How far is 8km in minutes

How far is 8km in minutes

Wiki User

∙ 11y ago

Best Answer

How far is 8km in minutes

It depends on the speed at which the car is being driven - at average speeds of

40 km per hour 12 minutes

50 km per hour 9.6 minutes

60 km per hour 8 minutes

80 km per hour 6 minutes

etc etc.

How far is 8km in minutes

Wiki User

∙ 11y ago

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How far is 8km in minutes

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How far is 8km in minutes

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How far is 8km in minutes

Use this page to find out how long it will take to drive 8 kilometers (km). Before we continue, note that the time it takes to drive 8 km depends on how many kilometers per hour (km/h) you are driving.

Therefore, please enter how fast (km/h) you will be driving and then press "Time" to see how long it will take you to drive 8 km.

The answer will show you how many total hours and minutes it will take you to drive 8 km based on your speed. The answer will not show seconds, and the minutes are rounded if necessary.

The formulas to calculate the total hours and minutes it takes to drive 8 km is as follows:

Floor(8 ÷ kmh) = Hours

((8 ÷ kmh) - Hours) × 60 = Minutes

Time to Drive Calculator
Do you need to know how long it takes to drive a different distance? If so, please enter the distance below and press "Drive".

Online Calculators > Time Calculators > How Long Does it Take to Walk 8 KM

How Long Does it Take to Walk 8 KM? - It takes about 96 minutes to walk 8 km at a speed of 5 kph. The walking time calculator by km allows one to calculate how long does it take to walk a certain km based on an average kph.

How Long Does it Take to Walk 8 Kilometers

How long does it take?

How long does it take to walk a km based on different kph.

8 km 1 kph 480 minutes
8 km 1.5 kph 320 minutes
8 km 2 kph 240 minutes
8 km 2.5 kph 192 minutes
8 km 3 kph 160 minutes
8 km 3.5 kph 137.14285714286 minutes
8 km 4 kph 120 minutes
8 km 4.5 kph 106.66666666667 minutes
8 km 5 kph 96 minutes
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How long does a 8km walk take?

Ten thousand steps equates to about eight kilometres, or an hour and 40 minutes walking, depending on your stride length and walking speed.

How many minutes drive is 1 km?

Answer provided by To be exact, 1 kilometer is equal to about one sixth of a mile. That means at a speed limit of 65 mph, your friend could drive 1 km in 34 seconds. But with his speed limits set in kilometers per hour (kph), a 65 kph limit means that 1 km will take him 55 seconds to drive.

What is 10 kilometers in minutes?

Kilometer/hour to Kilometer/minute Conversion Table.

How far in miles is 8 km?

Kilometers to Miles table.