Does Drax have feelings for Mantis?

I just watched the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 again and this question came to my mind once again as it has for many others. But the thing is, if they are it just doesn't feel right. It's as if the directors are forcing the two together and the very characters themselves are pulling away and yelling, "Ew! Gross!" Putting them together might be funny, but in the end it would be an awkward mistake. But Marvel studios doesn't make mistakes, right? So what other option could there be? I have a theory about this. And it is that there IS love between them. There IS an attraction that especially Drax has towards Mantis. But it's not romantic love. And it can all be seem in the scene where Drax and Mantis are sitting outside on Ego's planet. Mantis tells him how she is an orphan. Drax tells her of how she reminds him of his daughter because of how innocent she is. And in that moment, we can see what their true relationship is. Drax thinks of Mantis as a daughter. It explains their physical resentment towards each other. You can see it in how Drax starts teaching Mantis things from the moment they meet. You can see it in how he desperately holds her up to save her during the climax of the movie. You can see it in how he holds Groot as he sleeps towards the end of the movie and looks at Mantis in the same way. And I think that in this way, the directors are giving Drax something more to fight for than revenge: family. Drax even said so himself. Nebula: All you ever do is fight. You're not friends. Drax: You're right. We're family. [looks at Mantis] We leave no one behind.

TL;DR Drax thinks of Mantis as a daughter. Not a significant other.

Does Drax have feelings for Mantis?

Drantis is the canon friendship/non-canon relationship between Drax and Mantis.

Relationship Information[]

Does Drax have feelings for Mantis?
  • Mantis first attempts to befriend Drax by giving him a smile, but the latter of the two is frightened of her.
  • However, the two develop a friendship. During this time, Drax tells Mantis she is ugly, but says it was a "good thing", since knowing that when you love someone, they'll love you for who you are, and not your looks.
  • Mantis tears up when she learns Drax's tragic past of his wife and daughter dying.
  • In the end, Drax calls Mantis "beautiful", but on the inside.
Does Drax have feelings for Mantis?

Does Drax have feelings for Mantis?

James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is essentially built around great character pairings, and easily one of the best of the bunch is the relationship between Dave Bautista's Drax and Pom Klementeiff's Mantis. Both alien beings are weird all by themselves, but they ultimately bring out the best in each other, and have some terrific scenes together. So what's the secret behind their bond? To hear Bautista tell it, it's all about a shared naiveté. The actor recently told me,

We have decided that Drax and Mantis share a very childlike innocence, and I think that links them together. More than anything he's taken on a big brother type role. That's the way I look at it -- not so much Mantis being a surrogate daughter, but almost like a little sister. That's what the relationship, to me, feels more like. And that's kind of the way we play it.

I had the chance to sit down with Dave Bautista during the Los Angeles press day for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 last month, and one of the subjects we touched on was the instant and special bond that Drax creates with Mantis over the course of the movie. I wondered if part of it may be seeing her as a surrogate daughter -- as his own daughter was notably killed by Ronan The Accuser years ago -- but Bautista explained that he feels as though it is more sibling-esque than parental.

Without giving away too many details, Drax and Mantis have some of the best moments together in all of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, and much of that is because their individual idiosyncrasies pair up perfectly. As we learned over the course of the first movie, Drax doesn't really have a filter between his brain and his mouth, and it leads him to be perfectly blunt all of the time. Mantis, meanwhile, has led a kept life that has seen her have very little social interaction at all. Around such a character you would expect a protagonist to be very kind and gentile, but that simply isn't Drax's speed, and as a result they have an odd and funny back-and forth.

You can watch Dave Bautista talk about the special relationship between Drax and Mantis in the video below:

After what feels like an endless wait, audiences everywhere in the world can now see this relationship for themselves on the big screen, as Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is now in theaters worldwide. Be sure to check out our other interviews with the stars and filmmakers behind the Marvel blockbuster, and keep your eye on the site in the next few days for even more!

NJ native who calls LA home and lives in a Dreamatorium. A decade-plus CinemaBlend veteran who is endlessly enthusiastic about the career he’s dreamt of since seventh grade.

Who is Mantis love interest?

Mantis ended up marrying a Cotati who took the form of the dead Swordsman. After their wedding, she left Earth in the form of pure energy, the same day of Vision and Scarlet Witch's wedding in 1974's Giant-Size Avengers #14.

Who is Drax love interest?

James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is essentially built around great character pairings, and easily one of the best of the bunch is the relationship between Dave Bautista's Drax and Pom Klementeiff's Mantis.

What does Drax think Mantis antenna are for?

Quill asked about the purpose of her antennas, which Drax revealed they had a bet on. Drax stated he believed that they were for protecting her from low leveled doors, and Quill believed it was for anything else.