2 meters tall in feet and inches

2 meters equals 6.56 feet

Centimeters to feet and inches converter

How to convert meters to feet and inches step-by-step

One meter is a length measurement and equals approximately 3.28 feet. One foot equals 12 inches exactly. If you need to be super precise, you can use one meter = 3.2808398950131 feet. Once this is very close to 3.28 feet, you will almost always want to use the simpler number to make the math easier.

Step 1: Convert from meters to feet

1 meter = 3.28 x feet, so,

2 x 1 meter = 2 x 3.28 feet, or

2 meters = 6.56 feet.

Step 2: Convert the decimal feet to inches

An answer like "6.56 feet" might not mean much to you because you may want to express the decimal part, which is in feet, in inches once its is a smaller unit.

So, take everything after the decimal point (0.56), then multiply that by 12 to turn it into inches. This works because one foot = 12 inches. Then,

6.56 feet = 6 feet + 0.56 foot. Once 0.56 foot x 12 = 6.72 inches or 6.56 feet = 6 feet and 6.72 inches. Obviously, this is equivalent to 2 meters.

Step 3: Convert from decimal inches to an usable fraction of inch

The previous step gave you the answer in decimal inches (6.72), but how to measure it in an ruler or tape? See below a procedure, which can also be made using a calculator, to convert the decimal inches to the nearest usable fraction:

a) Subtract 6, the number of whole inches, from 6.72:

6.72 - 6 = 0.72. This is the fractional part of the inches value.

b) Multiply 0.72 times 16 (it could be 8, 16, 32, 64, ... depending on the exactness you want) to get the number of 16th's inches:

0.72 x 16 = 11.52. This is the number of 16th's of an inch and also the numerator of the fraction which may be still reduced.

c) Round the result to nearest integer:

round(11.52) = 12

Finally, 2 meters = 6 feet and 12/16 of an inch.

As 12/16 is not in the simplest form, it should be reduced to 3/4 in order to get a simpler fraction.

In short: 2 m = 6'6 3/4"(*)

(*) This result may differ from the calculator above because we've assumed that 1 meter equals 3.28 feet instead of 3.2808398950131 feet).

Height conversion chart

You can use this table to find any value in feet, in inches or in feet plus inches when you know the value in centimeters. It is an alternative to the converter above. Here is another version of this Centimeter to feet and inches table.

Sample meter/cm in feet and inches conversions

  • 1.44 meters to feet and inches
  • 1.62 meters to feet and in
  • 144 cm to feet and in
  • 193 centimeters to ft and in
  • 1.99 meters to ft and in
  • 1.61 m to ft and in
  • 191 centimeters to ft and in
  • 215 cm to feet and inches

  • 154 cm to ft and inches
  • 195 centimeters to ft and inches
  • 180 centimeters to ft and in
  • 1.54 m to feet and inches
  • 200 cm to feet and in
  • 175 cm to ft and in
  • 1.89 m to feet and in
  • 199 cm to feet and in

  • 1.96 m to ft and inches
  • 193 centimeters to ft and in
  • 1.7 m to feet and in
  • 148 centimeters to ft and in
  • 2.03 meters to feet and inches
  • 150 cm to ft and in
  • 153 centimeters to feet and inches
  • 178 centimeters to feet and inches

Bar Chartheight chart

Use our calculator for conversions involving meters, feet and inches (m, ft and in), all of which are units of length or height.

Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made in building our calculator tools, we are not to be held liable for any damages or monetary losses arising out of or in connection with their use. Full disclaimer.

How to convert meters to feet

There are 3.28084 feet in 1 meter. To convert meters to feet, multiply your meters figure by 3.28. To convert feet to meters, divide your feet figure by 3.28.

feet = meters × 3.28084

As an example, let's say you have 5m of wrapping paper on a roll. If you want to know how many feet it measures, your calculation will be: 5 × 3.28084 = 16.404 ft. Take a look at the articles section for a feature on how many feet are in a meter.

Meters to feet chart

Meters to feetMeters to feet
1 m = 3.281 ft 21 m = 68.898 ft
2 m = 6.562 ft 22 m = 72.178 ft
3 m = 9.843 ft 23 m = 75.459 ft
4 m = 13.123 ft 24 m = 78.74 ft
5 m = 16.404 ft 25 m = 82.021 ft
6 m = 19.685 ft 26 m = 85.302 ft
7 m = 22.966 ft 27 m = 88.583 ft
8 m = 26.247 ft 28 m = 91.864 ft
9 m = 29.528 ft 29 m = 95.144 ft
10 m = 32.808 ft 30 m = 98.425 ft
11 m = 36.089 ft 31 m = 101.706 ft
12 m = 39.37 ft 32 m = 104.987 ft
13 m = 42.651 ft 33 m = 108.268 ft
14 m = 45.932 ft 34 m = 111.549 ft
15 m = 49.213 ft 35 m = 114.829 ft
16 m = 52.493 ft 36 m = 118.11 ft
17 m = 55.774 ft 37 m = 121.391 ft
18 m = 59.055 ft 38 m = 124.672 ft
19 m = 62.336 ft 39 m = 127.953 ft
20 m = 65.617 ft 40 m = 131.234 ft

Note that you can convert between feet and inches here.

How many feet are in a meter?

1 meter is equal to:

  • 3.28084 feet
  • 3 feet and 3.3701 inches
  • 39.3701 inches

To convert directly between meters and feet or meters and inches (plus many other units of length, distance and height), please use the length and distance converter. You will also find a converter for centimeters to feet and inches here.

Is 6ft the same as 2 Metres?

For the record, two metres is not six feet. Two metres is about 6.56168 feet.

What is 2 feet tall in inches?

Feet to inches conversion table.

What is 7 feet tall in meters?

Feet to meters conversion table.

Is 1m equal to 3 feet?

Meter to Feet Conversion One meter is approximately equal to 3.28084 feet.