How to link Clash Royale to Stats Royale

A lot of players in game are looking for a decent way to link or connect Clash Royale from Android devices to iOS devices and vice versa currently. That’s why today I have decided to create this small tutorial in order to show you how to do that with ease.

Link Clash Royale from Android to iOS and Vice-versa

Note: I use my iOS device to write and take the screenshots in this tutorial. You follow every single step in this tutorial on Android.

Step 1: Open game on the device you want to link your account from, make sure you are using the correct Google/Game Center ID of the current Clash Royale account. Also, make sure that you are using a stable Internet connection. Any single fault which happens when transferring your account can affect the progress.

Step 2: Tap on the small Settings icon as you can see in the screenshot below.

Step 3: When the Settinsg menu shows up, tap on the “Link Device” and then “This is the OLD DEVICE”.

Step 4: There will be 2 options for you:

  • Link to iPhone (If you are using iOS on the current device) or Link to Android (If you are using Android on the current device).
  • Link to another device.

In order to link from iOS to Android, please choose the second one (Link to another device).

Step 5: The Clash Royale will give you a 12-character code which is only valid in 2 minutes. It looks like this:

Step 6: Open Clash Royale on the new device (the one you want to link your game to) immediately, open the Settings, choose Link Device and then tap on this is the new device.

Step 7: Enter the code which was given in at the step 5. After that, you can see your Clash Royale account on the new device.

Frequently Asked Questions

When I try to link my account, it said that I could only link once?

I am so sorry about that. You can link your account just 1 time so you should use it wisely. Link your account to both of your Google ID and Apple ID and then you can use it on all iOS and Android devices.

I don’t receive any code. It asked me to use the correct Google/Apple ID.

That means you are not using the correct Apple/Google ID, which is connected with your Clash Royale account. Please Sign In with the correct one and then try again.

Okay so that’s all about how to Link Clash Royale from Android to iOS and Vice Versa. Pretty easy right? Don’t hesitate to ask me any question when you need help guys!

We should have users link to Stats Royale to verify their trophies etc. from ClashRoyale

Home » Clash Royale » How to use Stats Royale: Definitive guide for following chests

We published and made known the Stats Royale‘s site, magically after only a few houres all Youtube and the entire web spoke about that, but without mentioning like source, and in no way, Supercell Italia Fan for the discovery.  We appreciate, anyway, every person that underlined that the news came from our web site, and we saw the great success of the article and for this reason we decided to publish a complete guide which explains how to use Stats Royale and how to discover every following chests or understand how much you are missing to the Legendary, Epic or Super Chest. .

As you will have understood with the StasRoyale’s: Chest’s sequence and following chest in real time‘s article, thanks to this web service is possible enter to a lot of functionalities that don’t exist in Clash Royale.

How you can do with StatsRoyale

The most important thing is certainly the possibility of:

  • visualize with a great advance the exactly sequence of every chests that you will unlock in the future,
  • visualize the list of all the chests opened in the past,
  • know how much chests you miss for the Legendary Chest,
  • know how much chests you miss to unlock the Epic Chest,
  • discover how much chests you miss to unlock the Super Magical Chest.

But how does this features work? Let us explain.

How discover the following chest and how much you miss to the Legendary, Epic and Super Magical Chest

Stats Royal’s systeme to correctly analyze your profile has to follow the scan on your player’s tag, then we will explain how to do step by step: Open Clash Royale,

  1. Go to your player’s profile,
  2. Under your nickname you will find a code called Player Code, it is the digits’ set before the hashtag: it will be like #495EI3. You comment it in a paper’s piece or in a message in your smartphone,
  3. Close Clash Royale,
  4. Now you have to go to,
  5. Push the little button in the top on right,
  6. It will appear a combo box and a text box where it is writen Tag #XXXXXX: type inside of it the player’s tag of your profile and push to GO!

At this point the system will analyze the tag: if in the past the site has already sca your profile it will be ready and you will continue and enter to the ‘ Next chest”s functionality, otherwise a notice will warn you that the system is analyzing your profile: at this point you will have to wait a few minute that the operation will be ended and the profile will be able. Refresh the page every minute until the profile page will not loaded.

Upcoming Chests on StatsRoyale show the updated chests sequence

Now your profile was analyzed and it’s all ready to discover the chests that are waiting for you: yes, you can know that in advance not thanks to magic but because the site uses API of system’s programming and knows perfectly the algorithm.

The chest has a green square representing your next chest that you will win in the multiplayer challenge. In the example’s case, it is forecast that the silver chest will be the next unlocked chest!

As you can see the numbers under every chests in the sequence represent the wins that you have to do to reach them:

  • The Super Magical Chest , for example, shows +373,  it means that you will have it only after 373 victories,
  • The Legendary Chest, has the number +557, so after 557 victories you will can unlock it,
  • The Epic Chest, has the number +447: after 447 victories it will be yours.

The system is really simple, however we have received a lot of requests from the forum and official Clash Royale Italia Fans’ facebook group to show the right procedure. Don’t forget to read the complete guide to the chest’s tricks.


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