1/2 cup of cucumber in grams

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From cup, sliced to g, gram quantity.

Amount: 1 cup, sliced of CUCUMBER,PEELED,RAW
Equals: 119.00 of g, gram in CUCUMBER,PEELED,RAW

TOGGLE:   from g, gram to cup, sliced quantities in the other way around

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Enter Your Amount (e.g.: 2, 3/4, 30k, 0.5M ): cup, sliced of CUCUMBER,PEELED,RAW

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e.g.: 2, 3/4, 30k, 0.5M

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Table with specific weight and volume units of Cucumber, peeled, raw natural amounts with conversions into their respective grams (g) and ounces (oz) NET WT. equivalent measures.

Measure & Unit name   = g   = oz
g, gram 1.00 g 0.035 oz
dag, dekagram (10g) 10.00 g 0.35 oz
portion 100 g, grams 100.00 g 3.53 oz
kg, kilogram (1,000g) 1,000.00 g 35.27 oz
oz, ounce (28.35g) 28.35 g 1.00 oz
lb, pound (16oz) 453.59 g 16.00 oz
cup, pared, chopped 133.00 g 4.69 oz
cup, sliced 119.00 g 4.20 oz
large (8-1/4" long) 280.00 g 9.88 oz
medium 201.00 g 7.09 oz
slice 7.00 g 0.25 oz
small (6-3/8" long) 158.00 g 5.57 oz
stick (4" long) 9.00 g 0.32 oz

The conversion results for Cucumber, peeled, raw natural amounts found in the table below reflect the Unit From measure chosen in the units converter above.

Measure & Unit name   =
1 g, gram
1 dag, dekagram (10g)
1 portion 100 g, grams
1 kg, kilogram (1,000g)
1 oz, ounce (28.35g)
1 lb, pound (16oz)
1 cup, pared, chopped
1 cup, sliced
1 large (8-1/4" long)
1 medium
1 slice
1 small (6-3/8" long)
1 stick (4" long)

Convert measuring units of this product quantities with the twin unit to unit converters.

Determine nutritional information of varieties of food items and calculate, or convert, their volume and weight amounts into measurable units of different quantities.

Sliced cucumber is one of those ingredients that is hard to weigh precisely without scale. However, we will try to teach you how you can measure diced cucumber without using scales and with the help of different types of cups. In this article, you will find data on how much sliced cucumber fits into 1 cup. While converting weight into volume we used following cups: US customary, Metric and Imperial. Determine the type of cup you have and then use our calculations.

1/2 cup of cucumber in grams

1/2 cup of cucumber in grams



How much does 1 Metric cup of cucumber weigh in grams?

1 Metric cup of fresh sliced cucumber is 127 grams.

  • How much is 2 Metric cups of sliced cucumber in grams? 2 Metric cups of sliced cucumber = 254 grams of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is ¾ Metric cup of sliced cucumber in grams? ¾ Metric cup of sliced cucumber = 95 grams of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is 2/3 Metric cup of sliced cucumber in grams? 2/3 Metric cup of sliced cucumber = 85 grams of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is ½ Metric cup of sliced cucumber in grams? ½ Metric cup of sliced cucumber = 64 grams of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is 1/3 Metric cup of sliced cucumber in grams? 1/3 Metric cup of sliced cucumber = 42 grams of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is ¼ Metric cup of sliced cucumber in grams? ¼ Metric cup of sliced cucumber = 32 grams of sliced cucumber.


How much does 1 Metric cup of cucumber weigh in ounces?

1 Metric cup holds 4.47 oz. of fresh sliced cucumber.

  • How much is 2 Metric cups of sliced cucumber in ounces? 2 Metric cups of sliced cucumber = 8.94 oz. of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is ¾ Metric cup of sliced cucumber in ounces? ¾ Metric cup of sliced cucumber = 3.35 oz. of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is 2/3 Metric cup of sliced cucumber in ounces? 2/3 Metric cup of sliced cucumber = 2.98 oz. of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is ½ Metric cup of sliced cucumber in ounces? ½ Metric cup of sliced cucumber = 2.24 oz. of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is 1/3 Metric cup of sliced cucumber in ounces? 1/3 Metric cup of sliced cucumber = 1.49 oz. of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is ¼ Metric cup of sliced cucumber in ounces? ¼ Metric cup of sliced cucumber = 1.12 oz. of sliced cucumber.

You can find common weights of fresh sliced cucumber converted into volume, in this case, Metric cups down below:

  • How many Metric cups of sliced cucumber is 500 grams? 500 grams of sliced cucumber = about 4 Metric cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Metric cups of sliced cucumber is 450 grams? 450 grams of sliced cucumber = about 3.5 Metric cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Metric cups of sliced cucumber is 400 grams? 400 grams of sliced cucumber = 3 1/7 Metric cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Metric cups of sliced cucumber is 350 grams? 350 grams of sliced cucumber = 2 3/4 Metric cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Metric cups of sliced cucumber is 300 grams? 300 grams of sliced cucumber = 2 1/3 Metric cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Metric cups of sliced cucumber is 250 grams? 250 grams of sliced cucumber = about 2 Metric cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Metric cups of sliced cucumber is 200 grams? 200 grams of sliced cucumber = 1 3/5 Metric cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Metric cups of sliced cucumber is 150 grams? 150 grams of sliced cucumber = 1 1/5 Metric cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Metric cups of sliced cucumber is 100 grams? 100 grams of sliced cucumber = 4/5 Metric cup of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Metric cups of sliced cucumber is 50 grams? 50 grams of sliced cucumber = 2/5 Metric cup of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Metric cups of sliced cucumber is 25 grams? 100 grams of sliced cucumber = 1/5 Metric cup of sliced cucumber.



How much does 1 US customary cup of cucumber weigh in grams?

1 US customary cup of fresh sliced cucumber is 120 grams.

  • How much is 2 US cups of sliced cucumber in grams? 2 US customary cups of sliced cucumber = 240 grams of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is ¾ US cup of sliced cucumber in grams? ¾ US customary cup of sliced cucumber = 90 grams of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is 2/3US cup of sliced cucumber in grams? 2/3 US customary cup of sliced cucumber = 80 grams of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is ½ US cup of sliced cucumber in grams? ½ US customary cup of sliced cucumber = 60 grams of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is 1/3 US cup of sliced cucumber in grams? 1/3 US customary cup of sliced cucumber = 40 grams of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is ¼ US cup of sliced cucumber in grams? ¼ US customary cup of sliced cucumber = 30 grams of sliced cucumber.


How much does 1 US customary cup of cucumber weigh in ounces?

1 US customary cup holds 4.23 oz. of fresh sliced cucumber.

  • How much is 2 US cups of sliced cucumber in ounces? 2 US customary cups of sliced cucumber = 8.46 oz. of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is ¾ US cup of sliced cucumber in ounces? ¾ US customary cup of sliced cucumber = 3.17 oz. of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is 2/3 US cup of sliced cucumber in ounces? 2/3 US customary cup of sliced cucumber = 2.82 oz. of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is ½ US cup of sliced cucumber in ounces? ½ US customary cup of sliced cucumber = 2.11 oz. of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is 1/3 US cup of sliced cucumber in ounces? 1/3 US customary cup of sliced cucumber = 1.41 oz. of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is ¼ US cup of sliced cucumber in ounces? ¼ US customary cup of sliced cucumber = 1.06 oz. of sliced cucumber.

You can find common weights of fresh sliced cucumber converted into volume, in this case, Metric cups down below:

  • How many US customary cups of sliced cucumber is 500 grams? 500 grams of sliced cucumber = 4 1/6 US cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many US customary cups of sliced cucumber is 450 grams? 450 grams of sliced cucumber = 3.75 US cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many US customary cups of sliced cucumber is 400 grams? 400 grams of sliced cucumber = 3 1/3 US cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many US customary cups of sliced cucumber is 350 grams? 350 grams of sliced cucumber = about 3 US cups of sliced cucumber (2 10/11 cups to be more precise).
  • How many US customary cups of sliced cucumber is 300 grams? 300 grams of sliced cucumber = 2.5 US cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many US customary cups of sliced cucumber is 250 grams? 250 grams of sliced cucumber = about 2 US cups of sliced cucumber (2 1/12 cups to be more precise).
  • How many US customary cups of sliced cucumber is 200 grams? 200 grams of sliced cucumber = 1 2/3 US cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many US customary cups of sliced cucumber is 150 grams? 150 grams of sliced cucumber = 1 1/4 US cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many US customary cups of sliced cucumber is 100 grams? 100 grams of sliced cucumber = 5/6 US cup of sliced cucumber.
  • How many US customary cups of sliced cucumber is 50 grams? 50 grams of sliced cucumber = 2/5 US cup of sliced cucumber.
  • How many US customary cups of sliced cucumber is 25 grams? 25 grams of sliced cucumber = 5/6 US cup of sliced cucumber.



How much does 1 Imperial cup of cucumber weigh in grams?

1 Imperial cup of fresh sliced cucumber is 144 grams.

  • How much is 2 Imperial cups of sliced cucumber in grams? 2 Imperial cups of sliced cucumber = 288 grams of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is ¾ Imperial cup of sliced cucumber in grams? ¾ Imperial cup of sliced cucumber = 108 grams of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is 2/3 Imperial cup of sliced cucumber in grams? 2/3 Imperial cup of sliced cucumber = 96 grams of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is ½ Imperial cup of sliced cucumber in grams? ½ Imperial cup of sliced cucumber = 72 grams of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is 1/3 Imperial cup of sliced cucumber in grams? 1/3 Imperial cup of sliced cucumber = 48 grams of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is ¼ Imperial cup of sliced cucumber in grams? ¼ Imperial cup of sliced cucumber = 36 grams of sliced cucumber.


How much does 1 Imperial cup of cucumber weigh in ounces?

1 Imperial cup holds 5.08 oz. of fresh sliced cucumber.

  • How much is 2 Imperial cups of sliced cucumber in ounces? 2 Imperial cups of sliced cucumber = 10.16 oz. of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is ¾ Imperial cup of sliced cucumber in ounces? ¾ Imperial cup of sliced cucumber = 3.81 oz. of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is 2/3Imperial cup of sliced cucumber in ounces? 2/3 Imperial cup of sliced cucumber = 3.38 oz. of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is ½ Imperial cup of sliced cucumber in ounces? ½ Imperial cup of sliced cucumber = 2.54 oz. of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is 1/3 Imperial cup of sliced cucumber in ounces? 1/3 Imperial cup of sliced cucumber = 1.69 oz. of sliced cucumber.
  • How much is ¼ Imperial cup of sliced cucumber in ounces? ¼ Imperial cup of sliced cucumber = 1.27 oz. of sliced cucumber.

You can find common weights of fresh sliced cucumber converted into volume, in this case, Imperial cups down below:

  • How many Imperial cups of sliced cucumber is 500 grams? 500 grams of sliced cucumber = 3.5 Imperial cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Imperial cups of sliced cucumber is 450 grams? 450 grams of sliced cucumber = 3 1/8 Imperial cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Imperial cups of sliced cucumber is 400 grams? 400 grams of sliced cucumber = 2 3/4 Imperial cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Imperial cups of sliced cucumber is 350 grams? 350 grams of sliced cucumber = 2 2/5 Imperial cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Imperial cups of sliced cucumber is 300 grams? 300 grams of sliced cucumber = 2 1/12 Imperial cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Imperial cups of sliced cucumber is 250 grams? 250 grams of sliced cucumber = 1 3/4 Imperial cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Imperial cups of sliced cucumber is 200 grams? 200 grams of sliced cucumber = 1 2/5 Imperial cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Imperial cups of sliced cucumber is 150 grams? 150 grams of sliced cucumber = 1 1/24 Imperial cups of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Imperial cups of sliced cucumber is 100 grams? 100 grams of sliced cucumber = 2/3 Imperial cup of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Imperial cups of sliced cucumber is 50 grams? 50 grams of sliced cucumber = 1/3 Imperial cup of sliced cucumber.
  • How many Imperial cups of sliced cucumber is 25 grams? 25 grams of sliced cucumber = 1/6 Imperial cup of sliced cucumber.

We listed all the possible weights of diced cucumber that can be mentioned in recipes and gave their converted equivalents in cups. If you have any other product in mind that needs measuring, leave your ideas in the comment section below.

How many grams is a half cup of cucumbers?

A half-cup of cucumber (52g), with the peel, provides only 8 calories. If you eat a whole cucumber that is roughly 8.25 inches in length (301g), you will consume around 45 calories.

How much is 1 cup of cucumber in grams?

What does 1 cup cucumber weigh? Peeled and uncooked (sliced) cucumber weighs 126 grams per metric cup or 4.2 ounces per US cup, and it has 10.49 calories per 100 grams (about 3.53 ounces).

How much of a cucumber is 1 cup?

Equivalent Measurements For Vegetables.

How many calories are in a 1/2 cup of raw cucumbers?

A serving of cucumber -- one-half a cup -- is about 8 calories. They have small amounts of vitamin K and vitamin A and are about 95% water.