How do I share a wish wishlist?

Whether you’re browsing, looking for a specific item, or trying to track down a seller you bought from in the past, we have tools to help.

The quickest way to search on eBay is by using our search bar at the top of most pages. Type in what you’re looking for, hit Search, and we’ll find the items that best match your search.

You can also select filters on the left-hand side of the search results page to find listings with free shipping, items available for local pickup, or items in a specific location.

Have a look at the articles below to find out more about the different ways you can search on eBay and how to keep track of items once you find them.

Advanced search

Find a specific item, category, or eBay Store quickly and easily by using Advanced search.

Saved searches

If you regularly search for the same types of items on eBay, save time by creating saved searches.

Your Watchlist

Find out how to use your Watchlist to keep track of up to 300 items that you’re interested in but aren’t quite ready to bid on or buy.

Wish Lists are great ways to organize and share your gift-giving and gift-receiving ideas! To get started, go to our Wish List page here. 

Create a Wish List:

  1. Sign in or create an account from our Wish List page here.
  2. Select Wish Lists at the top right of your screen and make a new wish list.
  3. To add items to a saved Wish List, go to the item page, choose any available color or size options, then click "Wish List" beneath the "Add to cart" button.
  4. Choose the saved Wish List to add the item.

Share and Edit Wish Lists:

  1. To share a saved Wish List click on the Wish List name, then select "Share" to copy and paste the Wish List link into an email or text. 
  2. To edit a Wish List name from the Wish List page select edit at the bottom of your Wish List.
  3. To delete a Wish List from the Wish List page select X at the top right corner of your Wish List.
  4. To delete items from your Wish List select the Wish List name, then select X at the top right corner of the item.
  5. To add saved items from your Wish List select the Wish List name, then select "Add to Cart".   

Please note, Wish Lists can only be visible to friends and family by sharing the Wish List link via email or text message.

Dropship and Logistics Specialist, the founder of Bestfulfill that help you with order fulfillment from product sourcing, shipping, branding, and customized package.

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How to Share an AliExpress Wishlist?




AliExpress wishlist helps you to categorize those products you want to buy but haven’t purchased yet. And sometimes, you want to share it with your loved ones. It should not be a headache.  

In this post, we’ll show you how to share your AliExpress wishlist on PC and in the mobile app.

Table of Contents

  • Step 1: Make Sure Your wishlist is PUBLIC
  • Step 2 Sharing AliExpress wishlist on PC
  • Step3: Sharing AliExpress wishlist in the mobile app
  • Conclusion

Step 1: Make Sure Your wishlist is PUBLIC

The Wish Lists can be of 2 types:

  • Private: Seen to you only and you cannot share this Wish List.
  • Public: Available to other AliExpress members who search for wish lists and can be shared.

Make sure you didn’t set your wishlist private. Otherwise, the wishlist can’t be shared.

How to Share an AliExpress Wishlist?

How to Share an AliExpress Wishlist?

If you already set your wishlist private, no worries. You can always reset your wishlist setting. 

  • On PC: Click on Edit List to switch it to Public. 

How to Share an AliExpress Wishlist?

  • In Mobile App: Click on the icon that lies on the top right corner of your list.

How to Share an AliExpress Wishlist?

Step 2 Sharing AliExpress wishlist on PC

It’s simple. Click on your wishlist and choose the list you want to share. You are allowed to share your wishlist to VKontakte, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

How to Share an AliExpress Wishlist?

Step3: Sharing AliExpress wishlist in the mobile app

Click on your wishlist and choose the list you want to share. Click on the icon on the top right of the list. All done. Simple like that.

How to Share an AliExpress Wishlist?

How to Share an AliExpress Wishlist?


Always check to see if you have set your wishlist public. Then click on your AliExpress wishlist page to choose the list you want to share no matter you are on PC or in the AliExpress mobile app.

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How do I share a wish list on eBay?

Sharing your wish list.
Click the Facebook button at the top of your wish list..
From the drop-down menu in the next window, select where you want to share a link to your list. ... .
Enter your message..
Choose whether to add a thumbnail image to your post..
Click the Share link button..

Can I share my Amazon wish list?

Whether you're using the Android or iOS app, sharing your Amazon wish list is identical. It's a slightly better way to share your list than on a desktop, as you can also share your list via text message, social media, and messaging apps. Open the Amazon Shopping app. Tap the Profile button at the bottom of your screen.
1. Log in to your account and find the Wish List option located under the "Account & Lists" tab. 2. Click the Share link at the top of your wish list page.

Where is wishlist on Wish app?

In the top right corner of the homepage, click on the heart icon to view your Wishlists.