How far is nebraska from missouri

Distance from Missouri to Nebraska is 795 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 494 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Missouri and Nebraska is 795 km= 494 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Missouri to Nebraska, It takes 0.88 hours to arrive.

The distance from Nebraska (NE) to Missouri (MO) is:

468 miles / 753 km driving368 miles / 592 km flying

More trip calculations

Distance from Nebraska to Missouri

The total driving distance from Nebraska to Missouri is 468 miles or 753 kilometers.

The total straight line flight distance from Nebraska to Missouri is 368 miles.

This is equivalent to 592 kilometers or 320 nautical miles.

Your trip begins in the state of Nebraska. It ends in the state of Missouri.

Your flight direction from Nebraska to Missouri is Southeast (118 degrees from North).

The distance calculator helps you figure out how far it is to get from Nebraska to Missouri. It does this by computing the straight line flying distance ("as the crow flies") and the driving distance if the route is drivable. It uses all this data to compute the total travel mileage.

Distance calculator

Travelmath helps you find distances based on actual road trip directions, or the straight line flight distance. You can get the distance between cities, airports, states, countries, or zip codes to figure out the best route to travel to your destination. Compare the results to the straight line distance to determine whether it's better to drive or fly. The database uses the latitude and longitude of each location to calculate distance using the great circle distance formula. The calculation is done using the Vincenty algorithm and the WGS84 ellipsoid model of the Earth, which is the same one used by most GPS receivers. This gives you the flying distance "as the crow flies." Find your flight distances quickly to estimate the number of frequent flyer miles you'll accumulate. Or ask how far is it between cities to solve your homework problems. You can lookup U.S. cities, or expand your search to get the world distance for international trips. You can also print out pages with a travel map.

468 miles / 753 km

Map of driving directions from Missouri to Nebraska

View a map with driving directions using your preferred map provider: Google Maps, Bing Maps, or MapQuest.

More trip calculations

Driving distance from Missouri to Nebraska

The total driving distance from Missouri to Nebraska is 468 miles or 753 kilometers.

Your trip begins in the state of Missouri. It ends in the state of Nebraska.

If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Missouri to Nebraska so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.

You can also calculate the cost of driving from Missouri to Nebraska based on current local fuel prices and an estimate of your car's best gas mileage.

If you're meeting a friend, you might be interested in finding the city that is halfway between Missouri and Nebraska.

Planning to fly a plane instead? You might be more interested in calculating the straight line distance to fly from Missouri to Nebraska.

Driving distance calculator

Travelmath helps you find driving distances based on actual directions for your road trip. You can get the distance between cities, airports, states, countries, or zip codes to figure out the best route to travel to your destination. Combine this information with the fuel cost tool to find out how much it will cost you to drive the distance, or compare the results to the straight line distance to determine whether it's better to drive or fly. You can print out pages with a travel map.

distance from Missouri to Nebraska = 0 miles

Missouri and Nebraska actually share a border on the MO-NE state line, so technically the distance from Missouri to Nebraska is zero. You can search for all of the towns on the border of Missouri and Nebraska.

distance from center of Missouri to Nebraska state line = 195 miles

We can measure the straight line distance from the middle of Missouri to the state line.

distance to center of Nebraska = 368 miles

The distance by car is 468 miles or 753 km.  Get driving directions from Missouri to Nebraska.

 Nebraska (NE)

How far is Nebraska from me?

Is Missouri close to Nebraska?

Nebraska borders South Dakota to the north, Kansas to the south, Colorado to the southwest, and Wyoming to the west, the Missouri River creates the border with Iowa and Missouri in the east.

How far is Nebraska from Missouri by plane?

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Missouri and Nebraska is 795 km= 494 miles. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Missouri to Nebraska, It takes 0.88 hours to arrive.

How far is Omaha Nebraska from the Missouri state line?

The distance between Omaha and Missouri is 250 miles. The road distance is 184.6 miles.

How long is Kansas to Missouri?

The distance between Kansas and Missouri is 329 miles. The road distance is 199.7 miles.