How do I get over my sadness of rehoming my dog?

If you’ve given up a pet for rehoming, it may have been one of the hardest decisions of your life. It’s likely that you deeply loved and cherished your pet but you came to the decision that your family wasn’t the right one for them to really thrive.

As much as we would all like to make a life-long commitment to our pets, the reality is that this isn’t always possible. 

Behavioural issues, a change in circumstances, poor health (yours or your pet’s), clashes within the family, work and family commitments, financial struggles – these can all feed into the decision to rehome.

Having said goodbye to your pet, perhaps to a rescue centre or foster home, you may find that you are experiencing grief that’s as strong as if your pet had died.

However, you may feel that you don’t have a right to grieve because you voluntarily surrendered your pet for rehoming or that other people don’t understand your loss. 

It can be incredibly hard to talk about this and we want you to know that you’re not alone.

The grief and guilt of rehoming a pet

The grief of rehoming tends to be layered with emotions such as guilt and shame. You may feel like you’ll never forgive yourself for this decision. 

Giving a pet up for rehoming is never easy and there are very few people who can do this without any misgivings. 

People who have lived through this experience often say that they still reflect on it years later. However, the majority also believe it was the right thing to do, maybe because it is rarely a decision that’s taken lightly.

What’s clear is that it’s important to show yourself compassion at this difficult time.

How do I get over my sadness of rehoming my dog?

We’ve put together some tips to help you find peace and comfort:

  • Acknowledge your grief

Regardless of the circumstances, you have lost a pet for whom you cared deeply. It’s natural to grieve and it’s important that you allow yourself to experience your feelings. 

Loss is loss, no matter what, and your grief is valid. 

  • Reflect on your reasons for rehoming

Most people who give a pet up for rehoming do so because they no longer feel able to adequately meet all of the animal’s needs. 

It takes great courage to admit that an animal may be better off in a different environment or with different people caring for them.

Your needs matter too. Maybe you’ve been doing everything possible to care for your pet but to your own detriment or that of your family. 

When you feel able, allow yourself to reflect on your reasons for rehoming. Remember, you had everyone’s best interests at heart.

  • Animals adapt

Animals are survivors and far better able to live in the moment than us humans. Of course, they remember their past experiences and people but they also adapt surprisingly well to new situations.

Your pet will not be placing blame or judging you. They won’t be reflecting on what went wrong or why life has changed. Yes, they may feel worried, uncertain or even scared at first but they will soon adjust to their new normal.

Have you explored the possibility of receiving some updates about how your pet is settling and life with their new family? This may reassure you that they’re well and loved. However, in some scenarios, it is not possible to get updates.

  • Ignore other people’s opinions

The issue of rehoming a pet is deeply emotive. Often, the only time people will hear about the topic is on television when abuse cases and neglect provide the emotional hook for the programme.

Of course, these cases are horrendous but they are completely separate to rehoming a pet out of love and a commitment to doing the right thing for them.

It’s very easy to judge someone from the outside looking in and you may find that some people do this to you. However, you know the truth of your situation and what is right for your pet and your family.

It’s no one else’s business because they’ve never experienced your unique circumstances. Remind yourself that anyone who’s judgemental of your decision to rehome doesn’t have all the facts. Therefore, they’re judging a fictional scenario.

  • Know your sadness will bring someone else happiness

While you may not have been able to offer your pet the right environment for their needs, their new home will hopefully be the perfect fit.

You know how lovable and special your pet is and now someone else will get to experience great happiness because of your decision to rehome.

  • Don’t feel bad about feeling relief

As well as feelings of grief, guilt and more, you may also have a sense of relief, of a weight being lifted, that you don’t have to factor your pet’s needs into your daily life anymore.

This can be confusing and distressing but, again, it’s an entirely natural response to resolving what has been an ongoing source of stress.

  • It’s time to show yourself kindness and compassion

Right now, your thoughts are probably consumed by your pet’s welfare. You’re wondering if they’re okay, if they’re missing you, if they feel sad or rejected.

Remind yourself that you handed your pet over to someone responsible who would take care of their needs.

Your priority has to be to show yourself some kindness and compassion. What are your needs right now?

Reach out if you need to talk to someone. Rest, eat good food, exercise, do things that light you up inside. 

As with all grief, you will have good days and bad days and eventually find a way to make sense of this life-changing experience. 

Just know that whatever you’re feeling, it matters.

Need to talk? Our supportive pet loss community offers a safe and compassionate space to grieve.

Shailen and The Ralph Site team
The Ralph Site, non-profit pet loss support

How do you deal with sadness after rehoming a dog?

Reach out if you need to talk to someone. Rest, eat good food, exercise, do things that light you up inside. As with all grief, you will have good days and bad days and eventually find a way to make sense of this life-changing experience. Just know that whatever you're feeling, it matters.

How do I stop feeling guilty for rehoming my dog?

Be gentle with yourself and be willing to forgive yourself. Accept what you had to do and let it go. Don't dwell on what-ifs. Pet rehoming guilt is real but, you can't change the past or the circumstances that led to this, so keeping it with you and holding onto the guilt will only make you feel worse.

How long will a dog be sad after rehoming?

How long it will take for the canine to adjust will depend on his age and history. Puppies who are around 12 weeks old or younger will transition quickly. Expect that the pup will bond with you instantly. Adult dogs who came from a stable home might take up to a few weeks to adjust.

Are dogs sad when their owners give them away?

“When an owner passes away before her pet, it can be a confusing, sad, and difficult period, even if arrangements have been made for the animal to be taken care of by someone else,” says Russell Hartstein, a certified behaviorist and dog trainer based in Los Angeles.