Is simple pendulum takes 32 seconds to complete 20 oscillations What is the time period of the pendulum?

AcademicPhysicsNCERTClass 7


A simple pendulum takes $32\ s$ to complete $20$ oscillations. 

To do:

To find the time period of the pendulum.


As given, $32/ s$ are taken by a simple pendulum to complete $20$ oscillations. We have to calculate the time period of this pendulum. Before calculation of the time period let us know what is the time period of a simple pendulum:

Time period of a simple pendulum:

The time taken to complete one cycle or oscillation is called the time period of the simple pendulum. Now, let us calculate the time period of this pendulum:

Calculation of the time period of simple pendulum:

As given in the question,

The total time taken by the simple pendulum, $=32\ seconds$

No of oscillations $=20$

Therefore, time period of the simple pendulum ,T =$\frac{Total \ time \ taken}{No. \ of \ oscillations}$

=$\frac{32}{20}$=1.6 seconds

Time period = 1.6 seconds

Therefore, the time period of the pendulum is 1.6 seconds.

Is simple pendulum takes 32 seconds to complete 20 oscillations What is the time period of the pendulum?

Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:25:51

Answer :

Number of oscillations = 20 Total time taken to complete 20 oscillations = 32 s

Time period = \(\frac{total time taken}{number of oscillation} = \frac {32}{20} \) = 1.6 seconds

Therefore, the time period of the pendulum is 1.6 seconds.