How to play with puppies

How to play with puppies

How to play with puppies

Puppies, by nature, absolutely love to play. In fact, some owners will underestimate just how lively and eager a young dog can be. Most would play all day if we let them, rarely tiring of their toys. As an owner, it can be a challenge keeping these little mites entertained. Playing with your puppy is not just about having fun. It is also a means of burning calories, engaging brains and forming an even closer bond.

When can I start playing with my puppy?

When you bring home that little eight-week-old bundle of fur they may be a bit unsettled at first and often will sleep a lot. However, as soon as they come out of their shell (which rarely takes more than a day or two!) they will be raring to go. Initially, play sessions may not last very long as puppies have short attention spans but over time they will build up a greater tolerance.

Safety First

Remember, although your pup may not agree with you on this one, not everything is a toy. So, even if they try to insist that a stick, stone or snail that they found in the garden is the ‘best toy ever’, it’s up to us to remove these items from their sight and replace them with something more suitable.

Which Toys?

Walking into a pet shop, it soon becomes obvious that there is a plethora of toys to choose from. It can be tricky to know where our money is best spent. Toys should be appropriate for both the age and breed of the puppy and need to be able to withstand those razor-sharp teeth. Most little ones enjoy toys that squeak and we should try to choose ones that are different textures and sizes. It’s not unusual that toys will have to be replaced frequently during the first few months as they tend to get a real hammering!

Buy your puppy a new toy next time you visit your local veterinary practice >

A Toy Box

It’s a good idea to have a toy box and to select a few toys each day to play with. This is better than having all of the toys down at the same time as puppies quickly become bored. If you like, you can allow your pup to have a look at the box each morning and choose their own toys for the day!

What about Games?

It’s not just enough to pop your little one in their crate with a toy or two. They also need some interactive play time with us. Playing a variety of games with your puppy can sharpen their mind and you’ll be amazed at just how quickly they pick up on new things when given the opportunity.

  • Hide and Seek. Just like with children, this classic game is a real winner. There are two variants of this game. We can either hide strong-smelling treats (such as meat-flavoured biscuits) around the home and encourage our dogs to sniff them out OR we can become the treat! This entails having someone else holding the pup while we hide somewhere. Initially, make it quite easy for them to find you and feel free to help your fluff-ball out by making noises.
  • Pups love to both chase and be chased. A few minutes of running around after each other outside is sure to build up an appetite.
  • Fetch and Frisbee. Oldies but goodies, most dogs can’t resist the allure of an object in flight. Incorporate some basic training and see if you can get your pup to release the item once they’ve got it (Top Tip: Switch the item out for a treat!).

What if I’m too Busy for Play Time?

Play really is a fundamental part of a puppy’s life and it isn’t something that we can ignore. It forms a core part of their development so we must dedicate time to it every day. If unable to, try to find someone such as a family member or friend who can. For those who work long hours, consider ‘doggy day care’ where dogs can play with other dogs as well as people throughout the day.

Potential Problems

If play time is neglected or cut short, many dogs will become bored and frustrated. This is especially true for the working breeds such as Border Collies and German Shepherds, who need lots of stimulation to keep them engaged. When not played with enough, we may find that our dogs quickly develop nuisance behaviours such as incessant barking, furniture chewing and digging.

How to play with puppies

It’s Time To Find Out How To Play With A Puppy!

Who doesn’t love the wet kisses and puppy breath of a new puppy?!

Playing with your puppy may seem instinctive to you. And scientifically-speaking, it actually is!

But are there specific ways you should be playing with your pooch to ensure their health and safety?

In this article, we’ll provide some great ideas for how to play with a puppy.

So how important is it to play with your puppy?

Why Should You Play With Your Puppy?

Playing has been a part of social development for both humans and dogs since the days of hunting and gathering.

Nowadays, our daily routine has been reduced to mostly hunting burgers and gathering fries, but playing still remains a critical part of human social development.

This is true for our canine companions as well.

Ensuring adequate and healthy playtime is a big part of raising a well-rounded dog.

Some types of puppy games are good for physical development, whereas others are important for mental and social development.

Here are 15 ways you can play with your new puppy.

Even if you’ve only had your puppy for only one week, you’re probably already wishing you had half his energy!

So let’s get started with the most obvious ways to burn off some of that energy.

Here are a few of my favorite twists on classic puppy games.

Puppy Running Games

1. Use a Flirt Pole

Flirt poles are fabulously simple and absolutely brilliant.

A flirt pole is simply a stick or pole with a rope or bungee hanging from the end. At the other end of the rope is a fabric-type toy that bounces and moves easily.

The concept is based on teasing a dog’s prey drive.

By bouncing the pole or dragging it slowly across the ground, the toy at the end of the rope becomes wildly animated like a small animal.

Your dog will go nuts chasing and trying to capture it.

2. Try a Good Old-Fashioned Game of Chase

Continuing to play on your pup’s prey drive, this one is pretty self-explanatory.

Just be aware that when puppies naturally play chase with each other, the “winner” is typically the one who pushes the other down, stands over, and chews the “loser’s” ears.

So don’t be surprised if your sweet little snuggle-bug starts barking, lightly snarling, or nipping at your heels.

It’s important to know when these behaviors are playful and when you should be concerned about mounting aggression.

The best place to turn if you have any concerns is your dog’s vet or a certified dog trainer.

3. Hide-n-seek

I saw first-hand the fun and significance the hide-n-seek game can have in a puppy’s life working with Search & Rescue Canine teams.

Search & Rescue Canines are dogs trained to sniff out people who are trapped under rubble after disasters like earthquakes. But, how do their trainers first start them on that path?

Playing hide-n-seek!

To initiate the game, trot away from your puppy while looking over your shoulder and calling her name.

Stop after a few yards, squat down to your knees and scoop her up into a playful snuggle.

Repeat several times, each time going a bit further away and calling her less and less until you are no longer calling her at all.

Next, run off and hide from your puppy’s sight, like behind a tree.

This is where it becomes helpful to have a second person holding your puppy while you run and hide until she gets good at “stay”.

The final phase of hide-n-seek is to wait until your puppy is distracted (such as when they first go outside to use the loo!).

Then quietly hide from sight and call your puppy’s name once.

Wait and see if she can find you based on sound and smell cues alone.

Once you get well-versed in hide-n-seek together, add a level of fun by bringing your puppy’s favorite toy with you and surprising them when they find you!

How To Play With A Puppy Indoors

Let’s take a look at indoor games for puppies now.

Around the time you are getting home from school or work and you’re ready to collapse on the couch for a break is when your pooch is ready to romp and roll.

Well, we’ve got you covered. The following games can be played with your puppy indoors, in the comfort of your sweatpants as your dinner simmers on the stove.

4. Blow bubbles

My shepherd mix Lily had a blast chomping at the bubbles and sneezing as they pop on her nose.

Ever since then, a jar of non-toxic children’s play bubbles has been a staple in my “rainy day” toy chest.

Be sure to dry off the floor afterward so nobody slips on the little bit of soapy residue bubble-blowing sessions will inevitably leave on the floor!

5. Tug & Release

Rather than traditional “tug of war,” variations of Tug & Release are better games for puppies indoors when you don’t have a lot of space.

Certain toys work better than others—a knotted rope, length of fabric, or Kong tug toys. (For more details, see the section on “What Do Puppies Like to Play With” further down.)

Rather than jerking and tugging in a continuous fight against the strength of your puppy’s jaw, play several shorter rounds and let your puppy win.

To keep the game nice and calm,“release” is a key component but will take a lot of practice.

Start by initiating tug with the toy. Then, release the tension on your end (without actually releasing the toy) and place your other hand on the back of your puppy’s head or collar.

If the puppy doesn’t release the toy right away from the distraction of your other hand, then just wait quietly for a few seconds.

Tug-of-war is only fun when two are playing, so your puppy will drop the toy eventually.

If you time it right, you can praise your puppy for dropping the toy and then re-initiate the game right away.

So your puppy will learn that if he releases the toy when you touch his head or collar, you’ll start it right back up again.

And the game will go on and on. Tug & release. And you won’t have to chase him down when he wins!

6. Snuggles, Massage, & Groom.

This is the easiest indoor game for puppies. Everyone’s favorite way to play with their new puppy is to snuggle! And it’s actually a great activity for both of you.

Spending a few moments running your hand over your puppy’s snout-to-tail, massaging her feet, and brushing her coat ensures you notice hygiene or health issues straight away.

It also helps your puppy become desensitized to being touched—useful for future grooming or vet visits!

How To Play With A Puppy Using Brain Games

Brain games are important for stimulating your puppy’s mental development. A bored puppy is a destructive puppy! So here are my favorite brain games for puppies.

7. Tracking Games

Tracking games are great for dogs to put their awesome olfactory system to work! All you have to do is drag a treat like a milk bone across the ground a few yards and hide.

The best hiding places are inside something like a box or overturned flowerpot. (It’s best to do this one out on your patio or yard, rather than leaving a crumb trail on the carpet!)

8. What’s That Smell?

To put Scruffy’s sniffer to work a bit more, add some unique smells to the mix.

Next time you go to the pet store for kibble, bring a few old rags and ask the staff if you can get some scents from the hamsters, birds, and maybe even the fish department!

Definitely play this outdoors, because your pup might feel threatened by other animal smells on his turf and you don’t want him marking his territory inside the house!

9. Classic Cups & Balls Trick–Puppy Style

For this game, three recycled butter tubs flipped upside-down are great.

Hide a treat under one of them while puppy’s watching.

Then move them around, mix them up, and let your puppy use his nose to knock over the tubs and find the right one.

How To Play With A Puppy using Socialization

Socialization isn’t just about playing with other dogs. It’s about having a well-rounded dog in various environments and situations.

Here are some puppy games that develop those skills.

10. Leisurely Sniff-n-Strolls

Going for a walk is one of the simplest and most effective things you can do to socialize your puppy.

Potty Break. Check. Exercise. Check. Brain Stimulation. Check. Socialization. Check.

The point is to mix it up with keeping your puppy on a tight lead for polite walks versus leisurely strolls with a little more leash to sniff around and explore.

If it’s raining you can always take a trip to pet-friendly retailers for added socialization and exploration.

Not just pet stores, but Home Depot, Lowes, Bass Pro Shops, even Barnes & Noble and the Apple Stores welcome leashed pooches.

Please note, puppies should be fully vaccinated before introducing them to other pets.

11. What’s that sound?

A fun way to desensitize your puppy to a variety of noises is to play this game.

Gather a basket of objects from around the house and hide it behind your back.

One by one, make noise with each object while your dog looks on, probably confused.

Then show him the object and let him sniff it and explore it while you make the noise again with the object in plain sight.

This could include your shaking keys, dropping a small pan on the floor, crinkling some plastic wrap, or clicking a ball-point pen.

12. Meet the Car

It may not occur to you to introduce your puppy to the family car, but you should!

Not only will it be an interesting exploratory activity to do together, it will help next time you have to take your pup for a car ride so they won’t be scared of this steel moving giant!

Walking around the car together, opening and closing doors, honking the horn, and letting him jump in and out are good activities.

How To Play With A Puppy While Training Her

13. Crate games

Getting your puppy comfortable going into a crate or bed is one of the earliest goals of training. So why not make a game out of it?

Toss tiny treats inside and around the crate while she gets used to walking in and out without fear. Then up the ante by occasionally closing the door after she walks inside.

Then let her out again and start over.

14. Red Rover Red Rover, Send Rover Right Over!

This is one of those puppy training games for the whole family to get in on!

Have everyone stand in a big circle in the backyard. Simply take turns calling your pup’s name and give big snuggles and a treat when she trots over to you.

It seems simple, but we always end up having a laugh at the antics that puppies get into when they start running around the circle looking for who has called!

15. Teach Your Puppy Some Words

You don’t have to be a trainer to teach your puppy words with this simple game.

Pick two objects and set them in front of your puppy. Say the name of one object a few times, and wait.

When your puppy eventually sniffs the correct object, say “GOOD GIRL!” and give her a treat.

Repeat, using the same object as the target a few times before repeating the same thing with another object.

Then alternate back and forth and see how many sessions of this game it takes for your dog to know the names of the objects!

What Do Puppies Like To Play With?

YOU! Puppies absolutely love spending time with their playful humans.

Additionally, the toys you use for your puppy games should be soft enough to avoid breaking your puppy’s teeth. A kong makes several “indestructible” puppy-friendly toys.

Treat-dispensing toys are also a favorite for obvious reasons.

Some Final Thoughts on How To Play With A Puppy

Studies show that repetitive jerking motions, jumping, and climbing stairs often lead to bone and joint problems later in life, so go easy on these types of puppy games.

Many vets recommend limiting puppy play sessions to 15 to 20 minutes and then taking a break.

Also, after playtime, puppies often need an extra potty break!

Playing with your puppy right after he’s eaten is not a good idea—he may lose his lunch or become gassy!

Other than that, just enjoy playing with your new puppy!

We hope these fifteen tips on how to play with a puppy have given you some creative and healthy ways to enjoy your new companion!

Do you know any other games that are great for playing with a puppy? Leave your comments below.

Stop Your Puppy Crying – Great Tips For Settling New Puppies Day & Night

Reference and Additional Reading

James, W. 1961. Preliminary Observations in Play Behavior in Puppies. Journal of Genetic Psychology.

Lund JD and Vestergaard, KS. 1998. Development of social behavior in four litters of dogs (Canis familiaris). Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica.

Slater MR, et al. 1992. Diet and exercise as potential risk factors for osteochondritis dissecans in dogs. American Journal of Veterinary Research.

Sallander M et al. 2006 Diet, Exercise, and Weight as Risk Factors in Hip. Dysplasia and Elbow Arthrosis in Labrador Retrievers. American Society for Nutrition.

Krontveit . et al. 2012. Housing- and exercise-related risk factors associated with the development of hip dysplasia as determined by radiographic evaluation in a prospective cohort of Newfoundlands, Labrador Retrievers, Leonbergers, and Irish Wolfhounds in Norway. American Journal of Veterinary Research.

Freedman D, King J, and Elliot O. 1961. Critical Period in the Social Development of Dogs. Science.

How to play with puppies

How to play with puppies

Pippa Mattinson is the best selling author of The Happy Puppy Handbook, the Labrador Handbook, Choosing The Perfect Puppy, and Total Recall.

She is also the founder of the Gundog Trust and the Dogsnet Online Training Program 

Pippa's online training courses were launched in 2019 and you can find the latest course dates on the Dogsnet website