Best way to get from Buffalo Airport to Niagara Falls Canada

How to get from Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls

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There are 4 ways to get from Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls by bus, car or towncar

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner.


  1. Take the bus from Buffalo, NY to Niagara Falls, NY

Line 24 bus, line 40 bus

  1. Take the line 24 bus from BNIA Drway & BNIA Terminal to Washington St & South Division St
  2. Take the line 40 bus from North Division & Main St to 4th St


  1. Drive from Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls


  1. Take a town car from Buffalo Airport to Niagara Falls

Questions & Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls?

The cheapest way to get from Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls is to line 24 bus and line 40 bus which costs $6 and takes 1h 57m.

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What is the fastest way to get from Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls?

The quickest way to get from Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls is to drive which costs $9 - $13 and takes 35 min.

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Is there a direct bus between Buffalo Airport (BUF) and Niagara Falls?

Yes, there is a direct bus departing from Buffalo, NY and arriving at Niagara Falls, NY. Services depart five times a day, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 40 min.

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How far is it from Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls?

The distance between Buffalo Airport (BUF) and Niagara Falls is 33 km. The road distance is 42.6 km.

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How do I travel from Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls without a car?

The best way to get from Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls without a car is to bus which takes 40 min and costs $8 - $70.

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How long does it take to get from Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls?

The bus from Buffalo, NY to Niagara Falls, NY takes 40 min including transfers and departs five times a day.

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Where do I catch the Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls bus from?

Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls bus services, operated by OurBus, depart from Buffalo, NY station.

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Where does the Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls bus arrive?

Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls bus services, operated by OurBus, arrive at Niagara Falls, NY station.

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Can I drive from Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls?

Yes, the driving distance between Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls is 43 km. It takes approximately 35 min to drive from Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls.

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How do I get a bus ticket from Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls?

Book your Buffalo Airport (BUF) to Niagara Falls bus tickets online with Omio, Busbud and FlixBus.

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What companies run services between Buffalo Airport (BUF), USA and Niagara Falls, ON, Canada?

OurBus operates a bus from Buffalo, NY to Niagara Falls, NY 4 times a day. Tickets cost $40 - $50 and the journey takes 40 min. Flixbus USA also services this route twice daily.

Best way to get from Buffalo Airport to Niagara Falls Canada


Best way to get from Buffalo Airport to Niagara Falls Canada

Flixbus USA

Phone (855) 626-8585Websiteflixbus.comAve. Duration1hFrequencyTwice dailyEstimated price$8 - $70Schedules atflixbus.comAdult Standard Purchase$17 - $70Adult Advance Purchase$8 - $12

Best way to get from Buffalo Airport to Niagara Falls Canada


Best way to get from Buffalo Airport to Niagara Falls Canada

Jayride Private Transfers

Jayride is an online booking service for pick up or drop off at airports, using a pre-pay, fixed-price model. You’ll be provided with a choice of transfer companies, from luxury limos to maxi taxis, private cars to shuttle buses, depending on your journey, along with passenger reviews and star ratings. On booking, you’ll receive a confirmation email with the contact details of your transfer company and meeting instructions for your trip.

Ave. Duration 35 minFrequencyOn demand

Want to know more about travelling around Canada

Rome2rio's Travel Guide series provide vital information for the global traveller. Filled with useful and timely travel information, the guides answer all the hard questions - such as 'How do I buy a ticket?', 'Should I book online before I travel? ', 'How much should I expect to pay?', 'Do the trains and buses have Wifi?' - to help you get the most out of your next trip.

More Questions & Answers

Where can I stay near Niagara Falls?

There are 411+ hotels available in Niagara Falls. Prices start at $150 AUD per night.

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Where to next?

Trips from Buffalo Airport (BUF)

Trips to Niagara Falls

Is there transportation from Buffalo Airport to Niagara Falls?

Is there a direct bus between Buffalo Airport (BUF) and Niagara Falls? Yes, there is a direct bus departing from Buffalo, NY and arriving at Niagara Falls, NY. Services depart twice daily, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 40 min.

How do I get from Buffalo Airport to Canada?

The Buffalo airport has many car rental companies, direct bus service via Greyhound and Coach Canada throughout the day, taxi, limousine, shuttle and other ground transportation services. Niagara Falls is approximately a 30 minute drive; Toronto takes only 90 minutes (depending on traffic in Canada).

How much is a cab from Buffalo Airport to Niagara Falls?

How much is from Buffalo Airport to Niagara Falls? We have a set of Flat Rate price to Niagara Falls. From Buffalo Airport to Niagara Falls NY USA side only $80. From Buffalo Airport to Niagara Falls Canada side only $95, and Taxi from Buffalo Airport to Downtown Toronto only $330.

Can you take a cab from Buffalo Airport to Canada?

Yes! You can use our taxi crossing the Canadian border to travel to Canada.