How to make chicken and rice for dogs

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This chicken and rice dog food recipe is a good balance of mild ingredients to help sooth your dog's stomach.

Although this dish is great for upset stomachs it's also a tasty dinner that your dogs will enjoy. With just 4 ingredients this is an easy recipe to make ready in under 30 minutes.

How to make chicken and rice for dogs
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Boiled chicken breasts are an excellent food for dogs and have a great protein source and are also a low fat food.


  • Chicken breasts
  • White rice
  • Carrots
  • Zucchini
  • Coconut oil


Skinless and boneless chicken breasts are used in this homemade dog food recipe as the white meat is easier on your dog's digestion.

The chicken and white rice are cooked together in a pot, then mixed with lightly cooked vegetables. We added the vegetables for extra vitamins but these can be omitted if you need a bland meal.

We shred the cooked chicken breasts so it's easier to eat but you could cut the cooked chicken breast into small pieces for the size of your dog.

How to make chicken and rice for dogs

Always check with your veterinarian before introducing any new foods into your dog’s diet.


Store the homemade chicken and rice dog food in the refrigerator in sealed containers. It will last up to 4 days.

This can also be frozen for when you need a bland dog food. Spoon a serving portion into ziplocked bags and remove the air (I suck the air out with a straw). The dog food will last for up to 3 months in the freezer.

Defrost the dog food in the refrigerator and ensure that the chicken and rice are thoroughly defrosted before giving to your dogs. You could gently warm the food before serving too.


For a very bland dish specifically for an upset stomach, omit the vegetables and serve just the chicken and white rice.

You could use brown rice in place of the white if you are not feeding this for any upset stomach reasons.


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How to make chicken and rice for dogs

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How to make chicken and rice for dogs

A chicken and rice dog food recipe that is perfect for upset stomachs or when your dogs need something bland.

  • 2 chicken breasts skinless & boneless
  • 1 cup dry white rice
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 1 medium zucchini
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil

  • Place the chicken breasts and rice in a large pot. Cover with water and bring to the boil.

  • Simmer with the pan lid on for 20 minutes until the chicken is cooked thoroughly and the rice is fluffy and cooked.

  • Remove from the heat and allow to cool. Using a couple of forks, shred the cooked chicken

  • While the chicken and rice are cooking, peel the carrots. Grate the carrots and zucchini.

  • Heat the coconut oil in a skillet on a medium heat and lightly saute the shredded carrot and zucchini for 5 minutes until soft.

  • Mix the vegetables into the chicken and rice mixture and serve once the food is cooled.

Always check with your veterinarian before introducing any new foods into your dog’s diet. Any nutritional analysis on the website is based on an estimate, calculated by Spoonacular from the individual ingredients in each recipe. Variations may occur for various reasons, including product availability and food preparation. We make no representation or warranty of the accuracy of this information.

Serving: 1servingCalories: 349kcalCarbohydrates: 41gProtein: 28gFat: 7gSaturated Fat: 4gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 1gCholesterol: 72mgSodium: 158mgPotassium: 697mgFiber: 2gSugar: 3gVitamin A: 5227IUVitamin C: 12mgCalcium: 37mgIron: 1mg

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