Can you get a divorce in TN without a lawyer?

Tennessee’s Do-It-Yourself Divorce

In limited circumstances, it is possible to get an “agreed divorce” in Tennessee without hiring an attorney. The Tennessee Supreme Court has approved divorce forms that, if properly completed, must be accepted by all Tennessee courts that hear divorce cases. These forms and their instructions can be found at I’m sure you’re wondering why an attorney is sharing this information with you. For two reasons. First, the vast majority of divorces do not meet the criteria to obtain an agreed divorce. Second, getting divorced is not a simple process, no matter how simple it is made to sound.

You only qualify for the Tennessee agreed divorce process if the following apply to your situation:

  • You and your spouse have no children under the age of 18, or disabled, or still in high school

  • The wife is not pregnant now

  • You don’t own real property (your home, condo, other buildings or land)

  • You or your spouse don’t own a business

  • You or your spouse don’t have any retirement benefits

  • You both want to end your marriage and can agree on how to divide your property (including alimony) and are both willing to sign a marital dissolution agreement.

  • You can locate your spouse.

You will have to follow the instructions carefully and will have no one to ask for help.

The instructions state that an agreed divorce is easier, faster and costs less than a regular divorce. None of those statements are true. An agreed divorce, one where you as a layperson do all the work, is not an easy process. One look at the forms and their instructions and you will agree. An agreed divorce cannot be obtained any faster by you than by someone who hires an attorney. A divorce obtained on the basis of irreconcilable differences (the technical term for “agreed divorce”) can be granted after a 60 day waiting period if there are no minor children and 90 days if there are minor children. Rarely are all issues ironed out within that period of time. It is possible, but not typical. Court costs are the same whether you file for divorce yourself or an attorney files for you. The only savings come from not having to pay attorney fees. I must point out that even though you could probably change a car’s transmission by watching YouTube videos and reading about it online, is it really something that you want to spend the time and effort doing all by yourself?

Getting divorced is complicated. Don’t try to go it alone, even if you meet the above criteria. If you and your spouse truly agree to all the details of your divorce, then your attorney’s fees shouldn’t be outrageous. Look at the forms and instructions on the website for agreed divorces. Five pages of instructions, at least eight forms, and warnings every paragraph advising that you talk to a lawyer. This is for couples who have no children, don’t own a home, and have no retirement plans in place.

Many people are cost conscious and don’t want to spend money unnecessarily, especially on attorney’s fees. But getting a divorce ranks up there with getting married, having children, buying a house. Don’t be penny wise and pound foolish with this important event in your life.

Click below to hear an important message about divorce.

Hire an Experienced Memphis Divorce Lawyer

At The Burdette Law Firm we are competent and caring lawyers when dealing with divorce, and will provide excellent legal divorce advice. We give our clients a great deal of information on divorce so they can have the proper understanding of divorce law to make important decisions. Getting divorced is an emotional process and we always strive to ease the stress during this difficult situation. A divorce is also a financial process. The valuations, incomes and sums involved in property division, alimony and support should be carefully reviewed by someone like a Certified Public Accountant to insure accuracy, and to protect you from any attempt to hide assets or income.

Contact one of our lawyers for more information

After reviewing the above if you have questions and need our assistance in a divorce, please call us at (901) 756-7878 or use the contact form on our contact page.

Can you get a divorce in TN without a lawyer?

Christina Burdette

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Filing for Divorce Without a Lawyer

Divorce in Tennessee without a lawyer. Filing for divorce without a lawyer. Can you get a divorce without an attorney? How can I get divorced without a lawyer? Do I need a lawyer to file for divorce?

Do I need a divorce lawyer if we agree on everything?

If you’re considering divorce, then you may be thinking about filing without a lawyer.  We recommend against it.  I will explain why divorce is not something to try on your own.

For more discussion, see our other video Why Representing Yourself in a Divorce is a Terrible Idea by 7 Top Family Lawyers.

Divorce in Tennessee Without a Lawyer

Hi.  I’m Miles Mason. I’m a family lawyer.  My law firm represents clients who live in Memphis, Collierville, and Germantown, Tennessee areas, in addition to Fayette and Tipton counties.

So why would we recommend against filing for divorce without a lawyer?

Very simply. Divorce has too many pitfalls.  And the consequences of a mistake, a misunderstanding, or a lack of knowledge of Tennessee divorce law may not be fixable. In fact, more often than not, the damage cannot be undone.  Once you sign certain legal documents, even informal agreements at mediation, in many circumstances courts will enforce those terms agreed upon. By having an advocate who is experienced and knowledgeable in the law of divorce, in the court rules, in current case decisions, who is familiar with each judge’s courtroom, the outcome is far more likely to be favorable.

Don’t base your decision entirely on what you think it will cost to hire a lawyer.

Can you get a divorce in TN without a lawyer?

Divorce in Tennessee Without a Lawyer

Research likely cost. Every divorce is different.  Interview some lawyers.  Even if you pay for consultations, gathering more than one perspective can be very helpful. Experienced family law attorneys may not charge nearly as much as you might think.

Be mindful that trying to fix mistakes or trying to avoid mistakes made in the paperwork can be much more expensive than the cost of hiring a lawyer to handle your matter from the beginning.

Some divorces just cost less than others. It depends. Are there pensions? Do they have children? Is there equity in the home?  How much anger do the spouses feel for each other? Not having a lawyer won’t solve any of these problems.

I’m not trying to scare you, but inform you.

You have the right to represent yourself in court.  But before committing yourself to that course, carefully consider what divorce in Tennessee entails in terms of court proceedings and the rule of law.  And your emotional involvement in the case. Divorce is a marathon, not a sprint.

First, there is division of the marital estate.

Dividing marital assets and debts in even the simplest divorce can still be an involved process. Every item, every asset, every debt must go through a 4-step process of identifying or learning what property exists, classifying the property as marital or separate, valuing the property, and dividing the property.  Almost every marital estate has some issue that requires knowledge of Tennessee property division law. And almost every property division involves negotiation. Even short term marriages can be challenging to determine what can be negotiated. Don’t risk negotiating away your rights out of ignorance of the law. Don’t limit negotiations because you don’t know what the law allows or disallows. If you represent yourself, then you’ll negotiate every aspect of the divorce directly with your spouse or your spouse’s lawyer. Is that something you should attempt to do? Is it safe for you to try?  Would the result be fair?

What if your spouse has a lawyer but you don’t?

If your spouse has a lawyer, you could be in real trouble. Not just on the division of property, but in every aspect of the case – child custody, alimony, child support, everything. Every lawyer has an ethical duty to zealously represent his or her client, which is not you.  The opposing lawyer’s job description includes making sure you get as little as possible in the divorce. Your spouse’s lawyer has no duty to tell you what you should be asking for, or what a court might award a spouse in any common situation. Do you really want to negotiate with your spouse’s attorney? That’s an almost guaranteed imbalance of power at the negotiating table. No matter how pleasant your spouse’s lawyer seems to be, his or her loyalty is only to the client, not to a reasonable compromise.  He or she is not representing you and is not looking out for your best interests.  It’s important that you have your own lawyer.

Consider the marital home.

Only 4 things can happen to a house:

  1. Husband buys out wife.
  2. Wife buys out husband.
  3. They sell and split the proceeds.
  4. Or they own the home together after the divorce.

Typically, the marital home will be among the couple’s greatest assets. Likewise, it is often the greatest source of debt. Unless the debt issue is resolved in a way that allows for one spouse to remain in the home, neither spouse will get to stay.  Which means the children could be uprooted, too. What’s the house really worth if it must be sold? Most spouses have a mortgage on their home, maybe a second mortgage. Divorce does not alter obligations on the mortgage.  Transferring the home to one spouse will require refinancing, qualifying for a new loan. If the spouse was a stay-at-home parent with no employment history, so no credit history, then qualifying for a substantial home loan may not be possible.  A smaller loan, maybe.  But that could mean both spouses must move out and relocate.  If refinancing is not feasible, then the marital home must be sold. This can take time to accomplish.

Experienced divorce lawyers handle these situations every day. They know how to negotiate and help clients make smart financial decisions. They know when it’s time to mediate disputes. They know what legal options are available.

Consider retirement assets.

Pension and retirement assets require classification as either marital or separate property, and, quite possibly, valuation. The marital portion of each pension, IRA, 401(k), must be equitably divided. With pension division, a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (called a QDRO) is often needed to divide pensions and 401(k)s. You should not attempt to draft a QDRO.  Leave that to an experienced QDRO lawyer who specializes in drafting these types of technical orders to pension administrators.

Second, there is the matter of alimony.

There are four different types of alimony in Tennessee law: Alimony in futuro, transitional alimony, rehabilitative alimony, and alimony in solido. There are many statutory factors for the judge to consider with alimony, only one of which is marital fault. Which means any fault-based grounds for divorce can influence the amount and duration of an alimony award.  But, in certain circumstances, fault will not affect negotiations in a meaningful way.  It just depends. An experienced alimony lawyer knows:

  • What type of alimony is available.
  • How much alimony is possible.
  • How long alimony may last.
  • What circumstances can cause alimony to terminate.
  • What evidence the courts have found persuasive in previous cases.
  • And the best strategies to negotiate a favorable settlement.

Third, there is the requirement of child support.

Alimony and child support calculations begin with a detailed analysis of tax returns, financial statements, employment contracts, stock options, deferred compensation, and more. When calculating child support, both parents’ income from all sources is considered.  If you suspect your spouse is hiding income or using the business to conceal assets, for example, then you may need to hire a forensic accountant. Forensic accountants are Certified Public Accountants.  They analyze financial data and can report and testify at trial as expert witnesses.

Fourth, there is the best interests of the children.

Every custody case has the potential for intense conflict. If you have children, an experienced family lawyer can help reduce conflict. And can advise you in your specific situation.  The best interests of the children is paramount in Tennessee child custody law.  That is the legal standard by which judges make custody determinations. But proving what’s in each child’s best interests is seldom so clear cut. A forensic child custody evaluator may be needed to assist the court in making that determination. You can easily find information about Tennessee’s child custody factors on our website,

Parents must submit a Parenting Plan to the court for approval.

If they agree, great. If they do not agree, then the judge will determine every undecided aspect of the parenting plan for them. Parents should willingly negotiate and mediate disputes in the best interests of the children. But that is often easier said than done. Consequently, negotiations and mediations are much more productive with assistance of counsel. This is how you avoid the judge making parenting decisions for you:

  • Decide who shall have Primary Residential Parent status.
  • Schedule parenting time.
  • Decide who shall have final decision-making authority in the event of a future dispute.
  • Decide what should be included in child support.
  • For example, private school tuition, extracurricular activities costs, travel expenses, if a trust should be set up for future college expenses, and more.

Experienced lawyers can help you choose among many options not included in the parenting plan form.

Fifth, what if your case goes to trial?

There is always the possibility that your case will go to trial on any disputed issue. For the best possible outcome at trial, you need an experienced divorce attorney to handle your case. Even when spouses agree on everything, they should be represented by counsel. Even when they have no children, no real estate, and no retirement assets – they should be represented by counsel.

Okay. Here is a gentle plug for two of my books. If you are still thinking you might file for divorce without a lawyer, consider buying and reading my book: The Tennessee Divorce Client’s Handbook. It’s easy to read and understand. Originally, I wrote this book for my clients. It introduces legal terms, basic Tennessee divorce law and family court procedure. My Tennessee Parenting Plans and Child Support Worksheets includes explanations and examples, including completed forms from actual cases. Both are available on I’m Miles Mason. Thanks for joining me.

References, Resources and More:

  • Tennessee Divorce Laws
  • The Tennessee Divorce Process: How Divorces Work Start to Finish
  • Tennessee Divorce Laws FAQs | Filing for Divorce in Tennessee & Forms

How much does it cost to get a divorce if both parties agree in Tennessee?

The average cost of divorce in Tennessee is around $10,000 in attorney's fees and about $3,000 in additional expenses. This is slightly higher than the national average. You can expect to pay around $17,000 if you have alimony or property division issues.

How long do you have to be separated to get a divorce in Tennessee?

Tennessee doesn't require spouses to separate before divorce, unless a spouse files for a no-fault divorce based on two-year separation (as discussed above). But many spouses do separate before or during the divorce process.

Do I have to go to court for uncontested divorce in Tennessee?

In Tennessee, uncontested divorce (known as a simplified or agreed divorce) is the most efficient and cost-effective option, often taking 60-90 days. You and your spouse must agree on all aspects of the divorce and not require the assistance of a judge in a court of law.

How much does a simple divorce cost in TN?

The average cost of divorce in Tennessee is $12,600 per side and if you have minor children, that average jumps to $18,900.