Can you use a get out of jail free card more than once?

The phrase “get out of jail free card” is a phrase that may be heard often, especially if you get into trouble more often than most. If you were thinking this is some sort of card you can carry around like a credit card to use in case you go to jail, think again. Here you will find the meaning of this phrase and the story of its origin. You will also find some example sentences and conversations that use this phrase correctly to help you use the phrase properly for yourself. Lastly, you will see some provided alternatives to substitute in place of this phrase that you can use to convey the same meaning.

  • Get Out Of Jail Free Card
    • Get Out Of Jail Free Card Meaning
    • “Get Out Of Jail Free Card” Examples
    • Alternatives to “Get Out Of Jail Free Card”
  • Get Out Of Jail Free Card | Image

Get Out Of Jail Free Card Meaning

The phrase “get out of jail free card” is an idiom and considered slang. It means using something that you possess to get you out of trouble immediately in a given situation without suffering the consequences.

Origin of this idiom

The phrase “get out of jail free card” gets its origin from the board game Monopoly. In the original version of this game, there are two decks of cards that a player can pick from when they land on certain spots on the board. Within the two decks, there is one “get out of jail free card” in each one. Players who draw these cards are permitted to keep them in their possession in case they land on the “go to jail” spot. On their next turn, the player with one of these cards can use it to “get out of jail” without having to forfeit their turn.

“Get Out Of Jail Free Card” Examples

Example Sentences

  • Maddie soon discovered that she couldn’t always play her get out of jail free card in every situation to keep herself out of trouble.
  • Sometimes a get out of jail free card isn’t effective and you have to suffer the consequences anyway.

Example Conversations

A conversation between two friends.

  • Friend 1: Hey, you never called me back last night. I had something really important to tell you!
  • Friend 2: Sorry! I fell asleep right after doing my homework. I was exhausted.
  • Friend 1: It’s okay. I’ll let you use that get out of jail free card this time!

A conversation between a father and his son.

  • Father: Your mom said you came in after curfew last night.
  • Son: I admit that I was a bit late. I have no excuse, I simply just wasn’t keeping track of the time.
  • Father: Okay. I will let you use your get out of jail free card this time, but next time there will be some consequences.

Alternatives to “Get Out Of Jail Free Card”

There are several words or phrases that you can use in place of the phrase “get out of jail free card” to convey the same meaning. Some of these include:

  • Get away with it
  • A free pass
  • Walk free

Get Out Of Jail Free Card | Image

Can you use a get out of jail free card more than once?

According to the Monopoly rules, A player gets out of Jail by...

  • Throwing doubles on any of his next three turns. (If he succeeds in doing this he immediately moves forward the number of spaces shown by his doubles throw. Even though he has thrown doubles he does not take another turn.)
  • Using the "Get Out of Jail Free" card if he has it
  • Purchasing the "Get Out of Jail Free" card from another player and playing it
  • Paying a fine of $50 before he rolls the dice on either of his next two turns.

If the player does not throw doubles by his third turn he

must pay

the $50 fine. He then gets out of Jail and immediately moves forward the number of spaces shown by his throw.

Even though he is in Jail, a player may buy or sell property, buy or sell houses and hotels and collect rents.

How many times can you use the Get Out of Jail Free card?

Get Out of Jail, Free This card may be kept until needed or sold. Get Out of Jail Free This card may be kept until needed or sold. When not having this card you must wait for three turns (unless doubles are rolled on any of those turns) then, after the third roll, you get out of jail AND must pay a fine of $50.

Can you use Get Out of Jail Free card more than once?

When can I use my Get Out of Jail Free card? When you get sent to Monopoly jail, your turn then ends. You have to wait until your next turn to use the Get Out of Jail Free card, pay the fine, or attempt to roll a double. A Get Out of Jail Free card can be held and used at any time during the game.

Can you roll after using Get Out of Jail Free card?

Use a "Get out of Jail Free" card if you own one. As with paying the fine, you can then roll the dice and move as normal.

How many times can you use get out of jail in Monopoly?

A player MAY NOT remain in Jail after his/her third turn (i.e., not longer than having three turns to play after being sent to Jail). Immediately after throwing the dice for his/her third turn, if the player does not roll Doubles, he or she must pay the $50 fine.