1 cup cooked rice in grams

Do you want to know how much is 1 cup rice in grams? How many grams are 1 cup of rice? Convert 1 cup of rice to g (1 cup to grams, cooked and uncooked).

Converting 1 cup of rice to grams is not as straightforward as you might think. Cups are a volume unit while grams are a mass unit. Also the exact conversion rate might depend on the type of rice you want to measure and wheter you have cooked or uncooked rice. But even if there is no exact conversion rate converting 1 cup rice to grams, here you can find the conversions for the most searched for types of rice.

How Many grams is 1 cup Of Rice?

1 cup = 200 grams of regular white rice.

Please note that cups and grams are not interchangeable units. You need to know what type of rice you are converting in order to get the exact grams value for 1 cup of rice. See this conversion table below for measuring 1 cup of different types of rice in g.

Also because rice is a very grainy ingredient, the exact measurement of cups of rice in grams might differ from time to time.

Convert 1 cup of rice to g

Ingredient 1 cup rice to g
White rice 200 g
Long grain rice 210 g
Jasmine rice 200 g
Arborio (risotto) rice 200 g
Cooked rice 140 g

Note To Measuring 1 cup Of Rice In grams

  • Measuring dry and grainy ingredients, such as rice, by weight (grams) will provide much more accurate results in cooking.
  • Please note that converting 1 cup of rice to grams can vary slightly by room temperature, quality of the ingredient, type of rice etc.
  • g is an abbreviation of gram.
  • Gram values are rounded to integer values.

For custom rice cups to grams conversion check out our calculator by following this link.

1 cup cooked rice in grams

Rice and Rice Flour Conversion Calculator

Calculator to convert all rice types; long and round short Jasmine rice, Basmati rice and rice flour, weight amounts versus dry volume in grams g, cups, ounces oz, pounds lb, quarts qt, kilograms kg.

Enter Rice Amount:


Results: Amount:

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To unit

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This conversion calculator lets you instantly convert measurements of various rice types or rice products (long rice, round short rice, Basmati rice and rice flour) weight versus volume from cups, grams g, ounces oz, pounds lb, including tablespoon charts. So you can convert e.g. 1 cup of rice or rice flour into grams or ounces etc. easily. Other even more exotic rice varieties converters menu page.
You may enter whole numbers, decimals or fractions ie: 7, 29.35, 15 3/4

Rice volume versus weight conversions

Round Short Rice

Round short rice weight volume chart:
Cup Gram Ounce Pound Kilogram
1/4 50g 1.76 oz 0.11 lb 0.05kg
1/3 66.7g 2.35 oz 0.15 lb 0.07kg
1/2 100g 3.53 oz 0.22 lb 0.1kg
5/8 125g 4.41 oz 0.28 lb 0.13kg
2/3 133.3g 4.7 oz 0.29 lb 0.13kg
3/4 155g 5.29 oz 0.33 lb 0.15kg
1 200g 7.05 oz 0.44 lb 0.2kg
1 tablespoon of rice = approx. 15g or 1/2 oz
3 tablespoons of rice = approx. 45g or 1 1/2 oz

Long rice

Long rice weight volume chart:
Cup Gram Ounce Pound Kilogram
1/4 46.25g 1.6 oz 0.1 lb 0.05kg
1/3 61.67g 2.18 oz 0.14 lb 0.06kg
1/2 92.5g 3.26 oz 0.2 lb 0.09kg
5/8 116g 4.08 oz 0.26 lb 0.12kg
2/3 123.3g 4.35 oz 0.27 lb 0.12kg
3/4 139g 4.89 oz 0.41 lb 0.19kg
1 185g 6.53 oz 0.44 lb 0.2kg
1 tablespoon of rise = approx. 12g or 1/2 oz
3 tablespoons of rice = approx. 40g or 1 1/3 oz

Basmati rice (long)

Basmati rice weight volume chart:
Cup Gram Ounce Pound Kilogram
1/4 48.75g 1.72 oz 0.11 lb 0.05kg
1/3 65g 2.29 oz 0.14 lb 0.065kg
1/2 97.5g 3.44 oz 0.21 lb 0.1kg
5/8 121.88g 4.3 oz 0.27 lb 0.12kg
2/3 130g 4.59 oz 0.29 lb 0.13kg
3/4 146.25g 5.16 oz 0.32 lb 0.15kg
1 195g 6.88 oz 0.43 lb 0.2kg
1 tablespoon of rice = approx. 14g or 1/2 oz
3 tablespoons of rice = approx. 42g or 1 1/2 oz

Volume versus weight conversions for rice flour amounts

Rice flour

Rice flour weight volume chart:
Cup Gram Ounce Pound Kilogram
1/4 39.5g 1.39 oz 0.09 lb 0.04kg
1/3 52.67g 1.86 oz 0.12 lb 0.05kg
1/2 79g 2.79 oz 0.74 lb 0.08kg
5/8 98.75g 3.48 oz 0.22 lb 0.1kg
2/3 105.3g 3.72 oz 0.23 lb 0.11kg
3/4 118.5g 4.18 oz 0.26 lb 0.12kg
1 158g 5.57 oz 0.35 lb 0.16kg
1 tablespoon of rice flour = approx. 10g or 1/3 oz
3 tablespoons of rice flour = approx. 32g or 1 1/8 oz

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How many grams is a cup of cooked rice?

According to the United States Department of Agriculture National, a cup of medium grain, cooked, enriched white rice weighing 186 grams (g) provides: 242 kilocalories (kcal)

How much cooked rice is 1 cup cooked?

One cup of uncooked rice will yield approximately three cups cooked.

How many cups is 100g cooked rice?

One - 100 grams portion of white medium rice converted to Metric cup equals to 0.50 cup.

How many grams is cooked white rice?

One cup (186g) of cooked short-grain white rice has 242 calories. Of which, 88% comes from carbs, 1% is from fat, and 7.2% comes from protein.