant or 1 to 2 drops of mineral oil to your dog's eyes. This will help protect the eyes in case any of the solution splashes or drips in them.

  3. In a plastic container, combine 1 quart of hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda, and 1 to 2 teaspoons of liquid soap. Add lukewarm water if needed for larger dogs. Mix the ingredients well.

    A chemical reaction will occur and the solution will start to fizz. Use it immediately as the effectiveness will decline rapidly. Do not store this mixture or place the solution in a closed container or spray bottle. The pressure will build up and the container could burst. This could cause injury to you and your dog.

  4. Promptly begin cleansing the affected areas thoroughly, massaging the solution deep into your dog's coat to break up the oils from the skunk spray. You may wish to use a sponge, washcloth, or bath brush/curry comb. Avoid getting the solution in your dog's eyes, ears, or mouth (or your own).

  5. Allow the solution to remain on your dog for at least five minutes or until the odor is undetectable. Meanwhile, be sure to keep your dog from licking any of this solution!

    Once the solution has done its job, rinse your dog well with lukewarm water. If necessary, repeat the wash with fresh batches of the solution as needed until the odor is gone.

    Dry your dog well and give a treat as a reward!

Illustration: Lisa Fasol. © The Spruce, 2018

  • To help your dog avoid future run-ins with skunks, avoid attracting skunks onto your property. Do not leave food outside (even birdseed and fallen fruit from trees). Make sure garbage bins and garbage can lids are secured.
  • Mothballs and ammonia—soaked rags around your property might deter skunks from approaching. Keep them out of your dog's reach.
  • Supervise your dog outdoors. Avoid letting your dog roam wooded areas unattended. Ideally, keep your dog in a fenced—in area or on a leash in skunk prone areas
  • If your dog is regularly in situations where they might come in contact with skunks, consider keeping a bottle of a skunk remover on hand.

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How to clean skunk off dog

Dog versus skunk.

If you’re reading this, we can pretty much guess how that one turned out! So how can you escape the stinky situation and get rid of skunk smell, fast?

Before you raid your pantry for copious quantities of tomato juice, know that this old-time skunk smell remedy doesn’t actually work.

At best, your dog will smell like skunk mixed with crockpot chili for a few days … and worse, it could give your dog’s coat an unsightly pink hue. (Seriously, his pals at the dog park would never let him live it down!)

Instead, try these 5 ways to get rid of skunk smell.

How to clean skunk off dog

1. Focus on YOU Time

OK, by “YOU” time, we’re not talking about a good book and a long soak in the tub. (We wish!) We’re talking about keeping the odor off yourself and everything in the house to prevent the skunk smell from lingering for days and even months. Seriously, it can happen!

To avoid a bigger stink, follow these deskunking tips:

  • Although tempting, don’t reach for the hose and start spraying your dog down right away with plain water. This can “set” the skunk smell into your dog and make it harder to remove!
  • Keep your dog outside for the deskunking to avoid getting the smell on your carpets and furniture. (If this isn’t possible, deodorize the air by placing some bowls of white vinegar throughout the house or spray a non-toxic room deodorizer.)
  • Wear latex or rubber gloves when you bathe your dog.
  • Wear clothes you can just throw out later – skunk smell can easily invade the washing machine!

How to clean skunk off dog

2. Make a Homemade Skunk Smell Remover

Making your own skunk smell remover is actually pretty easy because chances are, you already have these items lying around the house. Warning: if that bottle of hydrogen peroxide expired back when you were still wearing shoulder pads, make a quick trip to the store for a new bottle to ensure its effectiveness.

Mix together:

  • 1 qt. 3% hydrogen peroxide (don’t use a higher concentration, as it could sting your pup)
  • ¼ c. baking soda
  • 1 t. liquid dishwashing soap

Rub the solution into the area where your dog was sprayed using a sponge or rag. Be careful to avoid the eye area. Don’t leave the solution on too long; peroxide can bleach the fur. Repeat the process if needed, then give your pet a bath with your fave doggie shampoo.

Safety Tip: Mix your de-skunking concoction in an OPEN container to avoid making a small explosion. Also, do NOT make ahead of time and store in a closed container for the same reason.

How to clean skunk off dog

3. Use Vinegar to Remove Skunk Smell

Your favorite pantry staple can be used to get rid of skunk smell from your dog. Simply mix 2 parts water with 1 part apple cider vinegar. Wet your dog’s coat and then rub the mix into its fur. Sit for 5 minutes (you can use this time to reflect on how much you love skunks ;)). Rinse thoroughly. As with the prior skunk solution, take care to avoid the eyes.

4. Spray Your Dog with a Pet Deodorizer

If you’re a super-prepared pet owner, you can save a lot of time and mess by just using Oxyfresh Pet Deodorizer to remove skunk smell. (Yes, this is the same product savvy dog groomers use for skunk odors.)

Why it works: Skunk spray is made of oils called thiols, which contain sulfur. This powerful Pet Deodorizer is unique because it contains Oxygene®, a non-toxic ingredient specifically designed to quickly and completely break sulfur bonds, hence eliminating the odor.

Why we recommend Oxyfresh Pet Deodorizer Spray for skunk odors:

  • FASTEST WAY TO ELIMINATE PET ODORS – Our proprietary odor fighter Oxygene® neutralizes odors on a molecular level in just 60 seconds. No waiting around for enzymes to break down, just instant freshness.
  • SCENT & HARSH CHEMICAL FREE – This isn't your overpowering fragrance bomb from the store. Designed to be almost invisible, we ditched the overpowering fragrances to leave behind no trace of stinky smells. 
  • 100% SAFE & NON-TOXIC – Our non-toxic pet deodorizer can be sprayed directly on your pet to take away any odor including skunk odors, fast.
  • IT WORKS – If you've tried everything else, you might as well try something that works! Trusted by pet parents to deodorize dog and cat scents and just like all of Oxyfresh products, it is made in the U.S.A. with only the highest quality ingredients.

Skunk 0, You 1.

How to clean skunk off dog

5. Prevent Future Skunk Spray Incidents

Ironically, skunks don’t like strong smells. So if your dog was sprayed in its own backyard, you can take preventive measures by stringing up a scented bar of soap near your garden shed, outbuilding, or wherever you suspect the incident occurred. This will make that cute, yet stinky, little critter find a new (and safer) hangout spot.

For more odor-fighting tips for the home, check out 5 Foolproof Ways to Fight Household Odors.

How to clean skunk off dog

How to clean skunk off dog

Melissa Gulbranson is the Co-Chief Operating Officer & Chief Marketing Officer for Oxyfresh. A recipient of the Pet Age's "Women of Influence" Award, she’s passionate about educating pet parents in ways that really resonate with them. Melissa loves days on the lake and hiking with her fur kid, Parker, and husband, Doug. Parker (a total ham) can be spotted running laps through the office each morning, greeting every team member. You can find Parker near the treats, and Melissa on Linkedin.