How far is Sacramento to Chico

The distance by car is 145 km.  Follow the Sacramento to Chico driving route along CA-70 N.  Get driving directions from Sacramento to Chico.

 flight distance = 81 miles

The straight line distance between Sacramento and Chico is 131 kilometers.

 Travel time from Sacramento, CA to Chico, CA

 How long does it take to drive?

 How long does it take to fly?

This is estimated based on the Sacramento to Chico distance by plane of 81 miles.

 Sacramento, California

What's the distance to Sacramento, CA from where I am now?

 Chico, California

How far is Chico, CA from me?

Chico to Sacramento by bus

How long does a bus trip from Chico to Sacramento take? The distance between Chico and Sacramento is 5.4 km. Traveling by bus is a good solution for those who travel to Sacramento as it is set only 3 miles away from Chico. Cheapest way by bus end at the station San Jose.

Trains from Chico to Sacramento

How long does it take to travel from Chico to Sacramento by train? It takes approximately 12 mins to get from Chico to Sacramento. How far is it from Chico to Sacramento? The distance from Chico to Sacramento is approximately 7.8 mi. What is the price of a train ticket from Chico to Sacramento? Train ticket prices from Chico to Sacramento can start from $3.85. Which train companies operate between Chico and Sacramento? To get the train from Chico to Sacramento, you can use one of these train companies: Bay Area Rapid Transit. To save up check these budget agencies: Amtrak. How many stops are there on the train from Chico to Sacramento? There are 3 stops between Chico and Sacramento.

Sacramento to Chico by bus

How long does a bus trip from Sacramento to Chico take? The distance between Sacramento and Chico is 5.4 km. Choose a convenient bus route to get to Chico, which is 3 miles from Sacramento, in the fastest way. Cheapest way by bus end at the station San Jose.

Trains from Sacramento to Chico

How long does it take to travel from Sacramento to Chico by train? It takes approximately 12 mins to get from Sacramento to Chico. How far is it from Sacramento to Chico? It is 7.8 mi from Sacramento to Chico. How much does it cost to get to Chico from Sacramento by train? $3.85 Is the average price of a train ticket from Sacramento to Chico. Which train companies operate between Sacramento and Chico? To get the train from Sacramento to Chico, you can use one of these train companies: Bay Area Rapid Transit. To save up check these budget agencies: Amtrak. How many train stops from Sacramento to Chico? There are 3 stops between Sacramento and Chico.

The distance from Sacramento to Chico is 138 kilometers by road including 31 kilometers on motorways. Road takes approximately 1 hour and 32 minutes and goes through Yuba City, Live Oak, Gridley, Sullivan, Lomo, Sunset and Fagan.

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How far is Sacramento to Chico
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Compare this route in other services:

PointDistanceFuelSacramento0 km0.0 LYuba City68 km5.2 LSullivan73 km5.7 LLomo75 km6.0 LLive Oak79 km6.1 LFagan87 km6.8 LGridley92 km7.2 LShippee112 km8.6 LChico138 km10.5 L

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to drive from Sacramento to Chico?

Fuel cost: 18 AUD

This fuel cost is calculated as: (Route length 138 km / 100 km) * (Fuel consumption 8 L/100 km) * (Fuel price 1.63 AUD / L)

You can adjust fuel consumption and fuel price here.

How far is Sacramento to Chico by land?

The distance between Sacramento and Chico is 138 km by road including 31 km on motorways.

Precise satellite coordinates of highways were used for this calculation. The start and finish points are the centers of Sacramento and Chico respectively.

How far is Sacramento to Chico by plane?

The shortest distance (air line, as the crow flies) between Sacramento and Chico is 131 km.

This distance is calculated using the Haversine formula as a great-circle distance between two points on the surface of a sphere. The start and finish points are the centers of Sacramento and Chico respectively. Actual distance between airports may be different.

How many hours is Sacramento from Chico by plane?

Boeing 737 airliner needs 9 min to cover the distance of 131 km at a cruising speed of 800 km/h.

Small plane "Cessna 172" needs 35 min to flight this distance at average speed of 220 km/h.

This time is approximate and do not take into account takeoff and landing times, airport location and other real world factors.

How long is a helicopter ride from Sacramento to Chico?

Fast helicopter "Eurocopter AS350" or "Hughes OH-6 Cayuse" need 32 min to cover the distance of 131 km at a cruising speed of 240 km/h.

Popular "Robinson R44" needs 37 min to flight this distance at average speed of 210 km/h.

This time is approximate and do not take into account takeoff and landing times, aerodrome location and other real world factors.

What city is halfway between Sacramento and Chico?

The halfway point between Sacramento and Chico is Yuba City. It is located about 1 km from the exact midpoint by road.

The distance from Yuba City to Sacramento is 68 km and driving will take about 43 min. The road between Yuba City and Chico has length 70 km and will take approximately 49 min.

What airport do you fly into for Chico CA?

Chico Regional Airport - City of Chico.

What is halfway between Chico and Sacramento?

Halfway between Chico, CA and Sacramento, CA The town that marks the exact halfway point is actually Mello, California. The closest zip code to the midpoint is 95993. The exact latitude and longitude coordinates are 39° 11' 36" N and 121° 35' 41" W.

What is Chico best known for?

The city of Chico is known as a bicycling community and hosts the Wildflower Century 100-mile bike race each April. Chico is also home to a world music festival, concert series, parks, and museums.

Is there an airport shuttle from Chico to Sacramento Airport?

Private Airport Shuttle - there are several private airport shuttles with service between Sacramento Airport and Chico. Reservations are required and there is often a pre-determined schedule for pickup and drop off. Discounts are sometimes available for groups of students traveling together.