How do you un kick someone in Minecraft ps4?

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Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition (PlayStation 3)

How do I kick someone out of my world?

  1. How do I kick out someone who joins my world and blows up my creations? I've seen other people where it says "the host kicked you from the game" or something like that, but I don't know how to do it.

Top Voted Answer

  1. If you are host you click select button an click the person you want to kick from the sever.

    4   3


  1. Click slecet then click the person you want to kick then click "kick" button

    1   5

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We have a video tutorial for giving OP to a player:

Before Reading... Players that you OP will also be able to OP and De-OP other players. Only give OP to people you completely trust.

An Operator (OP) is someone who has access to commands that are used in managing the server.

Among the commands that an operator has access to are changing a player's game mode, updating server difficulty, giving items, kicking and banning players, whitelisting, and even stopping and restarting a server. You can view a list of operator commands here:

There are three ways to set a player as OP:

  • Through the server console
  • In-game command
  • Editing the ops.json file

The first two options are preferred as they're simpler and won't cause issues if executed incorrectly.

Giving OP through the Server Console

If you're using Bedrock Edition: You will need to also enable cheats on your server for this process to work properly.

Making a player an operator through your server's control panel is simple, requiring only a single command. This is the fastest method of opping players if your server doesn't have any operators yet. 

  1. Log in to your control panel and navigate to your server's Console.
  2. On the textbox of your console, type op <username>. Replace <username> with the Minecraft username you want to OP.
    How do you un kick someone in Minecraft ps4?
  3. Press enter on your keyboard or click the Send button. You will receive a confirmation message on your console indicating that the player has been made as an operator.

    If the username of the player you're trying to OP has a space in their name, you will have to surround their username with quotes, like so: op "Minecraft Fan123"

Giving OP In-Game

Opping a player in-game is more convenient, but requires you to already be opped. If you are not a server operator, you will need to op yourself through the console first.

  1. Type in the command /op <username> in-game, replacing <username> with the Minecraft player you intend to op.
    How do you un kick someone in Minecraft ps4?
  2. Press enter on your keyboard. You will receive a confirmation message indicating that the player has now been made as an operator. 
    How do you un kick someone in Minecraft ps4?

Removing a Player as OP:

Removing players' operator roles is similar to opping them and can also be done through your console or in-game commands:

If you require any further assistance, please contact our support at:

Can kicked players join back Minecraft?

When using /kick on a player on a bedrock Multi player world, the player gets essentially banned and cannot join back.

What happens if you kick a player in Minecraft?

You can use the /kick command to forcibly disconnect a player from a multiplayer world in Minecraft and provide an optional reason.

What happens if you get kicked from a Minecraft world?

Banned players are not allowed to play on servers, join Realms, host or join multiplayer games, or use the marketplace. They are also not allowed to access Minecraft Earth. Xbox players will no longer have access to their worlds.