How do you make amends with old rival rdr2?

Arthur takes Lenny for a quiet drink in Valentine to help to calm him down after learning of Micah's arrest in Strawberry.

Mission Objectives

Gold Medal Objectives (100%)

The following are the Mission Objectives required to obtain the Gold Medal in the mission "A Quiet Time":

  1. A Quiet Time

    Arthur takes Lenny for a quiet drink in Valentine to help to calm him down after learning of Micah's arrest in Strawberry.

    Prerequisites: Paying a Social Call, Money Lending & Other Sins - II

    Gold Medal Requirements
    • Try to make amends with an old rival.
    • Catch Lenny in the act.
    • Don't get arrested.

    After Paying a Social Call and Money Lending & Other Sins - II are completed, you'll be able to talk to Dutch in camp. He still hasn't found a buyer for those bonds you stole from the train, but that doesn't really matter at the moment because you'll suddenly have bigger issues to deal with. Lenny runs into camp in a panic, telling everyone that they got Micah and he's currently imprisoned in Strawberry. Arthur says the sensible thing of "good" but Dutch is all lame and makes us go and rescue him anyway.

    But not right now! First you need to calm Lenny down, so Dutch tells you to take him into Valentine for a drink. A nice quiet, uneventful drink. So let's do that! Follow the trial to get to Valentine while Lenny tells you all about the mess Micah got himself into. Your destination is the larger saloon in town, so dismount your horse when you get there and walk inside. Go over to the bar and press the indicated button to lean on it, which will trigger a scene where you order beer from the bartender. The rest of the night is one big, drunken (amazing) mess.

    First, some other drunk will try to talk to you and you can either defuse the situation, insult him, or fight him. Just defuse it for now, because you're out having fun and don't need this guy ruining your evening. After some more drinks, you'll lose Lenny. You can ask around for him, but head upstairs and you'll find him on the second level on the side where the entrance to the saloon is. Talk to him again, and you'll lose him again after a little while. The alcohol may have something to do with this. Go downstairs to find him on the bar about to get into a fight. You'll somehow diffuse the situation and continue the party (again, alcohol is likely involved in some way). You'll now go outside to pee and lose him a third time. Only now you're at a level of drunkenness that borders on almost being dead, so everyone in the bar will have their face transformed into Lenny. You'll need to find the real one, and if you wander around on the main floor a bit, Lenny will finally come and find you. A slap fight will ensue. No, really. Press the indicated button to slap.

    After all of this, you'll find yourself outside being surrounded by cops for being a big drunken mess. You can flee here, but you'll likely run right into the pole that is directly in front of you. Again, because of the alcohol. You'll wake up in jail and Lenny will pay your $10 fine. Head outside, regret your night, try not to vomit everywhere, and complete the mission.

    Source: Suprak the Stud's Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide

You take that kid into town. Valentine, not Strawberry... get him drunk... and Arthur... no crazy business.—Dutch van der Linde

A Quiet Time is a mission in Red Dead Redemption 2.


  • 1 Mission Overview
  • 2 Story
  • 3 Mission Failure
  • 4 Gold Medal Objectives
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 Video Walkthroughs
  • 7 Background Music Played in the Mission
  • 8 Trivia
  • 9 References
  • 10 Navigation

Mission Overview

Arthur takes Lenny for a quiet drink in Valentine to help calm him down after learning of Micah's arrest in Strawberry.


Lenny arrives back at camp with the news that Micah was arrested in Strawberry for murder and that Sheriff Hanley is going to hang him. Dutch instructs Arthur to rescue Micah later and take Lenny into Valentine to calm him down. After arriving, the duo start drinking, until a patron named Jeb annoys the pair, and Arthur can either charm, intimidate, or assault him into leaving them alone.

After drinking some more, Arthur loses Lenny and begins looking for him, drunkenly stumbling around the saloon, and finds him upstairs, trying to balance a shot glass on his forehead (and then he drops it over the railing, smashing against the floor below). Reunited, the two start drinking again, but Arthur soon loses him again and after searching the bar a second time finds him downstairs trying to fight off two men from atop the bar counter. Arthur confronts the men, but ends up drunkenly line dancing with the patrons of the bar. After relieving himself outside, Arthur returns to the bar to find Lenny for the third time, but he is so drunk and inebriated by this point that he sees every patron as Lenny (with jumbled-up button prompts and misspelled text to boot). After stumbling around, drunkenly yelling after Lenny and talking to three or more patrons, Lenny finds Arthur, and the pair engage in a slap fight before they return to drinking again. Jeb then re-enters the bar, and steals Arthur's drink out of his hand. This prompts Arthur to grab Jeb by the collar.

The game then cuts to Arthur and Lenny outside, holding Jeb over a water trough. At this point the player can do one of three things before a group of lawmen confront them to arrest the duo for their drunken shenanigans, leading to Lenny's arrest and Arthur fleeing, either escaping and fleeing the town or colliding with a barrel or tripping over a fence, falling over and being arrested as well. The option chosen will affect how the mission ends, with six different endings depending on what happens during these two moments.

  1. Do nothing: if the player does not follow the button prompts to begin trying to drown Jeb in the water trough, he will break free and run away to retrieve the law.
  2. Attempt to drown Jeb: if the player begins the button prompts to drown the patron, but doesn't complete it in time, Jeb breaks free and runs away, retrieving the law.
  3. Drown Jeb: if the player completes the button prompt to drown Jeb, Arthur will drown Jeb until he is unconscious and then dump him onto the ground next to the trough, the law will then find Jeb there and begin searching for the pair.

Arthur escaped from the law, didn't force Jeb into the water trough: Arthur wakes up just south of the camp but is very hung over, gagging and vomiting onto the grass. He then returns to camp to find Lenny, who states he doesn't know what happened during their escape.

Arthur was arrested with Lenny, drowned Jeb: Arthur and Lenny wake up in Valentine jail, where they have been charged with attempted murder. After the pair post bail, they will pause outside the office, as Lenny vomits into the street, then go their separate ways back to camp.

Where is Lenny after getting drunk?

From there, you'll get drunk and Lenny will keep disappearing. In-between each time you find him, there will be a bunch more jump cuts, then he'll go missing again. Lenny will be located upstairs on the balcony the first time you lose him. Straight after this, Lenny will be directly downstairs.

How do you keep John and Strauss alive?

Save John and Strauss. Arthur's plan is to let Dutch draw attention while Arthur picks his moment to strike. You will go into a quickdraw mode, so slowly, slowly squeeze the R2/RT to fill the Dead Eye meter. When the meter is full, squeeze R2/RT fully to draw and save John and Strauss.

Can you stop Lenny's death?

During the Saint Denis robbery, both Hosea Matthews and Lenny Summers are killed, and there's no legitimate way to save them.