How far is Mexico City from Cancun by bus?

How to get from Mexico City to Cancún

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There are 8 ways to get from Mexico City to Cancún by plane, bus, subway, helicopter or car

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner.

Bus, Air taxi

  1. Take the bus from Mexico City to Villahermosa
  2. Take the bus from Villahermosa to Palenque
  3. Take the Air taxi from Palenque Airport to Cancún International Airport


  1. Take the bus from Mexico City to Cancun


  1. Drive from Mexico City to Cancún

Mexico City (MEX) to Cancun (CUN) flights

286 Weekly Planes

2h 24m Average Duration

$60 Cheapest Price

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Questions & Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Mexico City to Cancún?

The cheapest way to get from Mexico City to Cancún is to fly which costs $85 - $270 and takes 4h 1m.

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Which way is quickest from Mexico City to Cancún?

The quickest way to get from Mexico City to Cancún is to fly which costs $85 - $270 and takes 4h 1m.

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Is there a direct bus between Mexico City and Cancún?

No, there is no direct bus from Mexico City to Cancún. However, there are services departing from Bellas Artes and arriving at Cancun via Mexico City. The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 28h 27m.

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How far is it from Mexico City to Cancún?

The distance between Mexico City and Cancún is 1295 km. The road distance is 1606.6 km.

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How do I travel from Mexico City to Cancún without a car?

The best way to get from Mexico City to Cancún without a car is to bus and Air taxi which takes 17h 10m and costs $5,850 - $5,880.

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How long does it take to get from Mexico City to Cancún?

It takes approximately 4h 1m to get from Mexico City to Cancún, including transfers.

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Where do I catch the Mexico City to Cancún bus from?

Mexico City to Cancún bus services, operated by ADO, depart from Mexico City station.

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Bus or fly from Mexico City to Cancún?

The best way to get from Mexico City to Cancún is to fly which takes 4h 1m and costs $85 - $270. Alternatively, you can bus, which costs $130 - $250 and takes 28h 27m.

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How long is the flight from Mexico City to Cancún?

The quickest flight from Mexico City Airport to Cancun Airport is the direct flight which takes 2h 15m.

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Where does the Mexico City to Cancún bus arrive?

Mexico City to Cancún bus services, operated by ADO, arrive at Cancun station.

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What companies run services between Mexico City, Mexico and Cancún, Mexico?

Turkish Airlines, Viva Aerobus and two other airlines fly from Mexico City to Cancún every 30 minutes. Alternatively, ADO operates a bus from Mexico City to Cancun every 4 hours. Tickets cost $130 - $250 and the journey takes 27h 10m.

How far is Mexico City from Cancun by bus?

Volaris Ave. Duration2h 21mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$65 - $330Ave. Duration2h 15mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$55 - $310Ave. Duration2h 7mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$75 - $550Ave. Duration2h 18mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$45 - $350 Ave. Duration2h 15mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$120 - $550

How far is Mexico City from Cancun by bus?


Websiteaeromexico.comAve. Duration2h 34mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$120 - $450Ave. Duration2h 16mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$160 - $500

How far is Mexico City from Cancun by bus?

Viva Aerobus

Websitevivaaerobus.comAve. Duration2h 15m WhenEvery dayEstimated price$60 - $310Ave. Duration2h 25mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$50 - $290Ave. Duration5h 25mWhenMonday, Wednesday, Friday and SaturdayEstimated price$50 - $290Ave. Duration2h 10mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$100 - $650 Ave. Duration2h 15mWhenEvery dayEstimated price$23 - $190

How far is Mexico City from Cancun by bus?

Turkish Airlines

How far is Mexico City from Cancun by bus?

Sistema de Transporte Colectivo Metro

How far is Mexico City from Cancun by bus?

Autotransportes San Pedro Santa Clara

How far is Mexico City from Cancun by bus?

Estrella Roja

How far is Mexico City from Cancun by bus?

Ecobus Express

How far is Mexico City from Cancun by bus?

Ómnibus Cristóbal Colón (OCC)

How far is Mexico City from Cancun by bus?


Autobuses de Oriente (ADO) is one of Mexico’s largest bus companies, mainly operating south of Mexico City and into the Yucatan Peninsula. Choose from three bus classes: ADO (first class), ADO GL (luxury class) and ADO Platino (platinum class and the most expensive). All buses are comfortable, with reclining seats, blackout curtains, air conditioning and a toilet; ADO Platino offers additional amenities such as extra legroom, onboard Wi-Fi and individual screens.

Phone+52 555 784 Duration27h 10mFrequencyEvery 4 hoursEstimated price$130 - $250Schedules$130 - $190ADO GL$150 - $250

How far is Mexico City from Cancun by bus?

Holbox Collection

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More Questions & Answers

Can I drive from Mexico City to Cancún?

Yes, the driving distance between Mexico City to Cancún is 1607 km. It takes approximately 19h 21m to drive from Mexico City to Cancún.

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Which airlines fly from Mexico City Airport to Cancun Airport?

Turkish Airlines, Viva Aerobus, Volaris and Aeroméxico offer flights from Mexico City Airport to Cancun Airport.

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Where can I stay near Cancún?

There are 1571+ hotels available in Cancún. Prices start at $150 AUD per night.

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How do I get to Mexico City (MEX) Airport from Mexico City?

The best way to get from Mexico City to Mexico City Airport is to line 4 bus which takes 0 min and costs $1 - $3.

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Where to next?

Trips from Mexico City

Trips to Cancún

How long is the bus ride from Cancún to Mexico City?

The average travel time between Cancún and Mexico City is around 1d 5h, although the fastest bus will take about 1d 2h. This is the time it takes to travel the 806 miles that separates the two cities.

Can you take a bus from Cancún to Mexico City?

No, there is no direct bus from Cancún to Mexico City. However, there are services departing from Cancun and arriving at Bellas Artes via Central del Norte. The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 27h 39m.

Can you take a train from Mexico City to Cancún?

You can get from Mexico City to Cancún by train, bus or flight.

How far is Cancún from Mexico City by plane?

Nonstop flights from Mexico City generally make it to Cancun in 2h 15m. The flying distance between the two cities is 798 miles.